Tx weird weather?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic English' started by wuji, Feb 19, 2021.

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  1. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Anyone got any clue about some of theories about the weather in TX. No I'm not being sarcastic. For a year now the world has gone through hell and to be perfectly Frank, I think there's enough info out there that disproves much of the msm narrative.
  2. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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  3. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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  4. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    The idea of "controlling" one of the most chaotic systems we know of ... just smacks of so much hubris. Yes, I know of Michio Kaku's work. It's still so much pipe dreaming.
    In order to control something, you need to be able to track ALL of the variables, and to account for the unseen ones. It's not something we're going to be able to do until we get our collective sh*t together and dump the petty tribalistic bullsh*t that separates us under the illusion of "national" and "cultural" boundaries.
    Clem, Xeurian, Cthulhu363 and 2 others like this.
  5. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Well interesting thing about civilian technology is it's usually 20 or more years behind the military and well we usually dont know because it's classified...

    I do know Kaku spoke of controlling the weather using lasers and I know that's been a goal of all militaries and then Reagan made the StarWars program. Donf know the extent of its capabilities. But considering there are some official declassified documents that reveal the U.S. government lied to get in Vietnam and continued to lie leading the death of over a million people, well, jokes about trust and throwing etc etc...
  6. Koin-Koin

    Koin-Koin Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    There's some obvious suspects and their names are well known : Berilia, Tubul, Great T'Phon, Jerakeen and Great A’Tuin.
    That being said, there nothing to be added.
    chromedog and colbrook like this.
  7. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Climate scientists have been warning about climate change for decades now and governments have been doing basically jack all to combat it, and the situation for residents has been mostly exacerbated by Texas and ERCOT's refusal to improve or interconnect their energy infrastructure. You can blame this quite squarely on simple greed rather than shadowy machinations or make believe tech.

    There was a review in 2011 that warned this was a possibility and the energy commission in Texas (3 toadies appointed directly by the governor) declined to do anything because it would cut into profits.
    chromedog and bkromray like this.
  8. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    While I believe every state should have redundancies I have to disagree with you about climate change because historically, nobody knows a single damn thing but we have seen these tactics used by unsavory people and we have seen the media propagate stuff like this before. From the early 50s up to at least the 70s media outlets were constantly trying to scare people with the next "ice age" constantly saying we're all gonna freeze it death. For the last 20 years they've been saying global warming is the problem and we're all gonna die from flooded oceans. Well, if over 90% of the media is controlled by a literal handful of people. Why should we trust them... especially if we know that kind of power corrupts.
  9. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    You what :D

    Take the tin foil hat off, it's showing.
    chromedog, Mahtamori and colbrook like this.
  10. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Go and look for yourself. You can talk trash all you want but if I'm the one between us who is telling truth, and you refuse to look into it on your own and just deny it, then you're the one making foolish mistakes. So I hope you do respond again, I'm not gonna bad mouth you so you won't be able to report some abuse. I want you to draw attention to the fact that you are out of touch with history and current events. Please open your mouth some more, the more that comes out, the more will have to go back in.
  11. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Umm, climate change doesn't come from the media, it's from the scientific community.

    Seriously, I'm talking peer reviewed papers by researchers at independent universities in addition to just looking outside. 2020 was the most active hurricane season in the Atlantic and Caribbean basin on record, that's directly attributable to warmer seas and more disrupted Meteorological conditions.

    Before you come out with tinfoil "BuT tHe SciEntISts jUst wAnt gRanT mOnEy" no one gets into climate science to be rich, and the best way to make money is by being in the pocket of climate change denying groups like oil and fossil fuel companies.

    Remember, when anyone tells you not to believe the experts, they're conning you.
  12. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    In fact here ya go buddy, controlling the ionosphere with HAARP at about 25 seconds left in the video

    Oh look, a world renowned physicist describing how to control the weather without having to pump chemicals into the sky aaaaand he just so happens to name drop one of the wars we used this sort of weather control as a weapon.

    Please, say something about a tinfoil hat after I've presented these videos. Cause the more you deny it, the more you put that hat on yourself.
  13. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I thought you were a critical thinker. You've done alot of assuming right there. Where did I say the media is making the science? I said they've been propagating doomsday narratives for at least 70 years. So when they say for 20 years or so the world is going to slip into an ice age and nothing happens, why should we believe the world is going to melt. Same scientific communities, same media outlets.

    I'll ask, are you implying they read all the data wrong for decades and now they've got it right? But if that's the case why would you trust them now? Why would you trust the media and the scientists there quoting if for decades they've either been arrogantly wrong or intentionally lying? Likewise if there is a mirrored track record with the government, why trust them now with a history of wrong doing or fucking up?

    These questions are important and need to be answered if this part of the conversation is gonna find any progress.
  14. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Got any peer reviewed scientific papers rather than a social media post and an interview on "MSM"?

    (also theoretical physicist <> meteorologist)
    #14 colbrook, Feb 20, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
    Cthulhu363 and chromedog like this.
  15. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    You're own words, believe the experts cause if you don't, you've been conned.

    So upon presentation of government hearings and experts who say something you don't agree with, then the work they're doing is questionable. Never mind if they're world renowned scientists or not.

    Let's use Anthony Fauci for example. In the position of telling the rest of the US what to do medically concerning the CV, has been recorded on multiple separate occasions that masks do and don't work and has been recorded describing that PCR tests are wholly inaccurate and prone to false positives and yet has supported there use as the gold standard for diagnosis.

    I suspect the truth here is that you are just as prone as the average person to belief biases and will reject evidence and authority that does not align with your previous beliefs. You want to believe that you're superior to others and that you're not susceptible to these faults.
  16. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Ugh, really.

    Fauci on PCR tests is a lot more nuanced than you've described, there's a good referenced article here:

    Secondly, the mask thing was right at the start of the Pandemic, and as evidence came to light Fauci, the CDC, the and WHO changed their advice in line with the evidence they had at the time

    Also, note that he admitted that he had changed his advice as new evidence comes to light, because that's how science works.

    So yeah, when climate scientists have been saying since the 80s that weather was going to become more extreme and unpredictable due to climate change, I'm going to come to the conclusion that the extreme and unpredicted weather we're having is due to climate change, not that an ionosphere monitoring facility is actually a weather control station.
  17. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Mentioning Fauci was an example, and just weeks ago Fauci suggested multiple masks so, NO, it wasnt only in the beginning that he flip flopped. And if you want to talk about the PCR test. Why not talk about the fact that covid hasnt been isolated for the PCR test, or talk about how Kary Mullis (the PCR inventor) repeatedly said it was not designed for the way they want to use it and described Fauci as an idiot. Yet we're gonna take the word of someone who repeatedly backtracks over the word of the guy who designed the damned thing. Again, I was using Fauci as an example of which I thought you knew more about him, I didn't think you'd actually go and defend the creep. But you didnt bring up that he later suggested to double and even triple mask. I'm assuming you just didnt know.

    And dont speak vaguely. I sure as hell didnt. Climate change is too broad a term and can describe a seemingly random particularly cold or warm winter... because "climate change" can swing either way which means both, and scientist wouldn't actually have to prove anything.

    What I said was very specific. From the 50s to at least the 70s, scientists and the media that supported their claims were saying we were approaching another ice age. That means every thing is getting colder. For the past 10-15 years at least, we've been hearing about global warming, meaning the world is getting hotter. I can't believe I have to be so specific with you but maybe you can't see the error in being vague or you do see it and you're trying not to appear like you have nothing to argue with. The point is if they said things are gonna get cold, and it didnt. It's either cause they dont know shit or they lied. We don't listen to idiots and liars. If they're saying the world is melting and we get a cold front. We don't listen to idiots and liars.

    Oh and that hearing, when they described all of what the air force had accomplished. They didnt only say monitoring. They said control the ionosphere. So you only saying they monitor it when that's not all that was stated in the hearing makes you one of two things.

    Your ego is not you. Disown it and adopt the truth so you can be right instead having arguments like these where you resort to being vague and only addressing part of the facts presented to you.

    I'm done talking about it with you. If you want to keep typing so you can have the last word, go ahead but anyone who has read this far and looked into everything presented here, either links or by name dropping will be able to draw their own conclusions. And since they wont be talking to either of us directly there's no chance of someone else's ego preventing them from adopting the objective truth as their own. I wish you luck on the battle field, on and off the table.
  18. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Considering I personally know a forensic scientist that's been detecting COVID using a PCR machine since March, you may need to check your sources there, or is he also in on the conspiracy and actually falsifying all the results?

    And yes, the scientists in the 50s and 70s predicting a new ice age were wrong, this is admitted by todays scientists, its almost like the advent of more accessible satellite imaging and advances in computing provided new evidence that lead to new theories!

    Fauci recommending double masks once evidence showed double masks were effective is, again, not flip flopping, but changing advice according to studies and evidence, which is essentially the core of science.
    #18 colbrook, Feb 20, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
    Xeurian, Solodice, Mahtamori and 2 others like this.
  19. bkromray

    bkromray Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
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    Making changes in light of new evidence is not flip flopping FFS.
    Flip flopping is condemning someone publicly for an action then voting to let them off the hook, just because some people can't handle being wrong so then dig their heads in the sand deeper is the silliest thing humans do. There is absolutely nothing wrong with changing your mind when presented with new evidence. In addition a scientific conspiracy is just so silly, do you have any idea how much other scientists love to prove each other wrong?
    Edit: The extreme weather in TX is the result of a weaker jet stream, with the winds no longer blowing East-West as strongly cold polar air is able to creep down further south resulting in much cooler winters in the Midwest and Southern US.
    #19 bkromray, Feb 21, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2021
  20. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    I'm going to trust my Oxford virologist friend who specializes in bats and the diseases they vector for. Not the tin foil silly man on an internet metal doll forum.
    chromedog likes this.
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