The Crooked Grin Of Corregidor: Tactica

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by GHoooSTS, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Unfortunately I believe Jags and Wildcats cannot link.
    Elric of Grans likes this.
  2. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I love the Brigada Hacker, with the Tinbot and general stateline she is a very solid piece against many things.

    But the link gets expensive crazy fast with those costly wildcats there, and at that point I would rather use Jaguars as a Core platform.
    fez_the_druid and loricus like this.
  3. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    On the use of jags, you can run both a core and/or a haris with a pair in each team to play bodyguard for the wildcard pieces.

    A favourite of mine at the moment is, EVAder spitfire+ 2jags and wildcard hacker (normally jazz, sometimes gromoz) two jags and two utility wildcards (usually brigada LT and EVAder feuerbach or tsyklon feuerbach).

    The haris could be a Vostok, but I have not been able to justify using that thing.
  4. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    Playing first N4 game against a buddy's TAK army this weekend, trying this list out. Since it's TAK I skipped any hackers. The Wildcats, Lupe and Daks will form the core link with the NCO/Spitfire hopefully doing most of the work (through Lupe's smoke if necessary). I'm figuring his TAK will have some camo, so I wanted to test out Wildcats' new MSV1. Then the Gecko and Evader will be more mobile to take out targets and harass. I'm also hoping to pop out the Gecko pilot on my last order to give me a surprise +1 Specialist. Then the flash bots and warcor will provide orders and flash pulse stuff.

    I realized I could actually replace Lupe with a Wildcat with HML, but thought the option to smoke+spitfire would be nice, and Lupe is +1 Specialist. Also thought about trading out the Evader Engineer for Carlota (to Van Zant his deployment zone), but figure Evader was more likely to survive and keep the Gecko alive (and Carlota was more likely to get a good couple hits in and then die, giving away points). But definitely want to test out Carlota in the future...
  5. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Often same but being able to swap Brigada Lt for Wildcat Lt in there saves you some pts back, depending on your build
    inane.imp likes this.
  6. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Still worth taking a hacker or two, I have run out of targeted tokens playing TAK, right until I rolled through and cleared them out. For solo operators with out a visor going into mass Vis Mods spotlight is a lifesaver.
  7. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    The issue with Jazz + second Hacker in the Core is you can easily end up in a situation where you split the link. I think you're better off having Jazz as the lone Hacker in a core (and potentially the lone hacker in a list, but probably supported by 2nd or 3rd hackers elsewhere) or going 2 x HDs (Brigada Hacker + Gromoz). Brigada Hacker + Gromoz, Wildcat KHD in the Haris or Sombras/Bandit KHD as a marker would give an extremely solid Hacking game. Admittedly, I'm probably considering something like that in a Core with a Tsyklon than with a Wildcat HRL (because B2 Pitchers + 2 x HDs + Engineer + LT is a *very* Nomad fireteam).

    I think the real question about that 5th model is "what's in the rest of your list?"

    Largely I agree you don't *need* a dedicated active gun in that link, because Core-linked HRLs are swing pieces: they can be used both in active and reactive effectively.

    Lupe's a good option: her ability to threaten Panzerfaust AROs or drop Smoke in front of the HRL Wildcat is cool. But it's possible you need her in the Haris (depending on how you build that). The fact that she's a Wildcard means that you can set up a list to do either depending on what you want.

    2 x Daks works if you're going cheap (perhaps so that you can invest in a MB Lt option in an environment where having a more survivable Lt is better). Wildcat HRL (1.5/23) + 2 x Daks (0/28) + MB Lt (0/35) + Jazz (0.5/18) is one of the cheapest ways to build that Core without really losing any capabilities. It's certainly not a bad idea of leave a second Dak lying around to allow you to reform the core if necessary / heal things without activating the Fireteam. You can pair this with the above

    Even a Tsyklon is a solid option to get more firepower into the link without investing too much more SWC. But I actually feel that Tsyklon in the Core + HRL is overkill and forces too many support requirements (ie Dak + Engineer + good Hacking), so I see them as anti-synergistic. That being said, you're probably including the Dak in that Core anyway as "cheap filler" (as ridiculous as that idea is, it's never-the-less true) so really it's just "oh, I need an engineer now".

    One thing I'm not sold on yet is whether or not you need a Firewall intrinsic to your Core: I *think* the Repeater coverage that CJC can put down means that direct Hacking attacks are relatively unlikely, but admittedly not impossible. Wanting a Firewall in your core is something that adds to the appeal of including the AP Spitfire EVAder Engineer in the core (particularly if you plan to use it aggressively mid-game). In particular this combos well with Jazz only Fireteams: it provides an option for clearing Isolated / IMM states from her without attempting a Reset - inevitably you will lose FTFs vs opponent Hackers, and having a Plan B is necessary.

    The other choice is the BSG EVAder (either Engineer or Firewall). This profile is an extremely solid "blind-side flanker": watches a short firelane defensively, can take a hit and provides a solid attacker for cleaning up in close (why yes, I am rather proud of that analogy). Either the Engineer or the Firewall provides synergies with Jazz (as above), pick whichever most fits your lists needs.

    Re: Jag Cores. I think these are still a solid idea in lists where you're buying 1-3 expensive solo pieces (Sombras, Geckos, Intruders). You don't lose much opportunity cost because you're still going to average ~15 orders, it just means you're investing less into the Core and more into the solo-ists. I haven't done much mission level analysis yet for N4 but can absolutely see taking 1 list that is an expensive core (say HRL + MB Lt + Dak + MB Hacker + Gromoz) with cheaper attackers supporting it (Cheaper Haris, Bandits, Tomcats, Hellcats) and a second list that is a Jag Core (4 x Jags + MB Lt) with say an Intruder MSR in the second group and a Sombras + Haris in the main group.

    Do note though, you can't toss Jags and a Wildcat togerther into a Haris. You can do Wildcat HRL + Lupe + ? as a Haris though to get a similar Panzerfaust + Smoke + Wildcat HRL going on.
  8. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Follow up - what's everyone's thoughts on the Wildcat Spitfire NCO now?

    As I see it, it really competes with 3 alternative options: Vostok Mk-12, Spitfire Tysklon and AP Spitfire EVAder in the 'Haris Pointman' role.

    Honestly, I can see myself really wanting difference ones of all of those depending on my opponent. VS say TAK, Wildcat Spitfire has a lot of appeal because I probably don't really need the Tsyklon's Hacking Synergy and the order efficiency of NCO probably balances the AP of the EVAder Spit (and given the plethora of T2 and EXP, the EVAder is maybe not significantly more survivable than the Wildcat). So I don't think there's a clear winner out of those 4.

    I'm particularly interested by a Wildcat Spitfire, Wildcat HD, Lupe Haris on a table with lots of terrain. B5 7s through Smoke is decent odds of dealing with lots of different non-linked threats.
  9. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Jazz with -6 Tinbot is a pretty compelling counterargument in some situations tho.
    inane.imp and Savnock like this.
  10. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    It's worth the points if you make use of it. Corregidor can invest more points in to the links for various utility now. The old style of keeping it a cheap core just to get mods and spending more points on solo troops is still a great option.

    With a Tsyklon I absolutely can get a repeater on Jazz and kill her, so I guess I'm protecting against my own options. I probably don't need it, but the main thing is that I'm looking at her hacking like she has a Combi: even with asymmetrical cover having ODD makes more shots hit and takes less unlucky shots back. Mixed with a Tsyklon pitcher that can reload using my EVO's CG2 orders, I could theoretically counter hacker spam efficiently. Again, I'm the hacker spammer here so I'm just countering myself.

    The addition of having NCO, our only command-style skill, was probably really good design. Boy are our Mid-range Haris gunners competitive. After some time everyone will have their pet favorite.
    The Wildcat skills that makes it fit in to a meta is the terrain, visor, and non-hackable. So a lot of reasons for someone to favor it. We usually have some terrain and low vis, but our meta isn't overkill on using mimetism. NCO is also just really really useful.
    I've use a WC Spitfire Haris in most of my games so far, but it hasn't been favorable to use yet.

    It won't let me do another quote, but I'm already in love with the Evader BSG after using it once. It didn't get lucky and wipe everyone out or anything but once it's on the board and declaring AROs it really forms in your head what it can do. Ideal gun for climbing+, can survive a template hit and get healed, it gets mines that give you access to all sorts of devious plans. I want any excuse to get this guy in a link that wants to advance.
    Some wussy SK hiding on a roof to stay away from my Gecko and suddenly... "HOLA I'M THE PIT CREW"
    Goorie, Lampyridae and Tourniquet like this.
  11. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Actually had this exact thing happen recently when I ran the EVAder forward to take down a scout that was hiding from my Gecko in show of force.
    inane.imp and loricus like this.
  12. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Don't disagree. There's good reasons why she's still better than Gromoz. But you can always run Jazz, Gromoz + MB HD w/ Tinbot in the same list for complete "how many Wildcard Hackers can I fit in a list to mess with you?". In that set up I'm most likely to put Jazz in the Haris of the 3. Using her actively with a Repeater in the Haris you can trivially give her Firewall (-3) for dealing with enemy Hackers that would otherwise cause you issues with a hackable Haris (ie. Vostok/Tsyklon + BSG EVAder + Jazz).

    (Yes, I just built a 2 x Moran + Tskylon + Vertigo list based on that structure... it looks like it'll work vs the right opposition).
  13. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    Taken advice under... uh, advisement. Dropped a Dak and the Warcor and added Jazz to the Wildcat Core. Hopefully the Zonds can run and flash up the board (or just stay out of sight completely) to get close enough to start Repeater+Spotlighting camo'd, etc. models.
  14. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    ^ you need an LT unless that's 200/300pts.
  15. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    Yeah, I realized my list was messed up :( . I'll post fixed list with how game went.
  16. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Wildcat NCO Spitfire seems really expensive until you remember you're getting a free order in there, and of course MSV1 is really nice too.

    For me the real comparison with the Evader and Vostok is the damage. Evader is AP, Vostok is a beefy Mk12. If I am hunting armoured targets, then I will want that AP. But then for an active turn shooter, the Wildcat is definitely going to clear out mimetism LI/HI, skirmishers, targets with smoke etc etc etc. So both have their uses. I have to say I actually like the Wildcat Spitfire, Wildcat Lt and a Mobile Brigada Boarding Shotgun (could be the Lt instead) as one of the very few times where I'll be running a non-super obvious LT in Corregidor (i.e. when playing against CA or Hassassins/Haqq)
  17. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Like, this is what I would currently potentially put together if I went to a tournament as my list if I was playing against vanilla CA/Shas/Hass/Haqq.

    Four potential LT choices. Specifically no Morans just because I need to have 1 SWC hidden to potentially make those Alguaciles Lts. The Wildcat NCO is pretty key as an extra order and a hunter of one of the very many guys in these factions who have mimetism of some sort. I can mix and match teams quite effectively as well; with two Wildcats and two Alguaciles and 5 Wildcats I can run a big variety of links (Evader Feuerbach with Wildcat NCO, Mobile Brigada, Jazz and Daktari as a core if I really want, for example)

    One thing I will say is that for Corregidor, loss of LT is the biggest worry we have. If I was taking them to a tournament, I'd almost consider trying to play some games starting in Loss of Lieutenant automatically just to get used to it.

    Lampyridae likes this.
  18. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Got a very successful game in. I want to say that BSG Hellcat is a great opener for removing squishy link members with the double template. Very powerful profile now.
    I used the weaker tinbot with Jazz and it's enough for getting reliable active turn hack kills. The BSG Eva is totally worth having around for defense anyways. I also had Gromoz in the Haris and it was nice having more pitchers in the mobile link as well. Big thing I noticed is that high BTS feels really strong against hacking, those Knight of Justice are killer.
    The Wildcat Spitfire haris did awesome, used his terrain and MSV1, and made vital use of NCO. Absolutely made use of every unique ability the Wildcat gets. It's really really hard making a choice for what to use in a Haris tbh.
    I finally tried the Sombra but it never got activated. It's hard when you can already make a reliable plan with stuff you know works.
    edit: new players coming in and that means low point games. Last time I had that chance I used it with Geckos, maybe this time I'll just go Sombra crazy.
  19. infyrana

    infyrana Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2019
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    I'm waiting (and hopeful) on the new CJC models before I look at Corregidor for N4. However, aftering seeing @theomc 's quad Gecko list, I just noticed something - the Moran profile comes with only a single CrazyKoala in all four profiles, was there talk about this already that I missed? The models themselves come with two CK's each, which now seems great if you only bought one but have a second Moran proxy model and want to field two!

    Has having only a single CK per Moran changed anyones use/thoughts of the model in N4?
  20. AmPm

    AmPm Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    You need to look at the weapon entry in the N4 Rules, "CRAZYKOALA 15 1 SHOCK ARM DISPOSABLE (2), BOOST, PERIMETER, DEPLOYABLE.[*]"

    As we can see, by default it is Disposable (2)
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