While I will agree the old panzerfausts were nice and neat, I think it boiled down to not been identifiable on the table
I mean, across every Teuton and Magister profile, the only ones to not have the mini-faust were the spitfire teuton (who doesn't have a panzerfaust) and the missile launcher magister (who doesn't have a panzerfaust); both lack the armor piece and shoulder launcher. So, every model with a panzerfaust had one modeled on them, and the ones that didn't, didn't. That's pretty identifiable, IMO. I'm climbing off my soapbox now; I'm (tentatively) excited for the new (new (new)) MO, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
So can we expect the tiny Hacking visors ruining the clean shape of every second helmet in the game to go the way of the dodo, too? They're even smaller than the shoulder blocks and half as distinct.
Since we're complaining about things, I just want to say I don't really like the new Yaogat sculpts, and I really don't like the Panzerfaust underslung on the combi rifle. :-)
Is it the first time that new Line Troop is completely unavailable to Vanilla? At least that's how the note comes across to me.
Also, Carlos says in the vid (twice) that the cheapest one of them is 12 pts, while the profile says 11... >_>
Can they make that fire teams page any more convoluted? Jeez! So much for making rules simpler. They just want to say FU to the Yan Huo with that Sepu and the Boyg! Stealth and Veteran on top of BTS9. WTF CB?
Actually I want to take back part of what I said. The Boyg isn't that much better than the Yan Huo. The only part that irks me is that Boyg has BTS 6, which makes the YJ Bioimmunity look dumb. And YH still looks cooler!
Where did the Magister Knights go? Did I miss a comment on this? And what does Dart do in here? Tik is already questionable, but she does not fit a all. Did she not go to Aleph after Aristeia? Design wise : The minis do look pretty good, except Montesa Helmet, which just looks like a helmet on a helmet same goes for the visor on Santiago Knight, but that's an old story I especially like the female crosiers and the good old commander pose, sad he is only LI , HI would fit MO better As there will be new Teutonic Knights, will there also be new Order Seargents with new Auxbots and where is my Tinbot for the Santiago Hacker
Magisters are now all teutons. Dart has been there since N3. She used to chill in a monastery in Paradiso until the EC caught her there, so she started hunting with the Orders. Does anybody have the N4 Magisters pre-merge profile?
The Knight Commander must be wearing some holo padding to make himself look good. The model does not look LI at all!
I still wonder why a clumpsy guy like this half-TAG has stealth. Yes you can say Pan O high tech build in technics, that confuse enemy detection, maybe this is the reason fluffwise, why they have to make the KotHS so big. Take a look at the KoJ the stats are almost better (the platform is more mobile) uhhh and it has stealth too... it will just make no sense, no matter from wich side you look. The could throw away the holo and put at least ARM 6 on the big guy - something that say "look here" this is only possible on a S5 chassis. Oh the weapon is TAG size, but still not a multi.
To be fair, the choir boys kinda look like MI as well, must say I was expecting GruntsWithCombis and not Fusiliers who've taken evening self defense classes.