So March sees MO week, with an Action Pack and presumed shakeups for Joan and Friends. Assuming we're looking at a Starmada style medium box to replace the geriatric MO starter my wild and inaccurate guesses for contents are: Montesa on bike (been waiting for this one) 3 x Order Sarge link fillers, instinct says 3 combi spods, but I could see a Spitfire or Sniper sneaking in, or maybe something new like a Feueueuerbach? Big Boi S5 Sepulchre that has been teased since before N4 Trinirinitarian, possibly sniper? Teutagister/Mageuton Knight, amalgamated "heavy warband" CC focused Knight Santiago Knight, the old sculpts have been OOP for a while, I'd guess linkable version in the box and AD version in a later blister so Starmada can get one without the big box Black Fryer sniper, hopefully now linkable. That brings us to 9 models, same as the Starmada pack, with the definite possibility we see something nobody expects (the Spanish Inquisition?). They do seem to be more focused on the Crusades than Arthurian myth so I doubt we'll see any more recreations, though I could go for a Green/Black Knight with NWI, TI, and Bioimmunity
A Montesa could be neat, but I'm mostly hoping for some space-guy Santiago's that look unique to fit into the Space War theme of Starmada and Kosmoflot.
Can I try too? NEW Character (maybe a Teuton?) Montesa bike 3 NEW basic troopers Santiago Sepulcher S5 2 Trinitarian Bonus model: Spec Op
So sad. 2 MP-quotes and I can only like your post once. Bonus = SpecOp is the one I would bet money on. 3 Sergeants look like an easy bet as well. And for the other models: There are so many yet unreleased (after retheme) or very old models that are sure to get a new model in or shortly after the box that I don't expect to see anything new except for maybe a character. When I look to my other faction of religious nutcases I am waiting for Nadhirs, Shujaes, Shakush TAGs and the character Yara to be released. All those were known since N4 started. I see the possibility of CB holding back on some new MO units because they need the context of the general overhaul of the faction but I would be surprised.
Why would anyone want new characters or improved existing units when we can have the best of the two worlds with a NEW JOAN SCULPT?
My guesses, assuming Starmada style (about 9 models & 250pts 3SWC): Sepulchre is on Last Chance on the CB store, so for sure one will be there. (Lt 53pts) Order Sgt Spitfire on Last Chance (19pts) Order Sgt Sniper (starter MO on Last Chance) (21pts) I hope not, but I fear... Sgt Paramedic :( (15pts) Montesa on Bike (coherent with Starmada lineup, and a needed model) (31pts Magister LSG (22pts) Teuton Combi (26pts) x2 It would depend on the Sepulchre getting fully reworked there. It's possible that the 9th model would be the Trinitarian SMG for 23pts
Can't wait to see the new sculpts Pls santiago hacker so I won't have to make a crappy conversion with a bolt backpack If we get a S5 Sepulcher means we won't get the Montesa in the starter bc 2 biggies in the same box.... but I can live with that :D This means the two combi old ones are demoted to Magisters to bring the Schmerzenzug to the table bc AVA 3.
Rumour is that magisters are going away (the box is already OOP), possibly being Tanko'd/KoJ'd or merged with Teutons.
Readily identifiable on the action pack are the big boi Sepulchre, Santiago, and Spitfire KoJ Possibly an Infirmarer too.
Though it's a labelled a preorder pack, wondering if that means a different sculpt is coming later or that it's an early access like the Advance packs.
From what I see, I'm betting on, from left to right: Infirmarer, Santiago (Spitfire if the illustration has the same loadout as the mini in the box), Trinitarian BSG, KoJ Spitfire, KoTHS and a new Magister or Order Sergeant.
So the most and the least technologically advanced factions use Harley design bikes, while everyone else has rice burners?