Why ISS doesn't work...

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Mahtamori, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    ...and how this guy made a list of clickbait titles that doctors hate.

    The problem is sectorial design.

    To preface the entire post we need to look at how sectorials and even factions are designed in Infinity. Generally speaking, you will have a certain set of units that are over-designed inside each faction. They embody what the faction is about and lists built around making these units tick is how the faction has been balanced, to a greater or lesser degree.
    For example, while you can make a Dahshat list without Rui Shi in a link and without McMurrough, you will be playing at a disadvantage and with a list that looks like another sectorial without the benefits from that sectorial. Or take Varuna and don't use Helots as speed bumps and forgo the Kamau sniper. Viable, but not as strong, you might do this due to a specific mission design but it's not going to be optimal. Basically the sectorial's "power graph" will have a bell curve around these units.
    There is two exceptions, in my opinion, to this and that's IA and ISS.
    In IA is basically designed to have a flatter curve where all units are competent without any unit going to the extremes. To some degree I think this works, it's harder to design for and balance for, but IA manages to land somewhere in the acceptable power range among sectorials - not ailing and not dominating.
    The other exception is ISS which has an inverse power curve compared to most sectorials. While for IA the N4 changes lifted the sectorial up by making everything cheaper and making hacking a big problem for everyone, for ISS instead the anchoring units such as they were all had their strength taken away at a systems level.

    Core sectorial design in the rear-view mirror.

    During N3 ITS asked you to make a list of 3 Combat Groups, later 2 Combat Groups, which proved to be more than ample space for units. ISS due to how it was designed could easily fill with large amounts of orders and as was exposed in the data analysis written by Ieldin Soecr (if memory serves) here's two interesting facts about ISS;
    1. The bottom 66% of players under performed very hard with ISS while the top 33% overperformed
    2. The average orders for the top 33% was over 19 out of a max of 20, more than any other sectorial but Caledonia (if memory serves)

    The strength of ISS in N3 was a plenitude of orders to use on high quality troopers, high quality troopers that because of the cheap orders didn't need to be optimally designed, and high quality troopers that were experts at bullying light units

    The game has changed, but ISS hasn't.

    Now in N4, ISS still relies on getting large amounts of orders to spend on sub-optimally designed elite units, however, the game has changed. You can no longer get excessive amounts of orders in your list through the means of dirt cheap regular troopers, the only means of getting extreme amounts of orders is to use elite troopers with special skills that basically do not exist in ISS. Second of all, because most sectorials have been redesigned with this intent, IA is no longer the only sectorial with easy access to this technique meaning that the number of opponents that ISS will face that have a better order economy than them has increased.
    To add insult to injury, this also means that the likelihood of facing an opponent that's also got a better order quality than ISS has also increased because the core design of ISS units haven't changed; they're all still mostly specialised at bullying light units.
    Add to this that most sectorials have seen an increase in Multispectral Visor L2 or at least have gotten their MSV1 upgraded on a systemic level, the old strength of having increased MSV over other sectorials have gotten less pronounced or disappeared - albeit the old complaint that there's significant overlap among the MSV2 troopers is still there with one more profile that is designed to operate in the 0-24" range band.

    To put it in another way, ISS is outnumbered and outgunned by design.

    The lack of strength.

    Taking a bird's eye view on ISS we see that the melee units are fairly plentiful, but they're also fairly mediocre. Martial Arts 1 is as common as Martial Arts 3, Natural Born Warrior is limited to a mercenary that can't link and has no Marker state or forward deployment, and the sectorial's highlight is a Martial Arts 2 unit.
    We also see that predictable for sectorials that focus on melee, ISS has very few heavy machine guns, but unlike those sectorials ISS also doesn't have very many forward deploying units and are quite limited in Camouflage or Impersonation (Marker states that prevent attacks).
    We can also see that ISS is for Yu Jing, or indeed for being a sectorial, very low on Tactical Awareness and NCO and that it's one of few remaining sectorials without a TAG quality trooper, which also partially explains Tactical Awareness' absence.
    The sectorial also has an above average units with +1 SWC or more, but since they are expensive it's very difficult to use this benefit since the number of decent units with SWC weapons and a low cost makes the bonus kind of disappear - and that's not really because of excessive SWC discounting, either.

    As such, the sectorial has no obvious strength.

    The old problem units remain unfixed.

    A long standing complaint about ISS has been the Pheasant and the Bao.

    The Pheasant has always been very expensive for what they do. CB has made several attempts at redesigning the unit so that it gets more attractive, but each time it seems like they make a decent attempt but it never get there by being the cost of at least Chain of Command too expensive.

    Meanwhile Bao have a long standing issue where the unit have stats that are optimised for a specialist but doesn't have any specialist profiles, instead it's a gun fighter that tries to compete with the faster, cheaper, and buffable Rui Shi (that's also got a Spitfire instead of a Combi). They also had the issue where in order to get them to be properly buffed through a Fireteam Core you'd need to bring a bunch of expensive units that you didn't really want to fill a link with - but that was solved by removing Fireteam Core as an option...

    But what works?

    Here's the rub. Everything works, nothing is terribly designed if you view it in a vacuum because it's fine for units to be sub-optimised if they have unique redeeming qualities (such as being the only unit with MSV2). Problem is, ISS is made up of almost exclusively these secondary units or units and with very few that are designed to take advantage of how N4 works.

    So what can be done?

    At the moment I think this sectorial is the least functional sectorial in the game. It's got very few redeeming units and very few reasons to play compared to vanilla. The best units are either form other factions and work better in their home factions or they are ISS troops that work almost equally well in vanilla.

    Essentially the sectorial needs an overhaul and not a small one.

    If the sectorial is meant to be designed like most other sectorials, CB need to decide on a couple of units that's meant to be the defining features of this sectorial and design them to the point where it's simple and efficient to bring them in the list.
    The most common means of doing this is to give the units in question Frenzy and thus a hefty points discount with a drawback that can be prevented by links. Obvious candidates for this are the Crane and Hsien whom if they were 10 to 15 points cheaper with Frenzy, got Tactical Awareness and/or NCO on select profiles, and both were Wildcards would cement the nature of the sectorial quite thoroughly.

    If the sectorial is meant to have a more even power curve similar to IA, CB needs to address the bugbears. They need to smooth the curve to the point where the Hsien or Adil Mediumuht doesn't stand out, and that also means smoothing it out compared to other sectorials. Here's a laundry list of things that could smooth things out a bit:
    * Give Bao the Pheasant's profile and gear, but with MSV2 and BioV instead of CoC.
    * Tone the Phesants down a bit and give them Holomask and Wildcard so they can hide where CoC is
    * Give Kanren Impersonation (IMP-2) instead of Holoprojector
    * Remake Sun Tze; he just doesn't work at this price
    * Integrate the mercenaries better - f.ex. allow the CSU and ABH to form a Core
    * Let Ninjas have smoke grenades
    * Improve AVA on both Ninjas
    * Give Wu Ming TacAware on a couple of profiles
    * Introduce a TAG with AP weaponry.

    Or reinvent the sectorial's identity completely and redesign the units inside. This could include things like drastically increasing the number of MSV profiles, increasing the hacking presence with devices that have upgrades, or maybe have it start a bit closer on the contrived reason that Infinity tends to take place in urban or semi-urban environments where a law enforcement team could conceivably pre-deploy like a military one couldn't.
    Or maybe even go so far as to take that "Secret" that people like to put into the abbreviation and make Holomask and Camouflage really common in ISS so that people get to play the fun game of "is it a Hsien, Crane or just a Celestial Guard - who knows?!"
    redeemer, csjarrat, Goorie and 10 others like this.
  2. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Anyways, those are my opinions and my pitch for why I think ISS badly needs a redesign. Obviously they might not be shared by you or you may have a different take on what's the problem. I'll just have to note that it's extremely difficult putting into word why I think a particular sectorial isn't performing well when it's not obvious like it was with IA.

    Here's a bit of a challenge just to illustrate how I think and feel about ISS:
    Make an ISS list for an ITS mission and I'll attempt to make a better list* that works similarly to yours using Hassassin Bahram and/or JSA. For obvious reasons, Su-Jian is a cop out.

    * as defined by "more options, fewer weaknesses, or more orders"
  3. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    To be fair, I guarantee any HB list you'd be making would have at least one Fiday. N4 seems to have dived headfirst into the philosophy you mentioned of having must-include units or combinations to create powerful lists, and for ISS that's usually Kuang Shi and the Su Jian.
    Hecaton likes this.
  4. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yeah, Fiday and Shinobu can serve a similar role, but while I think a Su-Jian is much worse in actual assassination it can switch to a brawler role a lot better if needed.

    I've had some fun in a small ITS tournament playing Hassassin Bahram; only played one list with three Fiday and a mixed Fireteam very similar to a Celestial Guard + Crane style, but instead of costing 150/3 and having MadTraps and a Sensor, it cost 120/3 and having an AP Spitfire, NCO, a sniper and a Doctor+ embedded. Not to mention how 28 points of Pheasant is terrible compared to 28 points of Farzan CoC (which is why neither Crane is LT)...
    HB is an amazing reduction of what ISS felt like playing in my earlier days of Infinity.

    (Edit: I do think the Su-Jian is fine. Not sectorial-saving-great, and somewhat poorly adapted to the edition, but it would be a good tool if the arsenal was up to date with the current edition)
    #4 Mahtamori, Feb 8, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
    xagroth and SpectralOwl like this.
  5. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    This fits in quite well with my own views of the sectorial. ISS may have been my favourite sectorial in the past, but right now they're a mess, and not something I have any intent on ever touching again until they get a much needed rework. We end up giving up so much conceptual space for things that just don't work in N4 anymore, and have to jump through a bunch of hoops both listbuilding and on the table just to be mediocre compared to the toys that other factions get with no effort at all.

    We went from being the most order efficient faction in the game to becoming one of the least, our vulnerability to hacking became more pronounced than ever before, and we don't even have halfway decent firepower to show for it.

    I'd like the sectorial to continue to be built around highly variable compositional options, that was one of the best parts about ISS in N3. But with everything in every other faction in N4 being a wildcard, the strength of that versatility is less valuable, and the restrictions we face for that need to be less harsh.
    #5 Weathercock, Feb 8, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
    Mahtamori likes this.
  6. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    One thing to keep in mind. Whatever changes you want, would be applied to vanilla as well. For instance if you want Ninja to have smoke, vanilla would get to too. But then so does JSA. Do you really want that?

    I really don't see ISS as broken. Just different. But then I hated Kuang Shi and thought they were crutch. I feel ISS gained quite a bit. Not as much as I'd like but still I think they gained. I like Wu MIng are not limited to only one Zhanying joining them anymore. They can be joined by a Crane, Xi, and Adil. The Deva is a good troop and can even take a haris of them with or without Dakini. Yes some characters could be better. But then I feel that way about Qo and Gao. Pheasant and Bao have always been problem children but they've gotten a little better. But at least now you are not obligated to take a Pheasant to make a Bao haris team. The Pheasant will always be a problem until they decide on what they really want him to be. Is he a CC guy or a shooting guy? Command type or basic troop? But I actually like the Redfury TacAware troop. He's good when you really need troops to stay down.
  7. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    You know, I was actually going to like your OP but it's for the quoted part that I'm afraid that I'll have to abstain my like
    Hecaton and Mahtamori like this.
  8. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    This is blatantly false. There are already examples of sectorial only profiles, units even. Vanilla CA can't take any Gwailos, no profiles are available outside of SEF. Have you already forgotten we spent a large portion of N3 without a Ninja profile that was available to JSA and Ikari? We only just had the FO profile added to Yu Jing.

    As for do I think Ninjas should have smoke profiles in general, even for JSA? Sure. Why not. JSA could use more smoke options anyway given they don't get warband options with it.
  9. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Actually, yes I do, tbh. Not all profiles necessairly, though...
    Dragonstriker and Space Ranger like this.
  10. wes-o-matic

    wes-o-matic Meme List Addict

    Dec 22, 2019
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    I got minimal play time in with ISS in N3 and I’ve been looking forward to getting them on the table (eventually) in N4, but my theorycraft lists do all have some...something...that’s missing, but it’s hard to say what.

    I was really hoping for more fluffy fireteam composition in N4, and I still think it could use some work.

    For example, it really feels like the “beat cops and street scum” troops ought to have broad linkability — bounty hunters, Miranda, Sforza, Tao Wu and CSUs ought to be able to join Zhanying and Bao teams, and we ought to be able to wildcard in a single Wu Ming into a Zhanying or Bao FT.

    I’d also like to be able to have Bao, Zhanying and a (1) Wu Ming join a Kuang Shi core for that “evil detective agent has called in the conscripts to brutalize their former mob allies” unmitigated cruelty vibe.

    Hsien, Pheasants, and Bao probably ought to be able to link together somehow.

    For individual models:

    Bao - Climbing Plus. Who needs rapelling gear to punch through a high-rise window in a hail of bullets when you can Spider-Man your way down from the roof? Would make the sniper profile interesting. Would also accept TO camo and a shock or AP marksman rifle on a profile for no-one-expects-the-spanish-inquisition funsies.

    Zhanying - Extra linkability with scum of the earth, and a Strategic Deployment MSV1 BSG profile for when you’re running a door-kicker squad who’s already on site for the mission and waiting for backup. Allows you to FD with two extroverted friends.

    Wu Ming - Frenzy. Done.

    Crane - Berserk maybe? I dunno, wanting an AP spitfire seems like maybe you should be taking the Hsien MMR for anti-armor duty in a Zhanying Haris, and use your core FT for other jobs, or bring the HSG su-jian for fast solo anti-armor and anti-FT work?

    Kanren - If anyone deserves either full Infiltration, Impersonation, or hidden deployment, it’s probably them.

    I genuinely don’t know if any of that would make ISS competitive but I think playing into the cartoonishly evil police force vibe harder might help make them more fun.
    QuietusEmissary likes this.
  11. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Jesus christ this is already a stupid ass mechanic let's not add more of it. If we're just going to cheat the points formula just fucking discount them no need to do this dumb shit with Frenzy. CB already make HI cheaper than they should be if they feel they're too expensive, the Evaders have a manual discount on them.
  12. wes-o-matic

    wes-o-matic Meme List Addict

    Dec 22, 2019
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    Eh, I think in the case of Wu Ming it’s actually thematic. They’re a penal regiment, having them become loose cannons when their handlers are out of the picture is a good way to reflect that. Even if the points discount weren’t a factor, I’d still appreciate giving them Frenzy just for flavor.
    Henshini likes this.
  13. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    It's not completely false at all. True they have done some that are unique to the sectoral but there's not many that do that. Shasvastii have one guy that vanilla doesn't. But they have the same of almost everything else. I'm just trying to point out that one thing affects the other sometimes.
  14. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Agreed. If anything it should be on the Ikari Wu Ming who are actually no longer under the thumb of the ISS.
  15. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    VapeCrane 2021, make it happen.

    It wouldn't fix all of ISS' woes, not by a long shot, but it free up some design space and definitely wouldn't be unreasonable for vanilla (if anything, I see nothing wrong with the Crane having a reason to exist at all in vanilla).

    Also, Breaker or AP for the Spitfire profile, and 6-2 for it and the Wu Ming, because it's totally unreasonable that these are the only HI aside from the Yan Huo left behind in Yu Jing.
  16. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    This whole thing is full of snark but this feels particularly abrasive lmao
  17. Miraclebutt

    Miraclebutt Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2018
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    I disagree with about 90% of this post and I will further address them at a later time, but this post below provokes an immediate response:

    You can fuck right off with this. Make a list for an army you hate and you'll make a better one from a different army based on your own metrics? And i can't take Su Jian for obvious reasons? The only obvious reason I can see is it would make you look bad.

    This whole thread reads like a trite power gamer's wish list, but that was an especially disingenuous post.
  18. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It is not snark, to be honest. Feel free to read it as snark, but it's all honest opinion. I think ISS is the game's only F-tier sectorial and the post details why.

    Hate? I love all three of them (though the political lean on JSA is a bit closer to grim dark than I like). I'm just sad that playing ISS would be handicapping myself and I'm not a good enough player that handicapping myself for our tournaments is necessary nor fun.

    And since it's apparently not obvious; the Su-Jian doesn't have anything resembling a counter-part in either JSA or HB so I can't make a list using those sectorials that functions similarly, it's as simple as that. You assuming this has to do with my ego tells me you've personally invested into this in a maligned way, but if you're willing to accept that it has nothing to do with me then we can have a conversation about what the Su-Jian does for the sectorial, but first I'd like to establish whether and to what extent it is possible to replicate the qualities of an ISS list first. I'm convinced it's possible; convince me otherwise?
    Dragonstriker likes this.
  19. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You were trying to use it as an argument that it can't be done. To which it clearly isn't a barrier CB are completely happy to make profiles and units standalone if they feel like. Frankly they should do it more often.
    AdmiralJCJF and Space Ranger like this.
  20. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Just to be sure, what are the qualities of an ISS list you are looking for? From my own expeditions into army-building and hanging around on the forums for a while, I usually associate ISS with reliably high Regular Order counts, irresistable yet often slow offense and good trade behaviour. Key units are lots of Kuang Shi for defense, midfield pressure and trading with Skirmishers or over-extended attack pieces, the CG Smoke Launcher plus a Rui Shi and/or Hsien HMG to clear AROs, Kanren/Ninja/Su Jian to get stuck into the enemy or complete objectives when the rest of the list is too slow, and filler from the rest of the roster in order to flavour to the mission and to personal taste.
    AdmiralJCJF likes this.
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