Steel Phalanx sculpts: old vs. potential new

Discussion in 'ALEPH' started by Varsovian, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    It's usefulness is directly proportional to the amount of MSVX ARO you have in your meta.
    bkromray and The Revanchist like this.
  2. bkromray

    bkromray Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
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    Yeah he can be a rock star rambo turn one walking up and slapping something like a Kamau MSR or run into Orc hmg and explode like a blood piƱata.
    colbrook likes this.
  3. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Certainly. We all would love to meet over our respective gaming tables and have a few games. We're having a situation unpreceded in the world as we know it. We can't really base the count on a situation that is a fluke of possibility, however :)

    Nevertheless, you are listing:
    • 7 Infinity armies (5 of them vanillas, so I don't know if that means just the vanillas, or also all the sectorials therein, which would up the count... pretty significantly)
    • 4 AoS armies (if I read it right. I have competely no idea how factions / fieldable forces run there)
    • 2-4 WH40K armies (again, I dunno how these count).
    So, we're talking 13+ armies, pretty likely 15 armies (by my gut feeling. Stretching it to include all Infinity sectorials possible with the factions you own stretches it to 25 armies, if I'm not wrong. Possibly more, if the AoS and 40K ones split into "sectorials" further).

    Okay, how many games a week would you play (assuming there was no covid to get in the way of all of us?), assuming an average week, and assuming you'll be taking a different faction (not just a different army list of the same faction) for each of those games?

    For me, it is one game per week. Maybe - maybe! - two (if it is a good week, I find two people to play against me, and I have that much time to spare) per week. With the 6 factions I play, this means I can cycle through my entire faction roster in 6 weeks, if things are going at normal pace.

    So, assuming you could line up three games a week - you could thoretically cycle through all your 15 armies in 5 weeks. However, given most of us do work full-time jobs, have families, and all those necessities of life to handle (not to mention having other hobbies as well, possibly), I'd say being able to play 3 games a week, every week is a pretty optimistic assumption.
  4. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Well... let's say 1 game a week or every second week? Yes, I know that means that my armies wouldn't be getting much action individually... I'm starting to realizing it's a bit crazy :astonished:

    BTW. When I speak about Infinity armies, I mean vanilla factions. Overall, it's about 420 minis (including KrazyKoalas, TinBots etc.). As for AoS, it's about 600 minis across 4 armies, but that also includes tiny scenery pieces etc. Also, the count is skewed by the Skaven, which get fielded in hordes that are actually quick to assemble. As for WH40K, it's actually 2 armies... maybe 3, if I decide to field the generic CSM and the Deathguard separately (kind of depends on the fluff I'm working out for my CSM guys). But I don't plan on fielding Space Marines separately - I keep them as support for the Sisters (and because I really like the image of Sisters and Marines fighting together, like in that awesome WH40K cinematic trailer).

    On Steel Phalanx note - okay, you guys convinced me not to sell anything! Now, please tell me... Myrmidons. Useful or not? And have I made a big mistake by having sold the Myrmidon Officer already..?

    Also: Ekdromoi. I suppose I should get them?
  5. Angry Clown

    Angry Clown Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    Take a perseus instead and claim him as ekdromoi hacker.
  6. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm glad to hear I'm making my point throught to you :)

    IMO, there's such a thing as simply too much of otherwise good stuff. What is the point in having it, if you lack time to use it? Sure, the feeling of having a complete collection (but remeber the Moomins - once you have it all, you're no longer a collector, merely an owner - and that's not nearly as fun!), and the sight of having it on display (if you have the space for the display cabinets!), but in essence, wargaming miniatures are gaming pieces. Is there a point in keeping those you don't game with...?

    The point still stands, I'm afraid. Also, you know, when I speak of my 6 armies, I mean 6 sectorials - because that's what I do play. Since 3 of them are all of the Haqqislamite ones, I could just as easily play vanilla Haqq - I have all the necessary models (yes, including the few who aren't a part of any Haqq sectorial yet. The same way I have ~80% of all the Dahshat choices as well, just need to add the Ariadna and YJ models there, should I want to play it). Which is why I asked whether you play the vanilla-only, or also their respective sectorials. It is a great thing about Infinity (and a clever decision on CB's part, if you ask me) to allow a very easy adjusting a force you own to represent a handful of different options...

    But, back to the meritum: seems you have too many models, and try to play way more armies than you have time for. Not to mention that assembling and painting over a thousand models is going to take a lot of time.

    My suggestion:
    1. Decide how many armies you can afford (time-wise) to play.
    2. Take a look at the models you have, and make a list of the armies. Start with the ones you like most. Whether this means they look coolest, or you feel better at their command (for me it would be the only criterium, but hey, that's me) - they're on top of your list. Then, the so-so ones. And finally the ones you like the least.
    3. Cut the list by as many armies as needed, starting with the tail-end of the list.
    jherazob and Varsovian like this.
  7. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Hey, don't you quote the Moomins on me! :)

    Anyway, thanks for the insight. You're absolutely right that I might've overextended myself... or, at least, being close to it. I admit that, at this point, I'm not really ready to cut any armies - I'm kind of chaotic when it comes to this hobby: I assemble and play what I'm inspired to at the moment... So, I don't want to cut a whole army and, then, regret it when I get the sudden urge to play it anyway...

    One thing you convinced me that I shouldn't be adding *more* stuff. That actually helps me make the decision to sell the Necrons I got in the Indomitus box...
  8. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    I second the points above that urge you not to swiss-cheese your armies. You never know what profiles you might want to use in the future! As you practice, your skill improves and you see merit in units you didn't previously use, and your playstyle also evolves. I used to never touch Asawiras, now I need five of them.

    That would be true any time, but it's doubly true right now if you're not able to play because of covid. If you're not playing, you're not evolving, so you have even less idea which units and profiles you might want to use next week, next month, or next year. This would be the worst time to make decisions about which models you no longer need.

    If you must get rid of models, as others have said, figure out which factions you're not going to play, and get rid of those. You might like them all in theory, but you'll never play them all. If you don't know, play some games on TTS until you get a better sense of which factions are right for you. Playing on TTS could also inspire you to work on that painting backlog, since you can 3D scan your painted models and play with them even during a pandemic :-)
    xagroth, jherazob and Tourniquet like this.
  9. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Id' say you chose the wrong collection to reduce, considering there is no "monolotic list" for Infinity. Furthermore, Machaon, Phoenix and Acmon are pretty damn easy to include in the faction. I mean, you could make a 3 Chain Rifle myrmidon + Acmon link so he can be escorted to an objective, for example...

    Somehow. Considering the changes to MSV1+ (now all see through smoke) I assume ALL lists will carry a MSV of any level, and Drakios can mess their day with his weapons and pals.
    Remember, however: Albedo is a "MSV1+ troops can't see ME, or behind me if I'm not moving this order, the first round of gameplay". If he shootes, the MSV troops can shoot back (at -6, unless they have Sixth Sense).

    Totally, since you are talking about playing 3 different games (even with the closeness between AoS and Wh40k's rules)... In fact, considering how reduced the model count is for Infinity, and how likely you are to face almost all factions at one time, keeping Infinity would be the best decision... As for AoS & Wh40k, unless you play full Daemons... yeah, too much.

    Mind you, I have more than 500 models just for Infinity, AND too many Deathwatch models, nearly all of the Conquest stuff (so more primaris & Death Guard) AND the Indomitus box (so even MORE primaris and Necrons... and I didn't mount anything from that box yet) AND several other Kill Team models (tyranids, Tau, 1000 sons and heretic astartes, since I also bought Shadowspear), AND Blackstone Fortress (all but Traitor Command expansions) AND the full Reaper Bones KS 3 & 4. Oh, and my old Griffons from Confrontation, and whatever gets my fancy with my resin 3D printer (like Heroes Infinite, Unit 9, Papsikels, Cyber Forge, Anvil Forge...). Soooo... I try to use the models in my RPG games... or tried to, because of COVID...or...

    Great. Now I'm depressed... -.-U

    Worst case scenario, if you don't mind Proxying models, you could simply keep about 30-40 models between warbands, LI, MI and infiltrators, 5-10 HI, 4 S3 remotes, 4 S4 remotes, 1-3 bikes, 2-3 S5 models, and 1-4 TAGs (depending on the S value... I'd keep the Geckos, the maggie, and a S7, if it applies)...
    jherazob likes this.
  10. Angry Clown

    Angry Clown Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    What could be a Best starter for phalanx?
  11. RolandTHTG

    RolandTHTG Still wandering through the Night

    Aug 10, 2019
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    I'm just going to quote my speculation from last month in another chat.
    While that speculation was for the action pack now know to be Morat, that SP army pack I theorized about could be the action pack in a year or two (based on the timing of the last three action packs being for sectorials of factions that have a Code1 release).
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