Please see the FAQ for the equivalent situation for gaps that are too narrow: While using Move or Climb, can you move 'through' a corner, in the same way that you can move through a space that's half the width of the Trooper's base? No. If the space is wide enough for the Trooper's full base, you must use the full base.
Thanks for clarification. Some kind of errata/note (like 'unit cannot voluntary move over edge' or the first line correction) in Move Common Skill description sure would be nice. Since: The Trooper’s base must always be in contact with the surface (not 'fully in contact' like in N3) on which they intend to move. + Any surface they move on must be at least half as wide as their base + The Trooper must be able to finish their movement on a surface that’s equal to or larger than their base Does give an impression that this is possible (moving over edge and back while staying at least half of the base in contact with surface).
Yes, that's the FAQ entry? EDIT - sorry for the too-brief reply, but that's literally the purpose of FAQs. It's not on the Move page on the wiki yet, because I haven't had time to add it yet.
Well, not sure if it qualifies as FAQ entry since no one else seems to be bothered but me (even after reading latest FAQ). I just couldn't link together the 'voluntary move into wall up to half the base' (which is obviosly not okay to shrink Silhouette volume) with moving over edge (since half of the base is still in contact with surface and Silhouette is not affected).
Ah, thanks for the clarification! Moving through narrow gaps and ‘leaning out’ off a roof etc. both come from the same text: Any surface they move on must be at least half as wide as their base. So there aren’t separate rules for gaps and for narrow walkways etc, it’s all the same thing as far as the rules are concerned.
I'd just like to confirm two things; otherwise this topic seems pretty well covered. Example: A Mowang (S5, 40mm base) declares a move across a narrow ledge 25mm wide and 2" long; on one side is a wall extending above the ledge, on the other is a wall descending from the ledge down to the ground. The starting and ending positions on either side of the ledge are wide enough to support the 40mm base easily. In this example: This movement is legal since the surface available is narrower than the base but wider than half the base diameter, and begins/ends on fully-supported surfaces. During this movement, LoF is traced as if the Mowang's Silhouette is hanging 15mm over the edge, and the volume of the Silhouette is not modified in any way (doesn't clip through the upper wall, etc.). Have I got that right?
Actually, I thought about that too. Since moving through wall and moving through a gap turn out to be the same rule - If there's a path at least half the base wide with wall on one side and gap on the other, can I choose how to move? (through wall or over gap) Oh, and a follow up question: Let's say there's a crate at least half the base away from the roof edge, in which case you can have two possible paths - one normal move on roof around the crate and a narrow path over the gap. Am I forced to do normal move? There is enough space for base on a normal path, but not on a narrow path.
I don't think there's any priority between the unsupported edge and the wall, so you could choose where the Mowang moves - overhanging, 'squeezing', or a mix of both. So this is with no ledge at all, just a rooftop? I think vaulting would take priority, as there is room for that.
Just a rooftop and an obstacle at least half silhouette high. So vaulting over obstacle is impossible, and only normal move on one side or moving over gap on another is possible. (Which technically might give an advantage to move over gap just to get LoF below) Do I *have to* prioritise normal route first and use move over gap only if any other path to a point I want to get is impossible? Using the same logic as it is said in FAQ regarding cutting corners If the space is wide enough for the Trooper's full base, you must use the full base
Oh, yeah. My bad, sorry, for some reason I thought you can only vault over obstacles half the silhuette high, not lower than silhuette. The point is - do I have to pick the normal route whenever possible (must use the full base), or can I pick any route I want? So in example with obstacle, let's say it's above silhuette high, so only these two paths possible (normal move or over gap, both can be covered on first MOV)
Huh? No, I mean if vaulting over obstacle is impossible (obstacle too high) is there priorities after that?
Ah, I think we were posting at cross-purposes! If the route you are taking has enough space, you need to use the space. So: You can't take shortcuts around corners unless the gap is narrower than your base. You can't move out over an edge unless the surface is narrower than your base.
Hmm. Thanks, I think I get what you saying now. Just to summarize: I should always use the normal route if there's enough space for base. If I have a choice between two similar routes around obstacle (normal one and squeeze throught gap), then: - If I can get to the point I want both ways in one move - I should always use normal move (the one that has space for base). - If I can only get to a point I want (even if it's just 0,5 inch further than normal route) in one move throught the gap - I can squeeze throught the gap (following the example in FAQ). - I cannot voluntary decide to move through the gap (even following the example in FAQ) if there's a path that can get me there in same MOV. Did I get that right?
NO! You can choose freely between the two routes. But if you choose a route that's wide enough, you must use the width, instead of moving through walls or over roof edges.
There is a problem I ran into quite often in N3 and lean out had a lot of use for me as a reult. Chonky parapets. Since the FAQ makes clear you can't move through a parapet and back to replicate what Lean Out did, can you Vault without crossing an obstacle? To make an example: The orange trooper can't draw LOF to the red trooper even when he's standing right at the edge of the roof, thanks to a fairly normal sized flower box. Can the orange trooper vault on (not over) the flower box/parapet and back on the roof where his base is fully supported again with a move? Logically speaking there should be a way to just look straight down a wall (and there was a very complicated Entire Order Skill to achieve that in N3). Practically speaking I can't fullfill the second requirement of the Movement Skill (see above) MOVE SHORT MOVEMENT SKILL Movement, No LoF, No Roll. Requirements Players will check the Requirements of this Skill when declaring it. The Trooper’s base must always be in contact with the surface on which they intend to move. Any surface they move on must be at least half as wide as their base. The Trooper must be able to finish their movement on a surface that’s equal to or larger than their base. What would allow it anyway could be this part of the general Movement rules: "A Trooper can move over any scenery item whose height is equal to or lower than the height of the Trooper’s Silhouette Template, with no need to declare Climb or Jump." But I'm not positive this applies without fully crossing over an obstacle. Thoughts guys?
I think this happens somewhat frequently when moving on ground level. Players will let their models vault onto a scenery element and come back to where they started so they can gain LoF. I don't see why it would be different on a building.
So this last movement described by @Teslarod seems legal due to vault rule. Now talking about cover, can we say that both orange and red is partial covered to each other? Or only orange? As i understood there are 2 schools, those who consider "perfect" geometry (so no partial cover for red) and those who consider "realistic" geometry (so partial cover for red). Is there an official point about this kind of matters?
Yes we would have cover if that move is legal. For a vault we still stay glued to the surface we are moving on unlike a jump. There is no Jump or Climb involved that would cancel cover and we definitely have some highground obscuring a part of the bottom of our Silhouette volume towards which the troooer on floor level has to draw LOF through the building. For a vault we still stay glued to the surface we are moving on unlike a jump. This is effectively an effortless recreation of leanout that would have worked in N3. And in my oppinion the only thing Lean Out did in N3 was grant you Cover, since there was the 1/3 of your Silhouette requirement which would have been hard to qualify for otherwise.