It lost its fire weakness, ap is actually relevant now that tags are likely to see the table more due to crit changes and price cuts, tactical awareness, g synch and the fact we cant go above 15 troopers all play into favour of the gorgos. Unlike other factions our HI aren't reaching into baby tag territory so if you want that arm you need to go gorgos. Would I take it in a standard list? Probably not but i might consider it, previously even in missions like deadly dance I just ignored it as it was so bad.
Had another game this evening. Just one Taquel this time. He, uh, did pretty good. Strictly speaking he didn't make back his points, but he did endgamed most of a WhiteCo fusilier+haidao link to death, breaking my opponent's ARO back and putting him in Loss of Lieutenant.
There are several other TAGs with AP Spitfires, like the Shakush, that I want to take but can't quite justify over the HMG because they're my gun platform in case I get locked at long range on an open table against MSVs. Tohaa have no such concerns. You can always advance if you need. The big girl is the best-placed TAG to leverage the lower range armament and take fights inside other main battle TAG ideal range bands.
Do you guys think that putting a mate on the Gorgos is worthwhile anymore, since it's mostly just for the Total immunity now?
Depends which combination of Kaeltars you have. I think i'll probably only have two mates to go around and just choose at deployment rather than essentially assigning them when list building.
I thought that the two reserves option for going first made Jan good. Being able to do this and go into marker state makes him amazing! That lack of marker state was the main thing stopping super LT isolation snipes in N3, so its gonna be fun giving that a go in the new edition
A little off-topic maybe, but mind explaining how you managed to implement your list properly into your post? I know how it worked with N3-Army lists but I have no clue how it works with the new App.
Well...End of November has come and brought disappointment.No TRbots,No panzerfausts for 6points,no decent hackers,no docktors with +6,Tohaa even does not have super climbing...But minis still the best in game shame their destiny collect dust on my shelf☹️
You what now? Tohaa has best medics in the whole game, better chances of success than Haqq Doctors :D
We're not the TR bot factions. We're not the irregular faction. We're not the hacker faction. We're not the doctor faction. We're not the climbing faction! Tohaa got notably better, just not in these areas. When a faction gets buffs across the board, and I see a post saying nothing but disappointment, I find it a little hard to take it seriously. Surely theres something you're happy about in the changes?
I am absolutely happy that Tohaa returned.I am happy about Gorgos he does not lose AP spitfire with inactive symbeoarmor,I am happy that Taqeul can be in triad,I am happy Kriigel and 2 Reex are available in Tohaa,Makauls berserks with ava 6 Thanks for the slap man it returned me consciousness,I just need to get gut with them and in game. P.S. Do not tell Igao I was whining here,she has some issues with her temper:)
I am just happy about my space cabbages. We are a little better than before. Simbiomates and beast are adorable. That’s all, what I can say. All moments, that I was worried about, are fine) (Added after an hours.) I have a question. Is there some kind of “official proxy list” for units, that have no miniature or no longer produced?
As I know, there is no no official proxy list. But ITS 12 says that you must use Corvus Belli miniature and another part says that you "must clearly inform opponent of what that figure reprezents" :) I gonna use new Spec-Ops as Taqeul :)
I would like to see more units with pherowaretactics skills with camo and suprise attack. would be more nice if she is a hacker profile. so the repeaters can mean something
It would be very, very good! But we have to admit that it is already rare to have 1 normal hacker in our faction, I think it would be very rare to see another hacker, and less, a hacker with good stats or camo, but ... who knows !
I think a better solution would be to remove those deployable repeaters. We are decidedly not a hacking faction and I feel that camo hackers are more for the other factions than for Tohaa