Were we supposed to receive the Revenant expansion with this wave or was that in next year's release? Already got 8 missing collector boxes from a shipment (not CB's fault).
Revenant was included with the Platinum Pledge once they hit a certain stretch goal, but Platinum was always a wave 2 release.
Yarrr, ye've not heard o' the dread Pirates of the Caribbean then? Although Disney fired Johnny Depp, so maybe they'll lay low until The Mouse hires them a new Captain. And makes the pirates more socially just. Sure, hostis humani generis they were, but now they'll fight on the right side of history. Disney, not content with lobotomizing only fairy tales... 4 pages to 100, guys. Stop being so lazy and shiftless and start shit-posting more. The honor of the forum is at stake.
just in case anyone was wondering how much can be stored in the CE box contained in the foam is the all the metal modes (excluding the 4 alt models) for the core and CE + Valkyire and the complete CA side for Operation wildfire with enough room left for the expansion pack's models (edit: or scenery ive you didn't put them in the now vacant space in the core box)
@Koni : some mini are released in the next months (John Hawkwood, Uxia, Jayth...) that are in the defiance box Will it be the same sculpt as defiance or another one ? If it's the same : is there any way for us to check which new release is the same sculpt as defiance and which isn't ?
Different miniatures. These are the upcoming Jayth, Taigha, and Kestrelboner, they're different to the Defiance ones.
Fewer than Joan, I agree But I only have 5 Mushahi (old version, the 2 current infinity version, chibi, aristeia sculpt). Do I miss one of them ?
The metal Collector's Aristeia! sculpt is a little different and has a different cut to the plastic general release one. Call it 5.5 for him :)
I didn’t realize that Jayth had the synched pit patrol taigha. What month are those releases? There don’t seem to be threads beyond December.
These are the January releases, just up on Facebook. Jayth+Taigha Cheerkillers & ML Grenzer John Kestrelboner PanO C1 Booster Alpha (Swiss Guard HMG, Akal combi, Croc Sniper repack) Yu Jing C1 Booster Alpha (not shown, also a repack)
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/corvusbelli/infinity-defiance/posts/3041020 Good news - the US ship has arrived at port and shipment will begin soon. Also, the EU ship has left port two weeks ago and is on its way... and CB didn't think to tell us? No clue why. Bad news - there's a whole page missing from the Defiance manual. An important page listing Character Specialties. There are also essential "blinded" and "smoke" tokens missing. So we get a PDF with both of those now (link here, cool) and CB will either send an envelope with the missing page and the missing tokens to the AUS players. The EU/US players will get those with their Wave 1 boxes that haven't shipped yet (or I assume in an envelope if they did). Wave 2 only shipments will include those automatically. I'm not sure what I should do with a loose page from the manual though. It doesn't seem like CB intend to replace the manual despite the whole print being flawed, which is... weird if true.