Now that they're doing these "Mash-up" armies, it'd be neat to do a PanO/Yu Jing "Svalarheima Combined Force" or something like that for when the CA finally attacks. EDIT: And a Fireteam: Core of 1-2 Hospitalers and the rest Shaolin.
Heh, I wonder who will cry loudest about losing a sectorial; Yu Jing or Pan-O. Sorry, PanOs, no Jotum sectorial for you.
This would be nice. New NA2 armies are closely aligned with existing factions, like Haqq, Nomads and YJ. There's no "PanO PMC" for now, and I don't know if it'll ever show up. Loaned ALEPH units fill the void a bit, though. That would be unfortunate, but by then I expect CB to come up with new ways to mix things up. For example shared unit pool; AVA 2 for TAGs, and you can choose between Jotum, Guijia and whatever light TAGs might show up.
As an aside, I'm not entirely sure that such an Enemy of a Greater Enemy is Forcing Us to be Friends sectorial would compromise White Banner for Yu Jing - it sure would compromise a Pan-O Svalarheima, because that's a planetary sectorial while WB is an organisation sectorial (i.e. an army form that exists on several planets). So maybe revise that to "wonder how much Pan-O would cry about losing Svalarheima as a sectorial?" and leave YJ out of that question.
I can't speak for other players, but I woldn't lose sleep over it. It's not like we need to have all the planetary forces. We need to have a fun way to play with our models, and if joined army would work better than "pure" PanO sectorial, then I'm all for it. On the other hand there are people that find even the limited presence of Aleph troops in SAA and NCA a blow to faction's purity, so let's take a wild guess how they would react...
Oh I love playing MO, at least the half of MO that isn't utterly redundant. It's the one trick pony I'm really good at, aside from my 0 losses with Aleph. Actually I'm quite fond of the internal balance for most Sectorials. There are standouts for overall great diversity like SAA, ISS, Onyx or Tohaa, but overall most Sectorials can execute at least 2 proper list concepts. There are overly bland choices as a result of lacking internal competition (Shasvastii, MO, old JSA &NCA) and a few below average Sectorials (USA and MRRF). I've pretty much considered to play everything except the last 2 at some point. Old JSA was fun because of the tools it had, but had limited competetive options. Since I just started playing YJ and JSA last year I'm very happy about the revamp. The army list for JSA looks amazing (linked MA5 man!). CC is already very useful (on the right troops) glad to get an army that can use it across a dozen Link options.
I understand ;) I was refering to a fact that 2 main "game styles" of MO are either 5 man HI link or TO spam (up to absurd/Shasvastii level ;P). It's funny that MO can actually give a courtesy list which is 100% a lie (there is no "true" information presented).
Most of my MO lists had OS Core as a starting point. I don't get the hate they get, it's a perfectly viable fireteam, especially since the introduction of the HRL.
According to basic Math, they're worse than Zanshi and the HRL is literally the only good linkable Profile among a bunch of overcosted Fusiliers. That would be excusable if you'd want to run a solo Rambo in MO, but you get Core Link HI for nine points over OS.... oh and Spec Sergeants are plain awesome. If they could link with a amazing Spec Op (pretty much anyone not PanO) they'd be a viable Option (yadda yadda too much bloat, Konstantinos isn't great). OS Links are worse profiles than Bolts. Seraph/Crusader + HI "Haris" is also pretty good. AD Spifire/HMG is pretty much the only competition for what the Hospitaler HMG does.
Yeah, I must return to this style. It's tricky but vialable (although it had bitten my posterior big time during last summer in Spain). My only problem is such list usually have problems with "linked ML, MSR" ;/
How do you even basic math your way into that conclusion? I mean, Religious isn't something you just "basic math."
I always kind of wondered about this. I could easily see Chinese players (not unjustifiably) being kind of uncomfortable with it, especially when CB made their logo a rising sun.
@Teslarod, I think this discussion needs a separate thread. This one is for discussing JSA split, not PanO balance, but as usual we've made it all about us :P
If PanO lost NCA, you would hear a lot of whining, and quite justifiably so. MO and ACA don't contribute as much to the vanilla lists, most of the really nice stuff is from Varuna and Sval. I think PanO loses less by losing MO than YJ does by losing JSA, but neither are unpatchable holes.