Reverend Observants in N4

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by Snowball, Oct 2, 2020.

  1. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Hey, CJC is Warband Core with HI added and Wildcard specialists. That's unique. [emoji14]
    Tourniquet likes this.
  2. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Oh, I'd go with Morlocks FTO (the 12pt profiles) count as Moderators. That'd then allow Morlock FTO Spec Ops that's linkable with Moderators, and we'll finally have our Line Infantry as our Spec Ops.

    Taskmasters count as Moderators.

    Moiras, Custodiers, Healers, Kusanagi, Novices count as Observance for Fireteam Composition.

    Moderators: Duo, Core
    Observance: Haris, Core
    Grrls: Haris, Core

    Special Fireteam: Z&P

    Same Wildcards as you.

    I actually want Wolfy McWolfFace to just become a Canid Uplift rather than a Wulver and then I like him.

    I think you still need to do some profile work on Observance troops even with Novices / Lunokhods filling the Fireteam.

    It's plausible you can get away without Novices with Wildcard Lunks.
    Hachiman Taro likes this.
  3. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Very flexible links worked for CJC, but not all factions should play the same. In particular forces that are specifically designed around differently sourced forces working together. Look at Imperial Service.
  4. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I have to disagree with the CK in BJC. I was of the same toughts before, until I read their lore, which fits much more TJC and brings deep in that sectorial. Also, a new unit of novices doesn't need to be superjumping girls, there are other ways to make them interesting

    Also, after thinking a lot on it, I doubt that giving extra fireteam not in the lore option would fix an overcosted unit. It will be similar to the grenzer situation:
    • the profile itself will continue being overcosted, so their main problem remains there
    • a single option will be used, maybe two (MSR for aro links, or HMG for the few ofensive links some people would try). And if it's played, all unit will be labeled as "OP" by other factions (even if it doesn't get better results as now)
    • other factions will complain also a lot about this overcosted unit, making more room for CB to bring the nerfbat-by-complaints (As happened with kriza and vostok). I can admit that vostok was too cheap, ok... but I also think that they put a bit too much extra cost.
  5. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    If only a few profiles are used for any other reason than adding +1 to link for link bonuses, then the solution is to give that profile a better reason to be used (or delete it). In general N4 does a pretty good job of this compared to N3 (partly because of the 15 troop slot limit). Most links I take have every member with a specific role outside providing an extra, overcosted body.

    Sadly, Reverends do not. Some 'link glue' with useful, role specific but not super expensive profiles like the Cheerkillers would help this (if not completely solve it) IMHO. It could provide interesting and varied ways to build links without having the distinct character of Observance hodgepodge into the rest of Bakunins flavours.

    As to the fluff, the written fluff is one thing sure. But it's a tabletop game, and kinda needs to look like models belong together on the table without having to read why something that doesn't, does. The best models you can see the fluff in the sculpt itself. To me Cheerkillers look and feel a lot more like a Bakunin unit than a Tunguska one on that level, and I'm not alone.

    That's not likely to change now, but Bakunin could get their own twist on the theme, and help solve a mechanical problem with Observance that has existed forever already. A full Reverend core is always going to be very difficult to cost right in a formula, simply because they are so skewy I think. Softening that a little by allowing it to intermingle something a bit less skewy in a fluffy way. And surely the Observance do have some Nuns in training, right?
    loricus likes this.
  6. [Ghost]

    [Ghost] Member

    Dec 22, 2018
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    While I like a good what-if discussion in the forums, we are going in circles for quite some time. Bringing a cheap filler unit to cost-inefficient Core was proposed for years now but I think that CB is well aware that a Mim-6 Core-Link with good SWC weapons can be devastating for an unprepared opponent and should not be a no-brainer during list building. Especially in Bakunin it is easy to shield them with Morlocks (not so much anymore due to order cap but still..)

    Imho it is more than unlikely that CB will drastically change the link-team options shortly after an edition change overhaul and we know that Bakunin will not get a full rework for some time so we have to live with it. Same goes for new units.
    The only way to band-aid I can see could be:
    - Give Moiras Shock Immunity (they have a build-in doc, so let them go down. If the opponent wants to prevent it: the Healer already has a crosshair on her forehead with only Mim-3)
    - Give Moiras the Domaru-treatment and add a cheap chain rifle or flamethrower profile (20-ish points) as quasi-filler. Maybe flesh them out by giving this profile MA1 and/or a decent CCW.

    Afaik the new Moiras already got some supporters for using them, primarily in Haris teams. And maybe that is what CB wants to guide us to but were not brave enough to remove the Core option altogether.
    Savnock likes this.
  7. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I think that "separateness" is your own conclusion. As far as I can tell from the RPG books and other fluff, Nomads do weird combined arms teams all the time.

    The Observance mixing in as leadership among the Moderator Corps, bringing some temporary coherency to the fluidity of a social-energy-driven group like Bakunin, makes sense. I'm fairly sure I read something about like that in the Violent intermission, though it could have been fan fluff.

    No matter what, that definitely would not just turn out like Pan O (yuck).

    And Nomads are already doing mixed links, and doing them quite well thanks. Taskmaster pointmen with Moderator buddies, or Riot Grrls links with a doctor and engineer along to keep the Grrls in the fight, are both fun and fluffy.
  8. Tristan228

    Tristan228 Bakunin's best Morlock trainer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The Healers bring a BSG and are further the only non-hackable specialist option in a Nuns Fireteam apart from Kusanagi. And not being a target for Killer Hackers or normal Hackers* is a huge benefit / not another downside for a Link like the Moiras.

    *) I'm ignoring Spotlight here since this program doesn't directly affect the hacker's ability to provide link bonuses
    Savnock likes this.
  9. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    the thing with CK is that, after reading their lore, I think their aesthetic fits really well in TJC. Also, BJC is "weirder" in the sense that there are more mad sciencists doing illegal stuff... in that way, the CK are also not "enought" weird for BJC

    I don't see morlocks as spec ops, we have allready moderators as basic LI, and morlocks are convict troops serving sentence. That would be good in game, but unfitting for that troop (it would be like if yj asked for a kuang-shi spec ops). Morlocks first need to complete sentence, and then they can go other ways, like brando did for example (ex-morlock that became a triple zero). Sadly, in the spec op part seems to me that CB has decided to give us the boring ones, so I wouldn't expect changes on that side.

    for the mixed fireteams. It makes more sense for nomads than for pano or YJ having those mixed fireteams in the first, because nomads are not so tighly organized, and more used to mixed works even between ships
    Savnock likes this.
  10. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Can I have the drugs you have please. :'(
  11. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Soo... the only reason to take a Healer is if you're taking a Fireteam of Moiras.

    I think his point still stands: why would you take a Healer?
    Armihaul and Hachiman Taro like this.
  12. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Especially since you can't take Healer + Kusanagi + Custodier anymore. So you're likely taking Moira SWC weapon NCO + Kusanagi + Custodier if you're taking any Observance link at all. Which you're probably not, because they cost too much for how easy to kill they are.

    And Avicenna + 2 zondbots is the same cost and way more efficient and covers way more of the field than a Healer ever will.

    Hate to break it to you but Taskmasters can't go in Fireteams with Moderators, only Riots. Which seems wrong on every level I can think of. It's mystifying.
    Armihaul, loricus and inane.imp like this.
  13. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    110% pure actually-written background material. Good stuff, you should try it sometime. ;)
  14. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    That is mystifying enough that I have already done it wrong in a game. WTF. That would clearly be the better fluff take (the Taskmasters are IN the Moderator Corps damnit) AND balance choice.
    Hachiman Taro likes this.
  15. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    maybe their intent is for moira HMG in the haris, or they forgot to make Kusanagi "counts as moira". I cannot avoid to see as another of those tiny-but-neverending little things that shows CB underworks in nomads. Just a curious/ironic note: in TJC, there remain the special bro-haris for perseus-raoul-stempler...but thanks to perseus counting as a HM, raoul is wildcard an the stempler can join HM fireteams...that "special haris" is completelly redundant and unnecesary. Is the same kind of detail missing/underworking, but with a different result
  16. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    You mean the stuff CB isn't following (see your conversation with Hach - we were both referring to the same thing).
  17. Tristan228

    Tristan228 Bakunin's best Morlock trainer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yep, since one CG lists are basically dead for Bakunin there's no real point in taking her alone. I had her unlinked in some of my LI builds during N3 though.
    I'd say: why would one take the Nuns at all?:neutral_face: So far I wasn't able to get a Moira Haris working (to be honest I'm not used at all to any Haris Links in Bakunin since my builds around one Core Link served me always well). My options with them were always more limited than with troops of a similar points range - which are Prowlers or Bran.
  18. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    I think Kusanagi + Custodier + Moira Sniper / HMG Haris seems playable if not earth shattering ... but I haven't played it to know.

    You get a fairly durable and useful likely Lt protected further by the link, a second Lt option you were probably taking anyway otherwise given BJCs sparse other Lt options, and a 'free' order, swc and burst on a SWC platform which is otherwise hard to make worthwhile for cost.

    Maybe you could even think about adding the Tsyklon to make it a core (although you do already have long range)... and then you need one more thing. Wolfgang is an option but unless you really need CC capacity he's expensive to just make up numbers and you already have a dangerous multi rifle option in Kusanagi in the link. 1-2 Reverend Novices in the Cheerkiller pts range would make it work, and work as a cool thematic Observance mixed link rather than something so scrabbled together.
  19. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    And that's before even mentioning the wierdnes of RIOT GRRLS ('"...the most radical of feminist movements.... leading representatives of the "KIY" (Kill It Yourself) philosophy, anarcho-feminists with automatic weapons who jump into combat with ferocious conviction and an attitude that spits in the face of good manners. Strength, Revolution and Anarchy!")

    ... accepting a literal TASKMASTER (a literal 'tough guy' boot of authority) in their link, likely as their leader (given he's probably the Lt).

    It's an odd design choice, for sure.
    #119 Hachiman Taro, Dec 16, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
    inane.imp and Savnock like this.
  20. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    That was my implication.

    I still think the Haris is probably playable, but it's also what I basically started playing competitively with so I'm going to be comfortable with the concept.

    It's a little bit of a weird place because naturally you want to push Haris' but a Moira Haris will is very fragile in the Midfield.


    This sort of build with them firesupport for Group 1 is where I'd go with them. But that probably begs for the Custodier to be the Lt so that you can push the Grrls/Mods.

    But honestly, that's a fairly awkward construction.
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