Having forgotten about this and posited a 50/50 split background to rules... if they redo the missions in a linked narrative, it would be more appropriate to compare this one to Campaign Paradiso rather than N3 or HS? I don't remember its page count off-hand, but it was in the 200-range wasn't it, and gave us a slew of background, new units, and a new faction the Tohaa. How many NA2 sectorials can you fit into the space it takes for one faction-that-gets-called-a-sectorial?
No On the bright side, you can watch that stuff comfy before you get to sleep. For me, it will be in the middle of the day and I wont have time then.
It's usually around noon when BoW uploads their stuff right? So roughly 4,5-5 hours left untl the first video I would assume.
Do we have the list of release other than theJSA madness ? I remember things about zoe & pi-well, another shikami, a new kurgat, maybe a new De fersen and maybe a wardriver. Is that it ?
Kurgat & Shikami are already in March releases. Another Kurgat was planned somewhere this year, but probably won't be done just next month.
As the rest is great, I don't reallycare if the great samurai is actually good. I hope for a sufficient BS weapon. Nanopulsars will be on it anyway I think. Maybe just a smokelauncher and the pulsars? Absolutely not my playstyle but may work.
We can only speak about what we can see :) We don't have extra knowledge as some "inner circle" Warcors ;)
So instead of actually being a shooting profile at BS15 and a Multi Rifle or a HMG with some backup CC 20 and martial arts 2, he'll have BS12 and a combi rifle or a Spitfire and spend the points from the downgraded BS to increase CC to 23 and martial arts to 3 - thus being fairly well received by comparison but actually less useful?