After the changes nobody visited here. But i can say vanilla nomads is in good shape and cant see any deficiencies.
I keep hearing that vanilla nomads is very strong at the moment. I have played more sectorials than vanilla in N4 though. Corregidor are doing great with the addition of Jazz and change to Carlotta. I would love to see some better internal balance, particular on Wildcats and Reverend Moira. Evaders are so much better for same points as Wildcats that it's hard to ever find a use for them.
4 super air deploy units with so many options. Very easy to make all possible missions. Powerful midtable presence Best hackers and Best repeater range. Best mid table control with mines, camo, koalas, repeaters and many striking options. Best repeater coverage gives Best spotlight aro defence and vertigo zond in active turn. 2 Fast fatal attack piece. Puppets and chimera. Still msv + smoke tricks And many other stuff like counterinteligence, warbands, eclipse-normal smokes.
I can't wrap my head around Nomads this edition. Used to play 21 order lists with nothing but skirmishers and warbands though, barely even any hacking lol.
You sure you weren't just playing ariadna or haqq? I'm still coming to terms with running significantly less hackers, I used to run 4 -5 (2 KHD, 1 - 2 AHD, 1 HD/HD+) in N3, now its rare that I even pick up a second.
Nah, but the playstyle was inspired by a friend of mine who mained camo/WB spam Ariadna/Caladonia. It was like a crappier Ariadna with hacking/killer/pitchers and a really effective airdrop. Always felt really strong and held back more by the pilot than any particular weaknesses with the faction or list. I've been forcing hacking in most lists I play except Tohaa. Played for most of a decade without really even learning the hacker rules, but its so powerful now that it seems essential to have at least some hacking presenec.
Vanilla Nomads have been strong since at least N3. AFAIK in ITS terms vanilla nomads consistently have done pretty well pretty much every year. Wildcats getting their small buff going into N4 was really quite a shame when the Evaders showed up at the same time doing the "I'm you but stronger" meme. The Kitties do still have a bit of a buff against Ariadna and other Mimetism 3 heavy lists, but the Evaders are just that little bit more flexible. And in vanilla, the Wildcats see Grenzers and even Riot Grrls start competing into their niches.
Although the lieutenant issue has become more severe, due to the extinction of the Intruder lieutenant profile(which used to be one and only lieutenant w/ Camo), new units and profiles had led us into another golden age I think. Vostoks pioneered a novel way of combat vectors, which was done similar by Tsyklons, but better with nasty optical gears and big guns. They even maximizes the support from EVO, or brand new Remracers. Sergeant Kowalsky, needless to say, is the best multitool we've got since N4 IMO. Breaker, double ADHLs, D-charges since she's an engineer, hail down from the sky into the enemy dep. zone. It feels like a tactical nuke. Evaders and Sombras. I've not fielded them enough until now, but pseudo-Daofei and very cheap multitool-ish HIs? Jeez thank you so much CB! And major changes in Moderators. They're WIP 13 now, which is nice because several cheap hackers watching over the midfield through repeaters, have become quite menacing. And the SWC of their Lieutenant profile went down from 2 to 0. So whenever I need a cheap lieutenant and it seems rather not likely to suffer LoL, this is a nice choice.
Which is why im not really complaining, it is a massive weakness especially this edition, but a necessary one considering the amount of incredibly useful and powerful tools we picked up that need some form of balancing factor.
There are days when I feel bad about using Jazz. But then I remember that Mirage-5 exists, Tohaa get Eraser all over and Symbiomates are still there, etc. etc. That new KHD/Shock MMR Intruder profile is pure gold btw. Been an MVP in a few games already, and has my regular opponent paranoid about every camo marker now. So much utility for a single model, really feels like what Intruders were meant to do.
Really? between the KHD being virtually worthless and the SMR bouncing off of everything that actually matters and the inherent weakness of the Intruder this edition and the loss of ITS11's FD4. I wrote that profile off completely in favour of spending a few more points to pick up the hacker Sombra. Everyone has their broken shit, so don't feel too bad, compared to some of the other stuff out there Jazz is probably only somewhere at the top of middle of the pack when you compare her to some of the other dumb shit that has appeared this edition.
MSV2 is still gold in a faction with cheap Regular smokers. The SMMR doesn't bounce off medium or light targets, and if you're shooting through smoke you're probably going to either damage the target or force them to take cover. I also disagree that KHDs are "virtually worthless." They're fine against everything except opponents under -6 Tinbots or with BTS9. You just have to either go get your target, or hit them through your own repeater/pitcher/whatever. Don't attack through someone else's repeater. And when they're just a freebie on a profile that has MSV2 and a 24" range weapon so it doesn't have to get with ZoC of opposing hackers if it doesn't want to, it's great. I would pay that cost for an MSV2 camo 24" range unit with just Specialist Operative. True. Remembering N2 though, I don't really feel like N4 is too unbalanced. Still great fun, even when the overpowered stuff appears too often in some factions.
The only time I see light targets sticking their faces out to get tagged by something is when they are in a fireteam, at which point the smoke means nothing, I've found with similar units that while they may win the F2F roll they have a real hard time getting the damage to stick. Unless its Ariadna, then its just hunting season. Theyre passable against anything thats unlinked, doesn't have any kind of firewall and a BTS value lower than 6. Attacking through enemy repeaters is unfortunately a waste of resources as all it does is lead to disappointment. I would prefer it if it were a spec op, or a standard HD.
No one good at the game sticks their troopers' faces out too much against anything, unless it's a trap. The new Intruder build is good for going and getting stuff at mid-range. I've been flanking with it mostly. They're still fine against linked units with no firewall. That's still a lot of hackers, especially KHDs. And with a visor you can root out hackers hiding under camo pretty well. 3-4 orders for a kill on a useful opposing hacker is a decent investment, if it protects your own units in turn. Different strokes for different folks. I like every unit to be as toolkit-y as possible, because my regular opponents are pretty unpredictable and I like to train for tourneys where god knows who you will face (so my lists tend to tailor to missions, not opponents, with the toolkit being there to adapt to opponents). For that, a KHD visor Elite is pretty badass.
What do you guys take, Moran BSG or Combi? In N3 I would have take Combi without second thought (BSG maybe if I had to save the points), but now, when I can see the Flash on equipment list, I'm taking almost exclusivly BSG. My Morans either die from long lateral shots or something close and personal and BSG and Flash seems better against both.
Depends, most of time 1x BSG and 1x Combi. Moran is too OP not to take two. My morans are laying prone on rooftops most of the time but having one Combi gives me the option to start with one in Sup Fire which is super strong with mimetism in the right corridor. Gesendet von meinem Pixel 4a mit Tapatalk
Yeah one of each is good. Late game Supp fire to hold an objective is good too. But then a shotgun is good for other things like dissuading things from climbing onto the roof you're prone on.
If they are to hide up, the BSG template is my choice. What I have NEVER considered is getting the Camo/No Repeater version...
Me neither. In Corregidor however they seem to be a cheap regular specialist alternative to the Bandit.