@n-sphere I'd love a Shinobu resculpt! @Durandal yeah exactly. I'd love to see any of those other cultures represented :D
Yeah, that would be sweet. Or perhaps some kind of Korean support remote with a rapid-fire rocket system (perhaps called the Hawcha?). Or maybe something really out there to replace our lost assassination units. Hwarang could easily be modified and turned in to an interesting infiltration/impersonation assassin unit. Impersonation, Martial Arts, and probably i-Kohl would fit the theme. What better thing to replace our "Gardeners" than "Flowering Knights".
I really hope anything Korean looks toward the modern South Military formations like the ROK marines rather than just giving us some asshole dressed as a turtle ship with a kimchi blaster.
Actually, it quite a reverse. I've seen some fluff leak on /tg/ that Ikari are used by Yu Jing to Harass the ethnic Japanese. And Ikari just doesn't care about it, as long as they get their money into their pocket. So those Wu Mings are really trying to tell us something, especially since their emblem and name aren't changed.....
In the BOW vid Carlos said Ikari loves pissing off Yu Jing, so maybe something happened between the RPG and Uprising. He specifically said the Wu Ming were rogue, which makes one wonder why their heads did not blow up.
Because the Bakunin Suicide Squad group kidnaped the scientist and got the code to disable that just like in the old earth documentary.
This or they're "rogue" unit and Yu Jing "let them lose" so they can get their attention to "somewhere else"
Oooooh man...sadly I can totally see that happening :\ I expect all the Korean units to wear the wide-brimmed hats and the girls to dress like T-ara :\
Their head did not blow up because that trick is only used in the Kuang Shi ;-) Other than that I can totally see the Ikari Company being used by both JSA and Yu Jing against each other. In the RPG fluff it stats that the Ikari company while mostly Japaneses have not compunction against attacking their follow Japaneses this may change slightly after the Uprising by I think that the motivation is stil is Money first pissing of Yu Jing second :-) m
It is a bit sad to me as a YJ player. Two years ago YJ was quite strong during the BOW campaign, last year was much weaker and it feels CB instead of trying to strengthen the interest of potential players decided to stomp on YJ even more. Morale is already weak, possibly YJ will never gain the strength back and will fall even further. Right now it is 3rd weakest army right before Aleph and TOHAA and unlike those two it was one of first armies that appeared in 2005 at the launch of infinity. I am an ISS player, so I don't feel directly affected in game terms, just my YJ identity and pride got hurt
Well Vanilla is hurt in game terms( just a bit). Morale damage is a biggest issue and i don't know how we will perform in the next online campaing ( it also deppend of outside game factors suchs as disponibility). But saying weakest faction? Not the strongest vanilla thats for sure but on of the more weak? I should say the vanilla with less options but we still being strong. Pd: maybe is about my meta but Tohaa is weak? Sure?? SURE? WEAK? xD Pd2: and yes we still have ISS, one of the strongest sectorials (evil laught)
Prediction; without an IA release, Yu Jing will perform at a historical low in the next online campaign. JSA on the other hand, will perform clearly above what would be expected of a minor faction and likely with higher participation than Yu Jing (the second largest super-power).
I think that YJ players are totally within their rights to expect an IA Sectoral sharpish. I mean, if you play JSA already, you still can, just not in Vanilla. But YJ are a core faction, they need their core military force!
PanO = 3 sectorials Yu Jing = 1 sectorial We deserve it because we chose the evil one dimensional moustache twirling villains... but then CB fans tell you how great the lore is for Infinity, with all its shades of grey and depth, while actually it is roughly as deep as Wacky Races, with Yu Jing in the role of Dick Dastardly
The Oniwaban are confirmed out of Yu Jing by Bostria dur That was my last glimmer of hope but seing Yuan Yuan on the cover illustration got me worried and Bostria finally crushed my hopes saying that they love to piss Yu Jing, so basically this book brings a lot o armies who'll fight against Yu Jing in the next campaign, as if that was needed
If you really worry about fluff and its wonderful greyness, I think you all need to wait and read the Uprising book when it is out.
Let me guess... Yi Jing is evil, and also kinda inept. Japanese are cool. Would be the first book in which Yi Jing gets anything done instead of being shat upon by everybody... excuse if I don't hold my breath for that.