Sure. But that didn't change compared to N3 (well, Cybermask is now always successful). When playing her alone in N4 the Lt. order becomes quite a necessity to prevent easy kills thus I see no real gain in order efficiency. And due to the nature of ITS missions the infiltrating Prowler Killer Hacker is, at least for me, still better for any hacker bonus button pushing jobs.
2-3 Trooper slots is a significant investment in N4. I feel like the Custodier is OK for only taking 1 and giving you an extra order you can use (the lt order, on hacking) in comparison. It's just she's a potential vulnerability, especially if you don't go first. If you use the Brigada Hacker they can both oblivion. If you don't use the Hacker Brigada I feel like them going for it and giving Jazz a free shot is a risk sure but in your favour, esp given it's their orders being spent.
Generally speaking I loathe double hackers in a fireteam, I dont see it as an effective or good use of resources. And even with a second, if its a chance to crack your primary fireteam and/or snag your LT to either carpet bomb or iso him they are probably going to do it anyway and take that trade. I agree its a risk in my favour, its why I take it, i have just needed to add the tinbot back into the team so it becomes a risk I am more comfortable with. For the record the fireteam was; FB Tsyklon, BSG Brigada LT, Jazz and 2x CR jag, i've since cut other things in the list and reworked points to turn one of the jags into a BSG Brigada with tin bot. Amusing part was just prior to that game I was talking about the triple Brigada lists that have cropped up and how I think they are completely unviable because they will just get bricked top of one and/or GML'd off the table.
I feel like the better combo rather than Jazz + Brigada Hacker in the link is prob Brigada Hacker in the link and Jazz out but near. That way the Brigada can force responses even outta stealth enemies (with the protection of the tinbot) and then Jazz can and double team them, with Trinity if she likes. Plus you get Billie, who is savage with those mines. Double Hacker links can be ok I if your main plan is to hack reactively. Which isn't a bad one in CJC, tho it is a risk again I agree.
Taking an unlinked jazz with Billie is another one of those things that I think is just categorically wrong this edition. Jazz is far more effective in a link, outside of it she is far too easy to just trivially remove her, and Billie takes up a slot that can be spent on and often needs to be for something that is more useful and also he prevents jazz from being able to refill the link should it lose a member. It's something I tried early on was consistently disappointed. My unlinked secondary hackers these days are typically a Sombra and maybe a bandit if I'm desperate and don't have the points for a Sombra. Hacking reactively is a nice bonus, but the power that can be leveraged through offensive hacking is too good to pass up and when you have a second hacker activating in that fireteam you're in for a bad time.
Sorta depends more what your plan is I think, like everything in Infinity I'm not sure there are actually any categorical answers - just different approaches that work depending how you can bend the circumstance to what you want to do with it. I don't mind losing Jazz in a trade on their orders if she's not pivotal to my plans (she's pretty cheap), but then if she is, better protect her. Similarly if I want expensive things like Geckos then Billie is a godsend, while if he's taking up a slot and I have pts left over he might be an anchor.
Understandable, last edition I had very much the same mindset, but the more I iterate games and lists this edition the more categorical and binary I find things, largely due to games and interactions being more swingy a lot less nuanced this edition. I also value any source of white noise this edition in credibly highly, so risking it so openly is not worth it, and even if I were to run Jazz unlinked I would still use the FTO so she can potentially refill the core if it takes casualties that can't be recovered. As for Billie even with expensive stuff I've found he isn't worth it that much when that slot could be used for another transductor, or salyut, or upgrading a pair of jags to their 'faust profiles which I have been finding incredibly effective.
Depending on the list build I actually need these three Moderators to get the 15 Slots filled Or they're used for the Moderator Fireteam anyways
My current Meta has a lot of Haquislam and CA, so Assasins are very common. And it fells like everybody knows who can be my Lieutenant. Therefore I tend to use (Vanilla, Corregidor, Bakunin) a line Infalntry as Lieutenant and bring a Decoy. Hoping my defense is strong, the risk for the Impersonator is not worth the benefit of maybe only killing one order.
Morans, Lunokhods and Puppet masters are your friend against impersonators, drop them as your reserve piece and use them to pin the impersonator against a wall.
Dont forget Uberfalls! 3 Pupniks can surround an Impersonator YOLOing into your dep zone even if he's in the open
Just curious since it wasn't mentioned, are Oniwaban/Kitsune not considered as much of a threat as AD?