Vido Gams!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic English' started by maru, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @xagroth So in other words, if you want a Cyberpunk experience you are better off playing the RPG than the video game. Sorry to hear those people which waited a long time for this release got a defective/watered down product. Not being able to change you character's look after the start of the game was surprising to hear. You'd think something like that would be available anytime in the campaign. Especially if it was implemented right at the start of the game.
    chromedog likes this.
  2. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    For a single playthrought, the game is good (hard to justify the 60 bucks price tag, but there were offers by GOG that let you buy with a 60% discount... by using a VPN that located you in Russia). The story is great, and the music is exquisitely timed... so as a visual novel, it rocks... until the ending, frankly, and aside for other "idiot balls" you are forced to hold at several points.

    The problem is that the unique content is:
    - Three "intros" of variable length and content (the most bland being the Streetkid).
    - Main dish, with main quests and secondary ones. Capped at 90% fame for V, about 70% relationship with Johnny and 40% chip progression... so those indicators are useless per se.
    - Endings, neatly packed on A1 & A2 (with possible achievement The Devil), The Star, Temperance, R1-The Sun, and "secret" ending (mostly bragging rights, because it calls to The Sun and Temperance). The game saves before you go to choose between the ones you can access (A1 & A2 are automatic but The Devil Achievement requires extra work, The Star requires to finish a chain of quests, Temperance and The Sun require good relationship with Johnny), so it's possible to unlock and enjoy all endings in the same playthrough.

    For me, the most satisfactory run is a Nomad Female V in a relationship with Judy playing The Star ending.

    The city is impressive in looks (sans pedestrians and cars... those are a flimsy illusion), with very fine detail even with low resolution. The problem is that the Physics are poorly implemented (compared with GTA 4-5 is... very lacking), the combats are stupidly easy, and difficutly only makes the enemies more resilient to damage (armor, life, resistances) and more damaging (their damage output multiplies, despite their weapons being nothing to speak of).
    Oh, and the internal calculations for armor and crit/damage for V are all over the place...

    Essentially... yes. It has the plus of having a VERY simple yet effective conversion system for playing with a battlemat: 1 square (or hexagon or whatever) of 1 inch is equivalent to 2 yards (or meters. CPRed does not care about systems, and 1 meter = 1 foot, because for an RPG that is good enough), so you can grab certain Infinity models to use as NPCs (corporate models are a dime a dozen.... Tunguska, PanO, O12, YJ..., Haqquislam can play as Nomads, robots are used, and OSS can go for heavily augmented soldiers, for example).
    chromedog and Golem2God like this.
  3. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    That does seem like the way to go for people with Infinity models. I guess certain models from other wargames or companies such as Necromunda (Though Cawdor seems like the odd man out) would work for the setting. As the gangs including the Palanite Enforcers can be dropped into a Cyberpunk world believably due to their designs.
    xagroth likes this.
  4. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, I'd say it depends on the style an scale, frankly. Usually GW models are on a complete differente style (more chunky, aside from Eldars and Drukhari, for example). I'd say teh Goliaths are good fit, however, for a custom gang themed on extreme muscle definition. The Escher might be useful as Moxx, but that gang is only present past 2076 or so.

    Also, remember the Poser gangs, where every member looks like a famous person, be it the same (JFK), or on a theme (Hollywood stars). And the bozos (grab The Joker band from DC... or miniatures based on Pennywise from IT...).

    Personally, I'm mostly spoiled about options, because I'm subscribed to the Unit9 patreon (not that I've been able to get much mileage from it... few models per month, mostly single-piece, and a lot come from the "tabletop game"... and I use the " " because it's as complicated as Infinity N3, plus lacks some rules...) which comes from the same company selling the Nakamura Tower minis and the second edition, Be a Better Human.
    Golem2God likes this.
  5. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    CP2077 delivers a damn good Cyberpunk experience though. The aesthetic, Night City actually coming to life (probably the best fictional city brought to life in a game for me), and some of the best character work since TLoU2. Video games won't hold a candle to the freedom and scope of a table top RPG. CP2077 felt like Cyberpunk (not the genre but Pondsmith's game) to me.

    @xagroth Gotta ask, what are your system specs if you had to use low-settings? I'm over here running at high to ultra on most settings with 50-60 FPS. It's a damn good looking game.
    Golem2God and chromedog like this.
  6. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I used miniatures in my cyberpunk rpg sessions for years.
    It simplified combat, and also made it easier for some of my players to "see" where their characters were relative to other things. Ironically, the ones who had most trouble with visualising this without an aid, were the artist and sculptor.

    Back then, for this was mostly before I'd started with Infinity, I used mostly my old Grenadier Future Warriors figures and some newer Mark Copplestone versions (he sculpted the originals for Grenadier), with a few vehicles by Ground Zero Games. I had a literal tackle box full of them. That was before I even touched the GW stuff.

    With 3d printing, getting suitable figures is even easier these days. Many of us have friends with one, if they don't have one themselves.

    When it comes to 2077, though - I'll let you know in a few months. I'll let the fanboy expectations backlash die down somewhat before I install it. By then, they'll have patched the more egregious bugs and I can just get on with playing it. On PC. (I had the option late last year of buying a PS4pro, or spending the $$ on a replacement for my 8 year old desktop instead. I went with the new PC. It can quite capably run the game. Mid range vid card. 16gb ram, Ryzen processor and 200gb free space on the drive.
  7. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Sorry, mentioning TLoU2 as "great character work" means we won't ever agree, unless you were being strangely sarcastic.

    The city is greatly represented, sure. Not only in the visual aspect, but also as a pure "antagonist". I don't like being around there, but in the Badlands I feel more relaxed, less opressed. In that regards, the scenery of CP2077 is top notch. Then the "AI" of the pedestrians and cars gets into play, and everything goes to hell. Same with scripted events: its all great... as long as it all goes through the heavy rails, with no deviation allowed. That means that Night City is, in fact, a façade unable to keep itself straight, because the least wobble will crash me out of any inmersion.
    As for the plot, I see several inconsistencies that look like the endings were rushed and cut down, leaving aside several options that should be there considering all the work you do. But the acting and timing is great.

    Mechanically, a mess in more than just economy and crafting, combat too (Mantis blades are a pain to play with in hard difficulty, because 3-4 secs of cutscene killing a nobody means you get killed by the other brain-dead NPCs... And now ALL my power weapons go through walls... Overwatch suddenly becomes THE weapon... And Johnny's hand cannon is utter crap compared to almost any of the other iconic guns, which is a damn shame considering how unique and beautiful it is).

    The computer I play at is a Lenovo Legion Y520 with Intel I7-8700, with extra RAM (16gb total), a GTX1060 graphics card and an extra SSD disk, but I upgraded some settings to Medium (I keep all shadows, lights, crowds, etc... at a minimum).

    Mind you, I expect things will be better with the first DLC and the big patches for summer or so, since it has been "leaked" that a good chunk of the city was removed (tunnels, catacombs...), the Police AI was released lobotomized due to an error, etc... But as it is now... I keep my position about having zero replayability, simply because what's there to do is either scripted with no deviation possible, or it's a microquest completely repetitive.

    The physics of the game, I have little faith those will improve.
    Knauf and Golem2God like this.
  8. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Nope, and I now know you're one of those people. We'll acknowledge it and move on.

    I've heard this complainant but I've never run into it. Maybe because I'd recycle every purple I find for the epic components if its not an iconic weapon or piece of clothing I like. I'm never struggling to improve an iconic weapon (crafting it to another tier or upgrading). I didn't bother with getting anything to legendary as my perks with the epic iconics already smoked through anything on the hard difficulty.

    I never found combat a mess. Never went with melee because I already saw the gameplay for it and wasn't that impressed. I enjoyed the gun play (it's not Tarkov but I never expected it to be). Guns feel good and have a good spread of types and quarks to them. Smart weapons were essentially cheating but I never complained when Divided We Stand killed 4 dudes in one room I was around the corner from. I'm never one to complain about a challenge as I like having fun but not to the point where combat would be about as fun as slamming my head into a brick wall. If some where looking for something providing a good challenging CP2077 isn't going to cut it. It provides some fun challenges but nothing that is going to push people.

    Ahh, the GTX1060 explains it. CP2077 really needs DLSS to get it looking good and playing good. For reference's sake I'm playing it on a AMD Ryzen 7 3700x, RTX2060, 32GB of RAM, and running off an SSD. Everything pretty much at High or Ultra for 1080p. No ray tracing though as the frame hit is too big for my tastes (looks great for screenshots though).
  9. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Off Topic: regarding Cyberpunk RED, several rules need revision... (like capping attributes between 2 and 8 at creation, but giving no way to improve said stats, aside from Body... Or some "DOTs" like your cyberdeck being on fire because of a program... and nobody can put that fire down but you, but don't worry, the deck's ok, it's only 2 damage to the netrunner per turn...).

    Yup, "those people" who don't like bad plots, character destruction, and title fagociters. Wallet-voters, in the end. Shame I won't be able to play Ghost of Tsushima on PC...

    Simply try to test the game, as in "break the system". For example buy drinks, then dismantle those into components. Wonder at the amazing economic marble that is said drinks costing less than the components you get. Or craft health potions (call'em whatevs, in the end those are health & regen potions) and dismantle them for better components. Or simply "hack" the farming nodes around with the hexadecimal boring minigame, and get legendary quickhacks.
    Then the cars... just don't buy'em. Having a free Caliburn, or Johnny's Porsche you can get even after killing the dude with the key are mostly enough (the Shion "Coyote" would be the only I'd buy). As for bikes, you'll get a Scorpion, and can get Jackie's Arch.
    Then the guns, at insane price, that are easier to simply get the mats and craft.

    Are you seriously playing the same game? The NPCs simply move around at random, with reaction times so low I can literally run circles around them. The only difference between the highest difficult levels is the amount of life and resistances they have, and the damage output.

    Then we go to the "shoot through walls". No, not talking about the Tech Weapons no NPC uses (or has had chance to use against me, at least...), I'm talking about shooting Power Weapons, like the only sniper rifle with a silencer (Overwatch) and see how the enemies up to 3 walls away collapse in a heap... managed to take down three with a single shot once, thanks to the Cyberpsycosis quickhack...

    I was unaware that the graphics card was used to run anything but graphics... Funny to know that all problems with the game's AI come from that...
    That mean I don't really care about the game being in glorious splendor. I do care, however, that when I wear a Bandana on the head I get visual glitches, from my character turning bald, or her head not being there (but the hair was...). Also, this happens to more people with better rigs, so...
    Golem2God likes this.
  10. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I know the crafting can be easily cheesed and same goes for the money economy. One little painting from a side quest is the easiest way to earn some eddies in Night City. I don't engage in those though until I've beaten the game. The game already hands you enough shit and money to get what you need anyways.

    I've played and beaten the game as well. I know about the free vehicles. Save your money on buying the go-cart sucking on a dick at high speeds by getting the Javelina instead.

    Doesn't look like it. NPCs don't move at random for me. They assault my position with melee/CQB dudes, throw grenades to flush me out, or try to flank me. They take cover and shoot from it (super revolutionary I know, right). Popping Sandevistan though makes any engagement a cake walk.

    I'm curious why your neckbeard brain took a discussion on graphics and morphed it into AI when no where in my comment talking about system specs did I mention the games AI or graphical glitches. I talked about your settings. That pretty much sums up we're not talking about CP2077 anymore and I'm just here to listen to your neckbeard bullshit.
    #870 Solodice, Jan 7, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
    Dragonstriker and chromedog like this.
  11. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    The Moxx might be one of the new gangs in town, but in the 2020-2040s, "The Willow Sisterhood" played a similar role, only not as openly - but there was a functional police force in the 2020s and a less chaotic society.
    xagroth likes this.
  12. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I didn't mentioned exploits. But there are farming spots to get about a million ebbies per hour.

    The Javelina is slightly quicker to reach top speed, but is harder to control in curves. At least, playing with a keyboard.

    Truth be told, I need 1-2 shots for about 99% of the enemies. And about 3 are popped before the rest realize something is wrong. And nope, I don't use Sandevistan. Kerenzikov I do use (when I remember to aim+dodge), but I prefer a hacking build. Which is another reason I oneshot so many NPCs, passives from 5-6 Legendary quickhacks (and I prefer to start with a Ping, then a Cyberpsychosis to group as many as possible. And no, I don't use grenades).

    Please learn to talk without insults or denigration. It wouldn't be so hard for an enlightened being such as yourself to do so.
    As for what you said, I was explaining my settings and system, *not* complaining about the graphics quality (I hardly ever push games past Medium quality. Ever, unless the game's so old I don't even bother checking the autosettings). Frankly, I care little, and I would have position the crowd densities to minimun on any game that allows it regardless of performance and my rig's specs. Random pedestrians are not something I enjoy around.


    I have the Night City sourcebook for the 2020's, and sure I plan to use it (with changes) for both 2045 and 2077 P&P games, but I have no offical source about their enduring past the '20s, aside from CPRed's pages 308 and 309. Frankly, I'm not sure if the Sisterhood would remain in NC, but also I doubt they would add anything to my games ("poser" organization of female assassins/bodyguards. I prefer to deploy Danger Girl, and make the players wonder if Arasaka assets will show up).
  13. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    On other games, i decided to get Star Wars Squadrons.
    As an old X-Wing vs TIE Fighter fan i bought in a Steam sale.
    Did some Missions which are ok and can be done in around 15-20 minutes.
    I would have loved a single campaign for both factions and not swapping in the campaign but its good.
    Havent had a chance to try multiplayer.
  14. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Currently waiting for a bunch of small games to come out, likely sometime this year.

    One of them is Fights in Tight Spaces, which is probably best described as "Into the Breach meets Slay the Spire". Basically, you use cards to move yourself and enemies around, eventually taking them down.

    To put it into perspective, those games I've mentioned are among my favourites, and also FiTS represents an attempt to use a concept (mix of CCG and turn-based tactics with positional grid) I wanted to see used since early 2000ths when I first learnt about CCGs.

    So, apparently, a demo has been released recently, and after taking a brief look at it, I'm feeling uneasy.

    Sure, I expected this game to have some issues. It never promised more than one character. It was always going to have minimalistic visual presentation. It is an overt experiment with game system which may or may not end up working.

    But first two issues in a game that is supposed to be replayable sounds bad. Then there's an issue of movement being restricted to card effects just like anything else, meaning cards without secondary usages like that may end up being of limited use, narrowing your options further. Also, we have no idea how diverse a moveset of our only character can be at all. Finally, "how will this work at all" is still a concern.

    Eh. Maybe I'm just super pessimistic about it. But I guess at least I'm safe from suffering a hype backlash :D

    I guess I will rant about rest of the games another time. Thanks for reading my poorly organised drivel, I guess :P
  15. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Cyperpunk is a good game for what it is, it's just not what CDPR claimed it would be – and it's not even close.

    I can live with bugs and glitches that get solved by reloading a save, even if that means replaying 30 mins of gameplay (hello "The Hunt").
    I can also live with the occasional visual glitch, running out of bounds climbing a building I wasn't supposed to and having a few borked perks like knife throwing, because those will be fixed eventually.

    What I cannot tolerate are police spawning into scene, when they were teased to make a dynamic entrance via transport craft straight after the first mission, pedestrians phasing in and out of existence and generally being non-interactive, cars just stopping dead in their tracks for the smallest of obstacles and the lack of ways to interact with that gorgeous backdrop, that crumbles as soon as you do anything else but look at it.

    I'm cautiously optimistic that some of these issues will be addressed, but I think it's fair to be disappointed with this release.
    xagroth and Stuffist like this.
  16. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think unlikely that the game gets anything but bugfixing and more content as equally scripted to the pixel as it is already present, sadly :(
    Knauf likes this.
  17. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    At a risk of repeating myself...

    Let's be honest, throughout these years CDPR learned 3 things: how to make pretty pictures, how to deliver a decent movie and how to make 3rd person slasher gameplay not actively obnoxious. Anything else they had to do for CP2077, they were basically newbs at. And if their past is anything to go by, it will take them about 2 new games to get good at aspects less familiar to them.

    I may be a downer here, but this kind of thinking about CDPR saved me quite some disappointments, and so far I don't see much to prove myself wrong here.
    xagroth likes this.
  18. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So in this age of uncertainty, some might've heard that the GameStop stocks are acting weirdly - meme-worthy weirdly, trading far above what they should. Well, from what I hear, WallStreetBets ("the 4chan of stock trading" that's located on Reddit where users can brag about how much they lost in a short amount of time) is using the GameStop stocks as memes - i.e. stonks.

    In either case, I've been binging Hades lately and if you haven't treated yourself to this chthonic masterpiece, I can attest to that what the reviewers have said about this being the 2020 (indy) game of the year is true. It's very polished, it delivers the story in an interesting way, and it incorporates defeat in the gameplay and story cycle so that ending a run ingloriously doesn't feel so bad. I especially like how it's almost impossible to make permanent bad decisions that comes back and bites you much later *looking at you, They Are Billions campaign*
  19. Del S

    Del S Tunguskaball

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Am I correct in understanding that the subreddit really hates this one guy, and when that guy said Gamestop was a bad buy, they... bought into it hard just to try and make him look dumb?

    Stock markets are just confusing.
  20. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    As far as I understood it, it was more like a coordinated effort to artificially raise Gamestop's stocks, to sell them past a certain threshold and do what investment funds do all the time (buy en masse a certain company, and when the price is high, sell and reap the difference) which is further amplified by a lot of smaller funds that do a "follow the leader" strategy.

    Essentially, what drives the stocks markets are expectations, but you can manipulate those with enough money. A textbook example would be George Soros' "adventure" with the british pound some decades ago XD
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