Starmada Operations Manual: A Tactica

Discussion in 'O-12' started by Captain_Rose, Nov 22, 2020.

  1. Captain_Rose

    Captain_Rose Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    [...Begin Holo-recording] Welcome Recruits! You're here because the Admiralty believes you're worthy of a command. Whether that's true or not remains to be seen, but you'll get your chance! My job is to give you a basic understanding of our various tactical options in battle. Don't think I know it all, this is only an introduction - Real experience will show what works for you. Below, you can select to read about our history, our strengths, weakness, units, and the teams we run together. If you have anything to add, you can provide feedback in the comments section below. This is particularly useful after testing strategies 'out there'.

    As the Naval division of Swordfor, we are primarily responsible for policing the Sphere and focus particularly on transporting units to where they are required for maximal impact. We protect the circulars, pursue pirates, traffickers and smugglers. We provide humanitarian aid to those who require it. Our officers work alongside the Tian Gou and Santiago Knights to maintain diplomatic relations with their respective nation states. With the current state of the sphere, our organisation has been required to maintain the peace with increasing frequency.


    Adhesive (Now called PARA for Paralysis)

    As part of the police force it makes sense that we have non-lethal ammo on loads of units. Light or Heavy riotstoppers are small/large teardrop templates. They can force interesting interactions if you need to tie something down or create unfavourable mods.

    This is not as good as it was in N3 but can still be a useful tool in some situations. Successful attacks make the target roll a PH-6 roll. If they fail, the target enters Imm-A. Imm-A state means they cannot declare any skills other than Dodge (at -6).

    Heavy Infantry

    We have some really good Heavy Infantry options. We lose some options from Vanilla O-12 (Omega, Gamma etc) but gain the option of linking Betatroopers, Bronzes and even Hector. Our Heavy Infantry also excel at taking and holding ground. Three of our five HI options have 360 visors making them difficult to sneak up on whilst the Bronze with Total Immunity is hard to get off the table.

    Forward Deploying options

    We do not have that many options here but the ones we do have are excellent. The Crusher is a very good option with optimized loadouts and being a specialist. The Combat Jump options on the Crusher and Santiago knight have uses and both have to take two damage before they become ineffective. Our other two options are both characters – Andromeda and Casanova. Talking of which…


    We have five characters to choose from and some of them are very good. Andromeda and Casanova get deployment skills; Andromeda can infiltrate with +6, and Casanova gets an extra 8” of deployment. They’re both specialists, capable in combat but not cheap. They can fill some gaps in our lists. Hector is a bit of a beast with his high armour, good loadouts and selection of skills. He is very pricey but if you take him as a lieutenant you’re getting 3 orders; his regular order, plus two lieutenant orders turned regular by Strategos L1. This makes him slightly more reasonable, but makes him even more of a target than he would otherwise be.


    Marker States

    We severely lack options for marker state units. There are no camouflaged units in the entire sectorial. This takes out a whole style of play that is open to other factions. Also, whilst we can discover fairly well, we only have one unit with MSV2 (Epsilon) and he’s not linkable, or really cheap enough to include several of. We have one MSV1 option which is the Psi-cop and so dealing with Mimetism units can be challenging too.

    Unit Price

    We have some fairly elite units, which each individually look strong. However, making a full list with enough orders and utility can prove difficult. Often, you’ll be looking at other factions and thinking how easy they have it. This also means that often you’ll be hoping each one of your units can take out at least two enemy units.

    Cheap Skirmishers or warbands

    We have no cheap skirmishers, no cheap warbands (Varangian Guard are 12 points a pop). This means we can end in engagements that create an unfavourable trade if we lose.

    Long Range Weaponry

    On the whole we have a plethora of options with which to encourage compliance. Long range engagements is not one of them. In particular, we lack the same long range AP firearms utilised by others.


    Our basic troops ranging from 12-20 points. BS12 is good for basic line Infantry and these are linkable in a core for those juicy bonuses. Missile Launchers here make reasonable ARO pieces, but with no special rules don’t expect them to last too long. Only bonus we have is shock immunity helping us to bring them back if you’ve got a doctor hiding with them.


    Our sole source of smoke, these guys can be very handy. Their Impetuous order is their only potential drawback but is balanced but potentially being useful too! The 12-point profile sees a lot of play (SMG, Chain rifle and smoke grenades), but you can also get a BSG or double Chain-colts instead for 16 or 13 points respectively. Berserk with CC23, Dogged and Courage means these guys can perform some reasonable back-field defence too. Not a fan of the BSG profile with only BS10 and think really the best option is the chain-rifle dude. Pair with an Epsilon for MSV2 & Smoke shenanigans.


    Two decent Hacker profiles; Killer, or HD+ for White Noise. Cheap enough if you’re in the market and a HD+ is helpful for White Noise. No other skills than Stealth (which can be useful on the hackers!) WIP14 is reasonable, and they do come with a Pitcher which can help in a pinch.


    Doctor or Engineer WIP14, 16 points. Not a lot to say really, if you need them, bring them. Parvati is probably better if you can find the points.


    Currently 30-37 points and at that pricing she is a pretty good take. As a Specialist Operative, can press the buttons you need. Inherently she has Forward Deployment 8” which lets you get to where you need to be. You can add Infiltration +6 for 4 points across each profile (SMG or BSG). Mimetism-3, 2” extra to dodge and V:NWI with Shock Immunity is a good host of skills. Guard finishes it off, letting Andromeda do CC attacks in ZoC (with LoF) which works pretty impressively with her D-Charges and Martial Arts L3.


    Useful if you have a few points left for a Flash Pulse ARO.


    Forward Deployment 8” gets you to the midfield. Mimetism-6, Shock Immunity and V:NWI gives you some survivability and +3 to dodge onn PH11 helps if you end up in an unfavourable match up, which is possible given he only has an SMG and Nanopulser. He’s a Specialist Operative, which really adds a lot to a profile like this. Monofilament CCW on Close Combat 22 with Martial Arts Level 2 and CC Attack -3 means this guy is pretty adept at taking out TAGs, and non-CC specialists but I’d be careful about taking him against anyone really good in CC. He can win, but it is all down to a single roll and there are normally better options.


    A CC focused option with no special deployment skills can be difficult to get to where she needs to be. Fortunately, she’s a wildcard so can join any link team and tag along which helps her get to where she needs to be. She does dodge on 17s and gets +2” to move on success so that can help a bit. If she hits, her explosive CCW means 3 damage 15 AP saves – that’s pretty scary!


    BS13, BTS6, all profiles are specialists with Mimetism-3 and Shock Immunity. Not a bad starting point. 19-25 points for profiles. The MSV1 Multi Marksmen Rifle is a solid choice and as wildcards, they can join any of our links. The Discover +3 Biometric Visor Multi Marksmen Rifle is a good choice too to protect against sneaky impersonators. Great fillers for a list that can achieve some serious work


    These guys, BS13, ARM2/BTS3 on a profile that includes Forward Observer, Mimetism -3, Courage, Shock Immunity, V:NWI and Zero-G is a fantastic platform. The Zero-G might have been situational before, but with the Localized Decompression rule for ITS12, it is quite a bonus. The first three profiles all have Forward Deployment 8”, getting them to where they need to be. Each profile is a good candidate for starting the game on Suppressive Fire. The Multi-rifle is a good weapon, but here I prefer looking at the SMG & Light Rocket Launcher profile for its utility. The combat jump profile with a BSG and Panzerfaust can get in behind the enemy, target them with Forward Observer, pick up objectives, use the Panzerfaust to take out heavy targets. Pairs well with a Millicent Bot for lobbing Smart Missiles into whatever you’ve just targeted.


    Holomask, WIP14 and profiles which are lieutenant or chain of command. Not a bad cheap lieutenant option that can be hidden. The question of what to Holomask as is a difficult one. There are plenty of options. One tactic could be to hide her as something beefy: A Knight of Santiago or a Bronze. Hector is not a good target, because she would lack the Tinbot making it obvious.


    The Bluecoats have some great profiles. Biometric Visors help to discover any impersonators that might be trying to wreck your day, added with Discover +3 – these guys are the real ‘cops’ of the faction. Natural Born Warrior with CC20 makes them not awful in combat but definitely no spcecialist. The interesting profile is the 13 point ADHL (+1 Burst) and a Heavy Riotstopper. No lethal weapons, but can work well as a backfield and cheap defensive piece. They can link as a Core or Haris, or join a link of Kappas. All options are reasonable.


    Motorbikes with movement 8-6 are always handy for getting to where you need to be. Mimetism-3 offsets never being able to get cover and a free impetuous order adds value. BS Attacks get +1 damage which helps the Red Fury, Combi Rifle or Boarding Shotguns really do damage. The Sidebot is an interesting addition which can cause difficult ARO choices but it is only a small template so you need to get close. The Specialist Operative profile can be useful for missions when moving around is a necessity but Silhouette 4 makes them hard to hide.


    One of our linkable options with Zero-G terrain and so they benefit in ITS12 for missions with Localized Decompression. BS Attack +1 Damage is great with Multi-rifles, Heavy Rocket Launchers, Heavy Machine Guns or Red Fury as weapon options. The two parachutist options are interesting. I’m inclined to prefer the Forward Observer profile as a way to bring an additional specialist and with a multi-rifle on Damage 14, you can efficiency against higher armoured targets with its AP ammo. Climbing Plus finishes this unit off nicely, as they can reach difficult areas to gain good fire lines.


    Doctor/Engineer extraordinaire. Movement 6-2 helps you to get where you need to be. You can take a Yudbot, but remember this precludes her joining a link, which she can do by virtue of being a wildcard. WIP15, healing 2 wounds and Engineering +3 means Parvati is probably the best at healing in the game. She pairs nicely with our 2 wound HI models and can make units like Hector and the Bronze very hard to shift. Super Jump is really handy on a unit like this as it can save orders for getting to where you need to be. If you can find the points, she’s great to include.


    Holomask, 360 visor and Zero-G.. A wildcard and the ability to take a jammer and grenades is not a bad option as an escort for some Heavy Infantry in a link. So many options to consider; Hector, Betatrooper and Tian Gou, the Bronze etc. The holoprojector profiles can also be useful, gaining Surprise Attack -3, and Madtraps. They can be useful for board control but with starting in the deployment zone they’re better as a defensive option


    MSV2 across all loadouts, Bioimmunity, mimetism and immune to shock. Reasonable Armour of 2/BTS3 and BS13 makes these guys a pretty solid choice. Priced 29-34 is a bit expensive if you lose them cheaply, but they can do work. The Multi-sniper Rifle is a good bet as an ARO weapon. If you want to use offensively, pair with a Varangian Guard – this can also work with the SMR or HMG profiles which are generally better than the MSR, except against very high ARM targets (TAGs).


    A 34 point lieutenant option with a built in Repeater, V:NWI, Strategos L1 and an additional command token. He’s BS13 but at 34 points and an obvious lieutenant, he isn’t always the best choice. He comes in the army pack, so is likely to be used so you should think about how to hide him. He can pair well with Engisn Cho Chain of Command. Other options are to use some of our defensive units to protect him.


    These guys are really interesting. Move 6-2, BS13, ARM/BTS3 and 2 STR. A host of skills, including Mimetism -3, Courage, Remote Presence, Shock Immunity, and Climbing Plus. They can form Core or Haris links and Hector can join. Loads of interesting profiles, including a tinbot: Firewall -3, KHD (Cybermask!) and a doctor. Weapons options are SMG, Multi-Rifle, Spitfire, Boarding Shotgun. I particularly like the KHD profile – you can cybermask and run up the board relatively easy and being a HI, it makes you fairly immune against other hackers.


    360 visors are always useful, 2 wounds, ARM4 isn’t bad. BS14 is strong and they can hold their own in combat (CC23 and Martial Arts L1). Keeping the Zero-G theme, they have it. All profiles are specialists, but there is the option for a Killer Hacker. The normal version comes with a Tinbot Firewall-3, whilst the combat jump option has mines. Lots of utility in this profile, but unfortunately, they are pretty expensive.


    Hector is an absolutely beast; ARM5/BTS6, BS13, CC24 with Martial Arts L4. Strategos L1, V:NWI and two wounds. You can take a Spitfire, or my preference, the Plasma Rifle. Both profiles have Grenades, a nanopulser and Tinbot: Firewall-3. He’s not cheap, and your list will be focused around him. As a lieutenant, he brings 3 regular orders to the table, which really singles him out as a target. I’d recommend Ensign Cho as a backup with Chain of Command if you bring him. He can take on a lot of targets, but losing him will have a big effect on your list, so don’t engage prematurely! The X-visor helps engaging at unfavourable ranges. Hector can benefit from joining a link; a core link is a bit pricey, but a haris with Parvati and a Killer Hacker Betatrooper covers a lot of Classifieds, mission objectives with reasonable survivability and solid assault power. It does clock in at 140 points, however.


    One of our best units for holding ground. 360 visor, Total Immunity, CC19 and Martial Arts meaning you might get lucky in CC or at worst use your PARA CCW (-6). A decent selection of loadouts here; my preferred is the Multi-rifle specialist operative at 53 points. They can join links of Bluecoats, Nyokas or Betatroopers. In 400 point games you could combine a Betatrooper link with Parvati, Hector and a Bronze for a lot of points in one basket, but you might find better value elsewhere. The only thing really holding this guy back is his 4-4 movement. At 6-2, he’d have been awesome for those missions where advancing and taking ground is key.


    There are some very interesting things you can do with the Raptors. Firstly, they all come with a Devabot that has Zero-G Terrain, 360 visor and a heavy flamer. They’re Movement 6-4 too. The Raptors themselves have 360 visor, Courage, Shock Immunity, NCO and Zero-G. With 6-2 Movement, they’re pretty mobile. Weapon choices are Spitfire, BSG, or Multi-rifle. My favourite profile here is the Killer Hacker with a multi-rifle and light flamer. At 42 points, they’re pretty reasonably priced for their two wounds, ARM3/BTS3 and BS14. The best thing about the Killer Hacker though is its ability to Cybermask himself and his bot. With their rapid movement, they can use their Cybermasked movement to get into position where the combination of a Bot Flamer & Multi-rifle on BS14 can force some difficult decisions. This is one of the Starmada HI units that shouldn’t be anywhere new CC; no special CC skills, only CC16 and no decent weapon means you’re best flaming a combatant before they get to strike!

    There isn’t much to say here if you've already done your training on other factions' capabilities - there is very little different from our remotes versus other factions’ standard remotes.


    16 points, Forward Observer with Climbing Plus. Do much the same job as similar remotes in other factions.


    Total Reaction HMG with Climbing Plus, 360 Visor and Courage. Can only take one, not a bad option for a simple ARO piece.


    Smart Missiles – we know them, we love them, they’re order intensive to set up but we have an advantage with the Crusher Combat Jump Forward Observer, or the Nyoka Parachutist.


    Helper bots – don’t forget if you have one you cannot be part of a link (Looking at you Parvati).


    7 points for a regular order and a Flashbot. Not bad if you’re after the extra order without spending many points. Don’t under-estimate as an ARO piece. Combinen with a Warcor for 10 points of Lolz.


    Size 4, three options – an 8-point order mule, a total reaction bot with a combi rifle or an EVO hacker. Cheap orders, or the Evo hacker are probably the best options but only offer a limited supporting role.


    The Zeta is a pretty standard TAG; ARM8 BTS6 with BS14. The HRMC is good with Burst 5, but this guy is still a lot of points. Climbing Plus helps get better angles and the pilot remote is a specialist, so does add some additional value in a bind.

    I'm thankful to @LucaGirolami for this:

    Shona Carano
    Tian Gou

    Kappa Core
    1-5 Kappa
    0-4 Bluecoats
    0-2 Psi-cops

    Bluecoats Core
    1-4 Bluecoats
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-3 Bronzes

    Bluecoats Haris
    1-3 Blueacoats
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-2 Bronzes

    Nyokas Core
    1-5 Nyokas
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-3 Bronzes
    0-1 Hector

    Nyokas Haris
    1-3 Nyokas
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-2 Bronzes
    0-1 Hector

    Betatroopers Core
    1-5 Betatroopers
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-3 Bronzes
    0-1 Hector

    Betatroopers Haris
    1-5 Betatroopers
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-2 Bronzes
    0-1 Hector

    Bronzes Duo
    1-2 Bronzes
    0-1 Knight of Santiago

    Personal best of choice
    - 3 Kappas and your choice of Psi or Bluecoats: an affordable defensive fireteam. It mostly spend time defending deployment zone, effectively AROing around thanks to visors. Best choice for hiding Kappa Liutenant.
    - Betatrooper Haris or Core with Hector: high risk pain-train-like fireteam. Parvati can join for additional endurance. A Tian gou (usually disguised as a Betatrooper KHD or Bronze RF) can join to bring Jammer or a KHD.
    - Nyokas Haris with full HRL. Simple and brutal. Don't understimate Nyokas and their shooting from unusual angles via Climbing Plus.
    - Bronze RF (or any Specialist) and Knight of Santiago KHD Tinbot. Very durable couple, can complete most of the mid-table tasks. They can part ways later in the match to guard different objectives.!
    #1 Captain_Rose, Nov 22, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
    Wizzy, Iver, Dragonclaw and 2 others like this.
  2. Captain_Rose

    Captain_Rose Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Below are some sample lists and basic tactics to accompany them. They're by no means exhaustive and are not built for any particular missions, meaning that you will need to tailor your approach more.

    This list is based on using the Kappa missile launchers as the primary defence. It is not subtle and is quite expensive when you look at the entire link. To add some utility, I've added in a Psi-cop with Multi-marksmen Rifle and MSV1, to let you get some work done in the active turn if necessary. There is also the Bluecoat who can join the Kappa link so you can reform a full 5 man link even after one member drops.

    The forward deploying Crusher with Casanova gives you some mid-field control from the outset. My preference is to use the combat jumping Crusher as an offensive piece to walk on, target some high priority enemies for the missile bot, and then off-load its Panzerfaust if there is a favourable shot.

    The Raptor with KHD should Cybermask and take up a solid position early to ensure he's not duelling over 16".

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]10
    PSI-COp (Multispectral Visor L1) Nanopulser(+1B), MULTI Marksman Rifle ( ) / Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 25)
    KAPPA Missile Launcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 17)
    KAPPA Missile Launcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 17)
    KAPPA Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 12)
    KAPPA (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, Flash Pulse ( | Deployable Repeater) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 14)
    BLUECOAT Adhesive Launcher(+1B), Heavy Riotstopper / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 13)
    CRUSHER (Combat Jump, Parachutist) Boarding Shotgun, Panzerfaust, D-Charges / Pistol, E/M CC Weapon. (0 | 36)
    CRUSHER (Forward Deployment [+8"]) Submachine Gun, Light Rocket Launcher, Nanopulser, D-Charges / Pistol, E/M CC Weapon. (1 | 35)
    RAPTOR (Hacker, Killer Hacking Device) MULTI Rifle, Light Flamethrower ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 42)
    [​IMG] DEVABOT Heavy Flamethrower / PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 5)
    CASANOVA Submachine Gun, Nanopulser / Pistol, Monofilament CC Weapon. (0 | 32)
    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]5
    FUZZBOT (Minesweeper, Repeater) ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 8)
    CHO (Lieutenant) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 15)
    KYTTÄ Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)
    FUZZBOT (Minesweeper, Repeater) ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 8)
    MILLICENT Missile Launcher / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (1.5 | 17)
    5.5 SWC | 298 Points
    Open in Infinity Army

    This list is all about supporting the TAG. Because of that, it really lacks a strong ARO punch. You've got the Epsilon Multi-Sniper. Deployment will be critical, especially if going second. The Crusher and Casanova are added to give some mid-field protection for the Zeta against unit moving up and trying to take him on.

    The Haris (Parvati, Betatrooper KHD & Tian Gou) are an effective support team for the TAG whilst also being able to complete objectives effectively.

    [​IMG]10 [​IMG]1
    CASANOVA Submachine Gun, Nanopulser / Pistol, Monofilament CC Weapon. (0 | 32)
    PARVATI Submachine Gun(+1B), Flash Pulse ( | GizmoKit, MediKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 38)
    TIAN GǑU 1st Section Boarding Shotgun, Grenades, Jammer / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 23)
    BETATROOPER (Killer Hacking Device) Submachine Gun, Nanopulser(+1B) ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 33)
    KYTTÄ Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)
    FUZZBOT (Minesweeper, Repeater) ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 8)
    EPSILON MULTI Sniper Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 33)
    CHO (Chain of Command) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 20)
    ZETA (Lieutenant) Hyper-Rapid Magnetic Cannon, Heavy Riotstopper / AP CC Weapon. (2 | 77)
    [​IMG] ZETBOT Flash Pulse / CC Weapon. (0 | 0)
    CRUSHER (Forward Deployment [+8"]) Submachine Gun, Nanopulser, D-Charges / Pistol, E/M CC Weapon. (0 | 29)
    3.5 SWC | 300 Points
    Open in Infinity Army

    This list is built around Hector but that doesn't mean it doesn't lack a punch elsewhere. The Lawkeeper is included as a fast moving, order efficient specialist. There are so many variations you could do on this list to make it fit the way you want to play. I've gone for a full defensive link with 3 missile launchers, but you could just as easily drop all the Kappas and take a combination of Crushers, Andromeda or Casanova.

    The Cyberghost KHD is designed to lay down some pitchers in useful places, allowing him to ARO along with the Beta KHD (if necessary), and the two Hackers in the defensive link. Be careful though - remembering that splitting your ARO between shoot & hack will drop members out of the link and lose you benefits.

    The real weakness of this list is losing Hector; he brings three orders and is your lieutenant. Depending how you play, you might want to consider adding Cho Chain of Command to mitigate some of the loss you'll feel when Hector dies.

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]9 [​IMG]2
    BETATROOPER (Killer Hacking Device) Submachine Gun, Nanopulser(+1B) ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 33)
    HECTOR (Lieutenant [+1 Order]) Plasma Rifle, Nanopulser, Grenades ( | TinBot: Firewall [-3]) / Heavy Pistol, EXP CC Weapon. (0 | 69)
    PARVATI Submachine Gun(+1B), Flash Pulse ( | GizmoKit, MediKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 38)
    LAWKEEPER (Specialist Operative) Combi Rifle, Chain Rifle / MULTI Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 27)
    [​IMG] SIDEBOT Light Riotstopper / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 4)
    KYTTÄ Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)
    VARANGIAN Submachine Gun, Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Heavy Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (0 | 12)
    FUZZBOT (Minesweeper, Repeater) ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 8)
    CYBERGHOSTS (Hacker, Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Pitcher ( ) / Breaker Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 18)
    FUZZBOT (Minesweeper, Repeater) ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 8)
    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]5 [​IMG]1
    KAPPA Missile Launcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 17)
    KAPPA Missile Launcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 17)
    KAPPA Missile Launcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 17)
    KAPPA (Hacker, Hacking Device) Submachine Gun ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 12)
    KAPPA (Hacker, Hacking Device) Submachine Gun ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 12)
    WARCOR (360º Visor) Flash Pulse ( ) / Stun Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 3)
    5.5 SWC | 298 Points
    Open in Infinity Army

    This list is all about starting off in good positions and having the haris of Bronze, Bluecoat & Parvati moving up to support. The Bronze is a bit of a difficult to remove beast so once he's in place, with Parvati close by, he should be there to stay.

    The two forward deploying crushers should take up fairly protected positions as they will not last long in a long-range firefight. The two biggest weaknesses of this list is poor ARO ability relying mostly on the Epsilon, and a very obvious and fragile lieutenant. The advantages for missions like the Armory or other 'take and hold' end of round scoring missions is being in the right place from the outside.

    A variation on the theme could be to fit in Andromeda for one of the Crushers, using her infiltration to get her into another zone.

    [​IMG]10 [​IMG]1
    BRONZE (Specialist Operative) MULTI Rifle, Light Riotstopper / Pistol, E/M CC Weapon, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 53)
    PARVATI Submachine Gun(+1B), Flash Pulse ( | GizmoKit, MediKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 38)
    BLUECOAT Adhesive Launcher(+1B), Heavy Riotstopper / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 13)
    CRUSHER (Forward Deployment [+8"]) Submachine Gun, Light Rocket Launcher, Nanopulser, D-Charges / Pistol, E/M CC Weapon. (1 | 35)
    CRUSHER (Forward Deployment [+8"]) Submachine Gun, Light Rocket Launcher, Nanopulser, D-Charges / Pistol, E/M CC Weapon. (1 | 35)
    CASANOVA Submachine Gun, Nanopulser / Pistol, Monofilament CC Weapon. (0 | 32)
    EPSILON MULTI Sniper Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 33)
    VARANGIAN Submachine Gun, Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Heavy Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (0 | 12)
    CRUSHER (Combat Jump, Parachutist) Boarding Shotgun, Panzerfaust, D-Charges / Pistol, E/M CC Weapon. (0 | 36)
    KAPPA (Lieutenant) Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1 | 12)
    4.5 SWC | 299 Points
    Open in Infinity Army
    #2 Captain_Rose, Nov 22, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
  3. Captain_Rose

    Captain_Rose Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Today, we had several new units and profiles added to our forces. Watch this space for a more full update as I try out some of the units and builds. However, some brief thoughts are below:

    The Roadbot is such a great unit with so much versatility and speed that for me, I'll be trying to squeeze two into lists for the foreseeable future. I really like the Sidebot, but you lose the ability to put these guys in links. As a matter of order efficiency, in Season 14 I like the idea of a Roadbot/Oko duo. This lets you use the tactical awareness order of the Oko (from Season 14) to get free movement, to move a repeater up the board and to get a specialist FO into position. You may think it isn't worth it, but that one free order can move the Roadbot 14", and the Oko 10". Okay, you have to have freedom to move-move, which isn't often going to happen off the bat, but if it does, that's an insane amount of movement.

    As for the roadbot profiles themselves, I particularly like the paramedic, SMG, Panzerfaust, Drop bears option. I think this guy is the one that gives you the most flexibility to achieve lots of things. I do like the marksmen rifle, but feel the Panzerfaust gives you that opportunity to get into position and wreck something scary. I've never been a huge fan of the Red Fury just by virtue of it lacking any AP, and in N4 I feel it is a sub-par weapon, albeit high burst is always a good thing.

    Don't forget, these come with no wound incapacitation, meaning they're far more resilient than you expect and aren't an awful target for suppressive fire if they've done whatever business they were there to do.

    One final note - these are remotes, and so in theory you could use an Evo bot to buff them, and say give them marksmanship which can make them far more scary, especially in SF or with that panzerfaust.

    Sarko, Naval Recon Unit

    Relatively cheap infiltrators with mimetism-3 and came. These guys can find a place in a Starmada list. Previously, we had no camouflage, so this is quite a big change. Infiltration is a bonus, as is the fact there is a minelayer profile and forward observer. As far as roadblocks go, two minelayers isn't a bad choice, especially if you're combining with some other forward deploying units like Crushers, Andromeda, or Casanova - but note most of our options here are more expensive then enemy alternatives, so it can be a false economy if you're trading down.

    Climbing plus and total terrain gives these units lots of flexibility for getting to hard to reach places, and especially challenging from awkward angles. The two standout profiles for me so far are the minelayer, and FO with wild parrot, who at 20 points looks a bit of a bargain.

    Sekudroids, Surveillance and Security Droids

    20 points for a BS11 unit isn't necessarily attractive until you realise these guys are two wounds, and count as 'security' for our core fireteam which can include Kappas, Bluecoats, Raveneye officers, and Cho. Flash pulse can be useful, although I'm not sure how useful these guys will really be compared to other options we have. If anyone has an idea on how to use them effectively, I'll be interested to hear it!
    #3 Captain_Rose, Nov 22, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
    LeGweg likes this.
  4. Captain_Rose

    Captain_Rose Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    The above was written more for fun than trying to be an advanced tactical guide. I'm hopeful it'll help some people looking to get into the faction but would love comments from those who have tested it in the wild!

    I am indebted to @Yasashii Fuyu as I basically copied the structure of their very thorough ISS tactica. I hope this comes somewhat close to as useful as that.
    #4 Captain_Rose, Nov 22, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2020
    LeGweg and Croepoek like this.
  5. LucaGirolami

    LucaGirolami Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    My modest contribution, the fireteams breakdown:

    Shona Carano
    Tian Gou

    Kappa Core
    1-5 Kappa
    0-4 Bluecoats
    0-2 Psi-cops

    Bluecoats Core
    1-4 Bluecoats
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-3 Bronzes

    Bluecoats Haris
    1-3 Blueacoats
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-2 Bronzes

    Nyokas Core
    1-5 Nyokas
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-3 Bronzes
    0-1 Hector

    Nyokas Haris
    1-3 Nyokas
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-2 Bronzes
    0-1 Hector

    Betatroopers Core
    1-5 Betatroopers
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-3 Bronzes
    0-1 Hector

    Betatroopers Haris
    1-5 Betatroopers
    0-2 Psi-Cops
    0-2 Bronzes
    0-1 Hector

    Bronzes Duo
    1-2 Bronzes
    0-1 Knight of Santiago

    Personal best of choice
    - 3 Kappas and your choice of Psi or Bluecoats: an affordable defensive fireteam. It mostly spend time defending deployment zone, effectively AROing around thanks to visors. Best choice for hiding Kappa Liutenant.
    - Betatrooper Haris or Core with Hector: high risk pain-train-like fireteam. Parvati can join for additional endurance. A Tian gou (usually disguised as a Betatrooper KHD or Bronze RF) can join to bring Jammer or a KHD.
    - Nyokas Haris with full HRL. Simple and brutal. Don't understimate Nyokas and their shooting from unusual angles via Climbing Plus.
    - Bronze RF (or any Specialist) and Knight of Santiago KHD Tinbot. Very durable couple, can complete most of the mid-table tasks. They can part ways later in the match to guard different objectives.
  6. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Haris cheap option to hit hard and MSV1 in the team:


    PARVATI Submachine Gun(+1B), Flash Pulse ( | GizmoKit, MediKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 38)
    NYOKA Heavy Machine Gun, Chain-colt / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (1 | 28)
    PSI-COp (Multispectral Visor L1) Nanopulser(+1B), MULTI Marksman Rifle ( ) / Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 25)

    1 SWC | 91 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    (6 pts cheaper would be to change the PSI MSV1 for the bland combi rifle, but it would lose the through smoke & long range AP capabilities).

    Another option, with melee options instead of antismoke:


    PARVATI Submachine Gun(+1B), Flash Pulse ( | GizmoKit, MediKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 38)
    NYOKA Heavy Machine Gun, Chain-colt / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (1 | 28)
    SHONA CARANO Submachine Gun, Nanopulser(+1B), Flash Pulse / Pistol, EXP CC Weapon. (0 | 27)

    1 SWC | 93 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
  7. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    Santiago Spitfire + Parvati is my go-to FT Duo.
    McKaptain likes this.
  8. McKaptain

    McKaptain Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2018
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    I was actually looking at a list like this:

    Santiago w/spitfire

    Hector /Plasma
    Betatrooper Doctor
    Tian Gou KHD

    Kappa MultiSniper
    Kappa MultiSniper
    Kappa HMG
    Kappa FO
    Kappa Paramedic

    Every model is in a link. The Kappa can do enough ARO that they can’t be ignored, but even if you lose both Snipers the list still has 10 orders and they are efficient because of links.

    Also, every link has strong offensive output and has specialists in tow, so no matter who you’re pushing forward, you’re bringing up specialists.

  9. LucaGirolami

    LucaGirolami Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    Actually, a Fireteam Duo must contain at least one Bronze to be legal. A Santiago can join, but cannot form a link by himself.

    I strongly advise to include additional range bands in Kappa link, such a Psi MMR and/or a Gluecoat.

    Last, but not least, I think Parvati is well suited to play alongside Hector in a dedicated Haris/Core of Beta.
  10. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    Ah screw you're right. Damn. That cuts down on the usefulness of the Santiago quite alarmingly.
    Bronzes are the only troop that can duo in Starmada so no duos unless they contain a Bronze. That bites.
  11. McKaptain

    McKaptain Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2018
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  12. miguelbarbo84

    miguelbarbo84 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    Also, having just 1 combat group now doesn't prevent the enemy from stripping 2 of them if you go 1st. I'm not sure I'd run 10 orders only without any kind of advanced deployment, nor smoke, nor true fire superiority (as per N4 ridiculously brutal standards).

    Maybe I'm just too used to PanO but I wouldn't really be confident with such a list. How would you play that aside from full throttle?
  13. LucaGirolami

    LucaGirolami Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    Sure Starmada has not the quality of, let’s say, Invincible Army in terms of Order with a single Combat Group. PanO itself can rely on close-to-broken units to keep up with a single combat group.

    A 10 order list is playable if either it has:
    - Zeta Unit;
    - Liutenant with bonus orders;
    - NCOs (Starmada is not so lucky about them...)
    - Forward deployment
    - more of the above.

    All in all, getting stripped of two orders can be soaked with order efficiency.
    Phayton likes this.
  14. Phayton

    Phayton Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    As a Steel Phalanx player I think having two linkteams also helps a little bit to overcome the "one combatgroup problem". Maybe I´ll try something like this (and hope I don´t get LOLed by something like a Speculo):

  15. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It would seem that this thread is obsolete, so let's give it a new set of data.

    Recently, Starmada has settled into a few critical changes: Fireteams, Bronze with HMG, and the profiles of Roadbots, Sekudroids and Sarkos.

    Let's start with Fireteams, of which we have 3 Core (pure) options:

    • The Cheap defensive terrace option (Kappa):
    About 70 points of core built around a Kappa sniper/Missile Launcher. Formation requires at least 1 kappa or 1 Bluecoat, accepting up to 2 Raveneyes, 1 sekudroid and 1 Cho and remain Pure, or going for a wildcard (which I don't think is the best idea).
    My personal favourite is to have Cho, disguised as a Bluecoat or Kappa that can't be LT, and use the 2 Raveneye with the E/M mines as bait (cybermines are equally useful for preventing DZ walkers, since Duroc is a WB, so he would not trigger the cybermines, making those as useless as the EM ones against him), with the fifth member being either a kappa hacker or a real bluecoat.
    Strengths: kappas are inmunne to shock BS12 WP14 so the sniper has a base of 15. Two camo markers (EM mines) and 2-3 SMGs provide plenty of short-range defensive, and it can have 2-3 specialists within, two of which (raveneye) *also* carry Forward Observer and Flash Pulse for long range, so you can peel the sniper or leave his KO body behind and move to cap objectives. The sniper is a great pressure piece that is also cheap.
    Weaknesses: Low PH value, 10, on all members make them vulnerable to templates and speculative fire. All units have a base BS of 11-12.

    • The mid-costed, usually Haris (Nyoka):
    If we go for a Core, I prefere pure Cores, frankly, and that means the Nyoka core must have 1-5 Nyokas, 0-2 Bronzes, and nothing else. The nyokas are good psychological threats, specially the HRL one (which is also the cheapest in points), and the bronzes tank like champs. Sadly, proxying is a must here, since the only source for nyokas is a box with 2 nyokas, 1 nyoka Parachutist and a Bronze. Unlike the Kappa fireteam, however, this fireteam would hold no LT, so it's a wall of battle. I would go at least for 2 HRL nyokas and 1 HMG Bronze (who are absolute rocks), which would be the ARO & attack pieces, and then 2 MULTI rifle (one may be an specialist operative). That's about 140pts, however.
    Strengths: high pressure, long and short range weapons, good damage. The Bronze is a rock with 360º visor. All have Climbing Plus.
    Weaknesses: Expensive, low BS for the price, no visual modifiers.

    • The Premium (Betatrooper):
    We are talking about 150-165pts link team here. The Epsilon is the only long-range weapon, and thus needed, with the Sekudroid being the only discount body (also adding some needed templates and a flash pulse). Even so, the Betatroopers are more assault troops than campers, their weapons being reduced to SMGs, MULTI rifles, BSG and Sptifire. They have the better PH and BS of all Fireteam Core makers, and move fast. Being remotes, also being HI is not really an issue.
    Strengths: Better BS, Epsilon in pure core, Climbing Plus in all members, better stats for their price than the Nyokas, harder to dislodge, Betatroopers dodge at 15 with mimetism-3, good specialists options.
    Weaknesses: EM ammo, only one long range weapon and a support one (epsilon, sekudroid), really expensive (but not much more than the Nyokas core).

    • Cheap advance: Raveneye, Sekudroid, Bluecoat. It's a swiss army knife (specialist, mines, templates, flash pulse, etc...) and the Bluecoat has 6th Sense anyway, and has a +3 to discover (it should be checked if that stacks with the Haris bonus).
    • ARO duty: Epsilon + Nyoka HRL + Bronze HMG. Use them all as ARO pieces, reposition freely thanks to Climbing Plus, and be a nuisance, specially with the Bronze.
    • Scalpel: Betatrooper Spitfire Tinbot+ Bixie/PsiCop + Betatrooper/Sekudroid.
    • The Wall: Bronze + Parvati + Sekudroid. Six wounds and Parvati can recover the Bronze from 0-2 wounds in a roll.
    Roadbot + Oko, because Tachimotos give Tactical Sense to the Okos. I prefer the SMG + Heavy Riotstopper Paramedic Roadbot.

    Main weaknesses for Starmada: E/M ammo. You have up to three engineers, but more often than not Parvati will be your only one. If she gets an EM to the face, the Reset-12 would mean (fortunately she can't be hacked, so she actually can only suffer the ISOlated state from EM) she needs 3 or less in 1d20 to come back to the fight (this is an example of how extreme EM ammo is against troops that eat both the ISO and IMM states, stacking the maluses), but other units like the Roadbots can't even roll.

    Best troops:
    Parvati, Roadbots, Sarko (all profiles are good, but the wildparrot gives quite the headache to the enemy), Raveneye and Bronze; A varangian guard (or two) are quite needed, specially if you carry an Epsilon. The Raptors have interesting uses, but again their weaknesses are painful, and their cost makes them hardly compatible with the Bronze. The Cyberghost can give good hacking options to the other pieces, but in the end you would need to go into dedicated hacking lists to truly get the best out of him, besides the White Noise on top of the Bronze, the Kappa Sniper, or the Crusher HRL.

    Some states are critical for Starmada, either because you apply them, or because they can break your advance: ISOlated (reset -9, but can be self-removed by an engineer) and IMM-B (ONLY allows reset -3 to remove), IMM-A (ONLY allows dodge-6 as order/ARO to remove). Be really clear regarding IMM-A since it's the state PARA Ammo inflicts, while EM is the ammo of the Wildparrot (Sarkos) and zappers/EMarat (Andromeda, raveneye...)
    #15 xagroth, May 29, 2023
    Last edited: May 30, 2023
  16. Amusedbymuse

    Amusedbymuse Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Parvati is LI, EM doesn't immobilise her, only isolate. So she gets to engineer herself on 15 with her irregular order.
    Edit: She has +3, so 18 does the job.
    #16 Amusedbymuse, May 29, 2023
    Last edited: May 30, 2023
  17. Jericho

    Jericho Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2022
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    Isolated is -9 WIP to reset.
  18. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    It is a rare case of an Engineer been Isolated, so the question is, is a trooper in silhouette contact with itself? if they are Parvati can fix herself out of isolation as an engineer.
  19. Rabble

    Rabble Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    @HellLois Answered that question already here. Yes, she can fix herself because all the trooperes are in silhoutte contact with themselves.
    LeGweg and Jericho like this.
  20. Amusedbymuse

    Amusedbymuse Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    But you dont reset. You use engineer to fix states. Previously I forgot that she has +3, so you clear isolation on 18.
    colbrook, burlesford and LeGweg like this.
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