My first question is how is it that a model with counter intelligence in its name not have that ability? Why isn’t there more special skills like counter intelligence in ISS, considering that seems like they would be really good at? you would also think there would be more camo markers and impersonating models.
It's actually not a terrible pair of things to have from a conceptual level. It's more noticeable in effect on a unit like Patroclus though, the idea being you conceal where your 50+ point HI attack piece is at the start of the game with Holomask, then during the turns utilise holoprojector for actual movement and combat. Same for the Lu Duan. Less interesting for the Kanren though they don't get as much value out of concealing their presence in a list and they don't benefit from having holoechoes for combat purposes as much as a model like Pat does.
Unfortunately not having the skill that's in the name is normal. I'm guessing he meant a single profile that Impersonation instead of Holoprojector. I'd be cool with Holoprojector + Infiltration (+6). With a PH of 10, that's not to good or bad. There's also Parachutist.
I find kanrens amazing but i realise that in meta, they are not used at all. isnt the hacker one very nice ?
It's a mono CCW with the ability to get a marker state, so it's probably the most dangerous profile out of all of them.
ISS (and Vanilla, really, but ISS has it worse) doesn't really have ways to dress up the Kanren's holo in a meaningful way. At least, not without denying it its purpose in the mid field. Because of that, its functionality outside of clearing deployables is unreliable. A meta where you and your opponent know one another is going to utilize and react to a Kanren's holo very differently from one where players are going in blind. One issue I have with holoprojector shenanigans is that they rely on 'bad-faith' plays with your opponent. I like to approach game situations with the mindset of your opponent always being better than you, in that you should always assume that they are going to be able to make the best possible decision for any scenario you put forward, and never should assume their incompetence. To get the most out of holoprojector, however, you often need to plan on capitalizing on that (relative and situational) incompetence. Basically, as cool as I think holos are on a conceptual level, I feel they're probably most potent for scenarios where you shouldn't need them in the first place.
Ehh, I feel that applies to HoloMask, but Holoprojector has a lot more practical use. You'll generally be looking at a free surprise attack every turn, you can clear mines and perimeter weapons, and if the opponent delays you can get a free Move-Move to reposition.