I'd personally go so far as to suggest he's the best NCO in the game. Not for every situation and every list, but more than most.
Hmmm... I like the profile, but I'm struggling on how tho take the most from it. since IA doesn't shine too much on the hacking side and Krit surely needs a couple of normal hackers that provide some area denial and a Missile bot to shine. Plus, Chief gong and at least an evo seem mandatory to extend further IA tentacles and some degree of support. Compared to the Mowang He doesn't have stealth, and that's his weakspot. he can't do a thing against hackers or repeaters. Faery dust and a move+dodge or move+reset are his only choices
With 6-2 MOV, doing a Move+Reset seems like a poor choice compared to a Cautious Move, and in general trying to navigate through a repeater with a heavy infantry is folly. His brilliance lies in that he's always going to be useful regardless of what list your opponent brings, not that he's always going to be brilliant regardless of what counters your opponent tries to do. With E/M mines and an E/Mitter and a great order economy, you are not forced to play him as an enhancer for the hacking game, and the heavy shot gun means he's always going to be really scary for anyone but an Avatar/Anathematic to face in combat (sepsitor being what it is). The Mowang by comparison finds itself in a target poor environment in this edition. It's left hunting orders, but it doesn't have the navigation skills required to hunt get to them if they hide and a heavy pistol isn't quite enough of a close quarters weapon if the Mowang did have that. Add in that the general melee competence level of particularly heavy units seem to have gone up everywhere but with Yu Jing, I just get the feeling that the Mowang has too many blindspots and too weak guns to actually do the work it did in N3. I don't have as much confidence in the Mowang this edition even if I wouldn't go so far as to call it bad. I also generally find stealth to be an ability that's very corner case useful as it is so easy for your opponent to force situations where you either don't benefit from it or have to let the enemy do normal rolls if you wish to maintain it.
You Can't do a cautious inside ZoC. So, no once in a hacking area, no e/mitter, nor e/mauler, nor order economy will save you. Mowang BTS6+stealth+firewall from evo, not much of a problem dealing or resisting hacking (not spotlight) PH 14 and ARM5 is better to avoid direct templates on close range. You only have B2 and +3 range but you put a -3 on the enemy instead, and you can even put a supressive fire and resist in that mode even against templates or hacking thanks to endurance His move is 4-4 but he has total terrain. so he can get extra move on special terrains and this season's decompresion areas His weaponry is low damage since his supposed to be a LI hunter. For a heavy weapon platform your Lone Heavy infantry is supposed to be the Yanhuo. ¿do you want Huos to dissapear or be without a place? In my opinion the only real problem of the mowang is the CC. He has no direct template or a real CC defense but shooting. and that problem is solved with a Hulang FTO in duo
I personally like him alot, but I prefer his FTO option as I have far too many fucking enemy hackers running around for him to be unshielded by a tinbot. Damage 14 Multirifle also does a really good job of covering for the weak range bands on the HMG pointmen his links have.
A Repeater is not a Model or Marker, it is a Token, and the Hacking Area is not any of the Hackers' Zone of Control I have no way of commenting on the rest of what you write, and I don't know who you're addressing the question to because I haven't made any statements asking anything about the Mowang to change. I'm just comparing an apples and kiwis and stating I prefer kiwis because I find kiwis to be more useful, one is a fruit and the other is a flightless bird with very little in common but the general shape.
I’ve ordered Yu Jing. Finally! After loosing nearly entire collection of miniatures I am going back to Infinity with Invincible Army. Sectorial box and blister of Tai Sheng is on the way. Yu Jing starter I’ve got this day. (At first I thought about Varuna, but this Asia is in my heart.) What else? Actually, I want to ask you about Tai Sheng. I like this unit. Hope, she would be good in game. Any ideas? Links, profiles... And I am a little worried. Why she isn’t on sectorial’s page on the site? https://infinitytheuniverse.com/human-sphere/factions/yu-jing/invincible I hope CB not going to do something like Ko Dali... I know about her story from others.
I wouldnt worry with Tai not being on that page. Tere are only 2 characters mentioned and IA has 5 of them. In n3 Tai was almost essential to any HI core list, in n4 she is still good but Krit is my linkable hero NCO of choice after buffs.
She finds her way into many of my specialist lists. Especially Countermeasures. She has FO, CoC, Veteran, HI and probably more I don't remember. She's just good all around.
Yeah those pages are incomplete and don't make much sense. Like mouse over Yutang-Shentang and notice the fluff blurb box has been left blank. Qiang Gao, who's home sectorial is Invicibles is listed under White Banner instead. Not that anyone cares because he's garbage.
Ahhh... my worries were removed. Tai is really nice. Still not enough bio. It is very laconic. But it’s ok. I’ve already ordered boxes for the beginning. (Time to relax and wait now.) - Yu Jing starter - Invincible Army starter - Support pack - and blisters. Tai Sheng, Haidao sniper, Daoying. I feel, that I could let myself one more blister of even box. What could it be? May be new rems?
Good! I would suggest the REM boxes (the Pangoo FTO is a cheap link filler, RuiShi / Luduan have its uses, and the S3 SonBae and flash pulse bot are great as linked AROs, BS(Guided) threar or filling up 7pts in the second group to soak an order). Blisters, Krit Kokram is simply ace atm. It is also a great scupt. The Mowang is also a solid blister/profile.
Get a box of the Yaokong REMs, they're integral to any Yu Jing army you build. You'll use at least one of them each game and I recommend magnetising them if you can as you'll often be swapping which one you put in a list. If you only want to get a blister pack as suggested Krit Kokram is very good value.
It's probably part of your arsenal already, but I'd set some aside for a bit of green stuff or green stuff equivalent. You'll probably need it for Tai Sheng's right shoulder; I'm currently 2 for 2 on Tai Sheng's arms being angled wrong so they don't match up and the right shoulder is the easiest place to hide the fact. (I think it's the left arm that's too small, possibly from material shrinking compared to master mold, resulting in it ending up too short, but that's not exactly a professional opinion)
TBH you can use the HMG Hsien of the YuJing Starter as either a Zuyong HMG or a ShanJesus. And the Tiger as a LiuXing.
For blister: I still like the Daoying for Lt., Krit Kokram, Haidao hacker. Box: Remotes! All of them are good. Also the Dire Foes 6 with Xi Zhuang. This guy makes into every vanilla and ISS list I make. The HVT model is good too. The Lelia Sharif model makes a good Bounty Hunter or CSU. Also that box is still the only source of madtraps!
And if you are going straight IA, Xi Xhuang can be a good Chief or Engineer Proxy, and the madtraps Yaozaos! Or Koalas for your Hulang! EDIT: TBH, 99% of the YJ range is amazing...
I'd say you wasted money on the YJ starter, just for a Zhuyong Combi you won't use, because you get 3 in the IA starter, then you have Tai Sheng and Kokram, which wear zhuyong armor (and can proxy one easily enough if you are not using them as themselves). What you will eventually need are the three boxes of remotes, Krit, Zhuyong HMG blister, see if you can find an EC colaborator to buy the Betrayal character pack with so you can get the engineer (and the surplus character that goes into White Banner/ISS). Unless you plan to also collect White Banner, I'd wait for the ShangJisus box, instead of rushing for the Beyond Kaldstrom. I'd go with the S3 remotes first, recently resculpted, and mount a Total Reaction and the Missile Launcher (they can proxy as flashbots with no problems, but at least the TR is an interesting ARO piece, now that they dodge normally and can go prone, meaning the enemy usually needs to cause 3 wounds in the same order).
It's got the 3 combi Zhanshi in the starter pack, and they're a pretty common/good choice for IA.... yeah I know it's dumb but we all know it's true.