Death is cheap when you have Cubes and the CA is not around the corner, gently caressing a Sepsitor like a bond villain would with his Angora cat of choice for all to see and doubt the sanity of reinstanciating the dead... About the ITS challenge, there should be no changes on this one. Maybe Asuka was the canned character (kinda risky to assume she would be, since CB would be either being prescient, or ignoring the results and having decided Asuka was going to get a new profile, YJ victory or not), so maybe it was Neko Oyama.
Only if you recover the Cube and have the resources to ressurrect the person. Which, seeing as they say "presumebly KIA" is not the case.
Some store a copy of their Cube before getting out. Most reinstances are "NOT OK" because of reasons and close sepsitors, but aside from that...
Narrative Tournament pack with an Oyoroi with new arms and the old Multi Rifle Crane, plus coins and random merchandising Like the TAGline one
I don't understand why they went to the trouble of sculpting a new O-Yoroi only to pack it with an outdated Crane.
"Game level by an average painter" Whelp, if this is "average" I guess it's time for me to commit sudoku. Also from the leaks this guy looked like the blandest mini from the box but now he is in competition for the best.
So why is the church running reincarnation lotteries? Sure, Asuka would likely be resurrected if they so have to sell half their O-yoroi suits to Corregidor, but...
I almost cried a bit when I first thought CB had resculpted the O-Yoroi and made it just as ugly as the original! Then I realized it was just new arms and was happy that my dream of a cool looking O-Yoroi is still alive. So... that was the reference XD Warning: TvTropes will ruin your life. You have been warned.
This tickled me, for I hate sudoku in a way that I can understand using it as a form of ritual suicide.
It's relative. He says average, it can mean "somewhere between THIN YOUR PAINTS level and an insane genius" and it's a huge space between those extremes. A while ago I saw someone post an awesome model saying "it's just a speedpaint". After multiple people having reactions similar to you or calling BS the painter clarified that he only spent 8 hours on that mini, not 20-30 like he normally does, hence "speedpaint".
Few of these "average level of painting" miniatures I like more than Angel's painting. The colors are more toned down and not as flashy as Angel's
Kind of cool to have a "new" version of the O-yoroi but why the hell does it hold the sword in the left hand when the saya is attached to the left arm? Did it pull out the sword with the right arm, then switch over to the left and pick up the HMG? Why? Wouldn't it be easier to just use the sword with the right arm and pick up the HMG with the left? I know it is nitpicking and they didn't want to make two new arms but it still bothers me.