Forward observer and reset

Discussion in '[Archived]: N4 Rules' started by Olkioum, Mar 6, 2021.

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  1. Olkioum

    Olkioum New Member

    Jan 28, 2021
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    The situation i would like to clear is :
    An active trooper uses its Forward Observer skill against an enemy trooper.
    In its descrition, FO is a form of Ballistic Attack. What's disturbing me is that most of the time, actions and resolutions are quite "realistic", but dodging someone pointing at me to not be pointed out seems very strange... So my questions are:

    1) Does it really works like a ballistic attack : enemy can dodge it with a FtF roll and if he succeeds he is not targeted?

    2) Reset : is a reset against FO a FtF roll or a normal roll? I guess it is a FtF as it affects the result of the attacker trooper actions but reset rule says "Allows the user to make a Face to Face Roll to evade all enemy Hacking Programs or other Comms Attacks during an Order or ARO, regardless of the Burst (B) value." And FO is not described as a Comm Attack nor a Hacking Program.

    3) Is the -3 MOD to the reset due to the Targeted state applied to the reset roll? Does it works like a dodge i mean the reset cancels all inferior dices inferior to it?

    FO is not a hacking attack nor a Comm Attack but the requirements to declare it are :
    In the Reactive Turn, they have a valid ARO, or are targeted by a Hacking Program or other Comms Attack.
    So if the reactive trooper have LoF to the active he still can declare reset.
  2. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    No, you can't reset to f2f the FO. You can dodge it. Basically they're shooting you with a beam which, if it hits you, puts you in the Targeted state.

    If you get Targeted, then in subsequent orders you can try to reset to remove the state.
    inane.imp and Olkioum like this.
  3. Olkioum

    Olkioum New Member

    Jan 28, 2021
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    Understood, and so even if the reactive trooper is able to declare Reset (as it has a valid ARO) this Reset during this order won't affect the Targeted state applied by the FO of this same order?
  4. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    That's right! The Effects of all successful skills are resolved simultaneously. So the reset could cancel states that you already had (for example if you'd been immobilized by a hacker previously), but it can't cancel the Targeted state that's being applied simultaneously.

    There are some weird interactions with simultaneous effects that haven't been definitively resolved, but this one isn't controversial as far as I know.
    chromedog likes this.
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