She had to get a bigger pet to show up the cat on the Kuge Delegate's palm but that pig is a chonker. Had to be carried.
sorry to be a wiseass but the depicted Musk-Ox isn´t biological anywhere close to a cow it is related to the Goats. You could´ve used a Yak, would´ve been better ;)
They said in the Livestream that they consider Aristeia! a pretty complete game now they've hit 32 characters. There will be skins and AGL support continuing, and maybe new arenas IIRC
Aristeia not getting anymore expansions is a surprise, does it mean it's winding down? New skins which are metal are excellent though :) ARIADNA vs NOMADS Op Crimson Stone is great news! Evaders? Naw, that's Doom Guy. 1st Reg Paras look ace! Volkolak still looks like a mashup of other Ariadna designs. Zenit-7 with the pathetic "anime flimsy legs" illustration, ugh. Chaksa Longarms are pure Charcharodon level badassery, hope the profiles become a bit better, especially for Vanilla Tohaa. Agent Dukash has a great illustration and then the mini seems "too thick" in some places, especially the horns, throwing the design off. Glad to see Haqq get another badass mini, Mukhtar is great. And TACTICAL PYLONS! :v New Shona seems to have the same sword issue as the recent CA pack dude - it looks like a huge piece of rebar. The AC Tankhunter being female and direct call back to the old sculpt with the insane weapon being aimed - EXCELLENT! :D Varangian art looks promising, can't wait to see a render.