Yeah I need to experiment more with her duo options, but I'm also wary of putting too many eggs in one basket. We don't get any cheap wildcards in WB really. JQ+Adil would be lethal in CC while bringing sensor, but now you have two expensive NWI+shock vulnerable CC specialists in one place, which feels really risky - not to mention no smoke. I considered Tian Gou jammer or KHD for a surprise in the midfield, but I have a tough time fitting them in alongside all the other options I generally rely on; not to mention Tian Gou generally feel really overcosted in N4. A more offensive duo for heavy lifting with a Shang Ji sounds interesting, I hadn't considered that yet. Either of the tac aware profiles might be solid for that, with JQ being the unhackable mobile specialist assassin with her climbing+, CC specialty, and a solid backup gun - almost like a bodyguard for the Shang Ji. I'd probably prefer an engi and/or a hacker to provide more well-rounded support if I plan on sending a Shang Ji into the midfield, but we do have the ever-solid Guilang who can help with that, so I can definitely see it working. Something tells me it'll be difficult to replace the cheap shaolin as her tag partner though, it feels much more secure having something expendable that complements her capabilities so well. I really hope we get some White Banner sculpts in the next few months, really hoping for new monks alongside more Ye Mao.
Biggest WB drawback for me is the non-availablilty of certain models I'd like to take. - Long Ya - ShangJi HMG - Tian Gao - Ye Mao - YuJak Spitfire - Hundun HRL I come back when more of that is available.
I believe they said something about shaolin release in 2020 during Kaldstrom week on YouTube, but who knows. It's basically November, and we know what will release during this month. So only December left and they still have booster blisters planned for code1 in 2020. Also who knows if Liang Kai in his regular non exclusive form wasn't the promised shaolin release :0
I appreciate your posting about your experiences with using her, I'm definitely all ears for any further informative experiments getting Jing Qo to work :) With all the not so positive comments on links and such in WB, is there anything that can be done to assist CB in making changes for the better?
TBH I was thinking of either the Paramedic or TacAware FO profiles for the Shang-Ji, but for different reasons. Either one means you're moving both a HI specialist and a C+ generic specialist/CC missile toward your objectives with good order efficiency, both are resilient in their own way and move quickly while Dodging, etc. Being able to run her up a building to either grab an objective, or to reinforce someone already on-site like a Guilang, seems worthwhile. The TA FO is only two points more for an extra order and Flash Pulse, but if you were investing in Daofei then running a HI paramedic up to help lock down the midfield and maybe keep them up with medikit shots could make the paramedic an attractive alternative. The ability to Dodge her down a wall into CC while Dodging the Shanger around a corner to the other side of the same model to gang up sounds like fun if the opportunity arises, but it's probably going to be hard to engineer that kind of thing on purpose. Then again, she does have Stealth....
I tried her out the first time and that is what I do with her, but her buddy was a Shaolin Monk. The Monk rounded the building, while she was climbing up and he provided smoke cover for a long range thread. That works ... but my attemp to assassinate a Domaru Spitfire Lt. was wasted. From 12 shoots I fired on 13 only 4 hits home (and one salvo was for a Keisotsu who tankfuly faild his save. 4 times to misses and one hit. The few shots that arrived at the Domaru were tanked. But bad luck aside, I am confident to use her some more times. But I think I try to run her without the monk and use monks in 2nd group for smoke. You can not use the irregular order in a linkteam. Sad but true. In the news sections I learnd no YJ news in December and January *sigh* I want Shang Box, Long Ya, Tian and Ye Mao Hacker please very soon.
Hard to get games in but building plenty of lists, and has anyone else felt drawn to the Guilang LT? It's got a 1 SWC cost and isn't a specialist, but it's still an infiltrated MSV1 camo with mines, so I feel like it can frequently get stuff done with that LT order - or worst case be nearly impossible to assassinate considering marker state and other camo for mind games. It's tough otherwise to find good LT options besides a Zhanshi cheerleader or maybe the Daofei LTs.
I must confess I'm trying to understand why on earth doe the Guilang Lt. cost 1 SWC for quite a long time. To no avail, saddly. I never used him - not only the profile is expensive swc-wise, but one more lt. order for him does not - imho - justify the risk of going Into LoL. Guilangs - with all od their advantages - are quite squishy, especially taking Into account their rather exposed position due to infiltrating the midfield. Once You use that Lt order, the Guilang suddenly gets a big bullseye on his back ;). I do agree, that it is difficult to find a decent Lt alternative for Zhansi cheerleader in WB. But that is just my humble opinion - should the Lt profile work for You I'd love to hear about it :)
Cheap camo LTs get penalised with an SWC cost, Foxtrots for example are 2 SWC. It's to penalise people for trying to hide LTs under camo markers in certain missions that require you to hunt down LTs for scoring purposes. You can still do it but the strategy will cost you. Obviously this was a game design mindset that was prior to the Daoying becoming a thing + NCOs. In the current design of the game it doesn't really make any sense, but CB are notoriously slow at fixing old profiles. Airborne LT profiles like the Tigers that would just deploy you into Loss of LT for example were just downright moronic (and cost SWC to take), but it took until N4 to delete those profiles from the game.
Wasn't the Guilang Lt 2 SWC in n3? I would take guilang lt for a spin if it had some sort of specialist skill. Or even better hacker, you pay 1 swc instead of 0.5 to use infiltrated camo 14 wip hacker with lt order, and 14 on Lt roll at the beginning. And my take on guilang lt is that you don't use lt order in 1st turn. You go for it in 2nd or 3rd (depending on how much enemies you cleared in 1st turn). Or you can do it aggressive with CoC backup but at that point I'd take Daofei for that.
That makes a lot of sensie, thx for solving that conundrum for me ;). Guilang Lt was indeed 2 swc im n3 (I still have the old army app on my phone).
I like to play with available miniatures, so I tried to build a list with what I have. (Old ShangJi = HRL, converted Daofei MR Hacker, Hundun Sniper as HRL) What do you think (thanks CB for making the forum export available again): Available Models ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP 1 9 1 SHÀNG JÍ (Tactical Awareness) Heavy Rocket Launcher, Light Shotgun / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (1.5 | 38) ZHANSHI (Paramedic) Combi Rifle ( | MediKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 13) ZHANSHI (Lieutenant) Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 11) ZHANSHI Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 11) ZHANSHI Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 11) DÀOFĚI Spitfire, D-Charges / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (1.5 | 55) DÀOFĚI (Hacker, Hacking Device) MULTI Rifle, D-Charges ( ) / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0.5 | 56) GŬILÁNG (Hacker, Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Shock Mines ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 30) GŬILÁNG (Minelayer) Boarding Shotgun, Shock Mines ( | Deployable Repeater) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 27) GROUP 2 2 1 1 HÙNDÙN (X Visor) Heavy Rocket Launcher ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 27) Zhanshi YĪSHĒNG Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 15) SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (0 | 6) 6 SWC | 300 Points Open in Infinity Army
I like it but I think I'd switch the Hundun and Guilang groups. The Guiliang isn't going to do much more than lay mines. I know everyone wants to think of the Hundun as a ARO piece but I don't think he's really great at that. Also using it as an ARO ruins surprise attack.
I hard disagree. The Minelayer Guilang has a lot to do with its’ orders. Hundun exists to be a surprise ARO unless someone is foolish enough to leave people close enough on their active and you didn’t pop out.
Maybe right about the Guilang. I've found the Hundun, however, when I put him into a small group, I don't have the orders to use him as a good attack piece, and so far he's sucked as ARO. I also think in this particular list, the Minelayer can make the group look bigger than it is. To me, the troops that need the orders are the Daofei, Hundun, Guilang hacker. Another thing is to think about the point of the Shaolin. Is he there to just throw smoke? If so then for who? There's no MSV to to do the smoke-shoot trick. For the Shang-Ji Zhanshi team? Are they going to be moving a lot? Is he going to move up to get into CC? I've found that he suffers a lot by putting them in the small order pool. He ends up with no orders to do that. Right now, I do see him good for protecting the link team from Impersonation troops. He's also good to use just for discover things. Another is the doctor, I'm guessing he's there to heal the Hundun? He's not going to have many orders if he needs to get to him so keep him close. You have the paramedic in the link. It's okay but I still prefer a doctor. So would drop the paramedic to regular, make the Shaolin 5pt one, and take a Yao Zao for the doctor to keep near the link team.
Hi, I'm going to try this WB list in Looting and Sabotage (against JSA): It has: A lot of Repeaters for the linked Hackers and the SML (sorry, Guided ML) Some bald dudes with sticks A big guy with a big gun and big skills People that cheer for the big guy Mines Guilang HD best boi What do you think?
Be careful with split AROs when putting the Tian Gou in a Fireteam together with other hackers, but otherwise it's a list design direction I'm enjoying a lot. It's really funny (for me, not my opponent) when Spotlight is a word I use more than any other during a game.
I ended up having a lot of fun (my opponent didn't enjoy it as much). Things I'd change: 4 Guilangs seems like overkill. 3 is probably the right number, with a couple of Minelayers and a Hacker 1 Long Ya is 1 Long Ya less than the amount of Long Ya you need (... I'm saying I want 2, it's really good) Guided ML is a legit threat, no meme here KHD seems like icing, maybe? I'd rather have the extra layer of defense the Jammer Tian Gou gives. It's also important not to be a fool and have the Tian Gou pass as a 5th illegal Zhanshi. Also cool to have him "facing backwards" in a way that it invites the opponent to flank it just to be surprised by the 360 visor I'd like to try Jing Qo instead of Liang Kai, and Duo it with a Monk. The extra Specialist/heavy ARM killer looks actually good. Fireteams cancelling Impetuous is still a thing? Can they get partial cover if I Duo them? This would be the "new build": Thanks for the feedback guys, I find it really useful.
I'd like to Try Jing Qo instead of Liang Kai, and Duo it with a Monk. The extra Specialist/heavy ARM killer looks actually good. Fireteams cancelling Impetuous is still a thing? Can they get partial cover if I Duo them? Fireteams, Frenzy and Impetuous While in a Fireteam, the Frenzy and Impetuous Special Skills of a Trooper are not applied. If the Trooper leaves the Fireteam, any Frenzy and Impetuous Special Skills will apply again, in whatever state they were in when the Trooper joined the Fireteam. Any Fireteam that is an exception to this rule will specify this in its description.