MRRF in N4 speculation and wishes

Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by prophet of doom, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. prophet of doom

    prophet of doom Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    e-maulers just turned into e/m mines. the zuuaves will have them.
  2. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    MRRF could work as the "weird gear" sectorial in general. They're the merchants and traders , so it would make sense for them to buy in extra things that the rest of ariadna doesn't get access to, and after their losses of De Hell they may go Asymmetric loading up on tech, bring in mercs or even pushing for licensing cube use...
    Savnock and SpectralOwl like this.
  3. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    That could actually be really interesting. Combining more traditional Ariadnan durability with standard-faction reliable Doctor tactics would certainly be a new way to play, and would definitely be a worthy sidegrade from straightforward VetKazak firepower in Vanilla. Not sure if it fits existing MRRF doctrine well, but fun nonetheless.
  4. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    The losses suffered were a significant portion of the Merovingian forces, possibly practically everything in the actual MRRF, so rebuilding an effective force to the old doctrine may be a job that would take longer than building on a newer doctrine.
  5. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Maybe so, but the MRRF worked as it did for a reason. They never had the resources to effectively police and protect the whole of Merovingia (apparently most of the effective spec-ops grade troops were able to fit on three atmospheric transports), so the force was trained and equipped primarily for quick redeployment to meet new crises from well-hidden strategic airbases, hence the name: Merovingian Rapid Response Force. A more static and attrition-heavy defensive doctrine would be a substantial shift from extablished lore, and especially jarring since it would require enormous military recruitment and funding that were seemingly never available before despite the danger of Antipode attacks and encroachment from other powers. Don't get me wrong; I'd love to see Cubes in Ariadna, but a full doctrinal change doesn't make much sense given what we know of the Ariadnan situation- more likely we'd get Doctors in fast links like Moblots, to accompany them up the board and patch up casualties so an unlucky Mine or ARO shot doesn't force the army to leave a valuable soldier behind.

    My wishlist dream is that we get an MRRF focused on the fast Skirmisher and airborne play of Ariadna at the expense of its attrition and trading ability, requiring players to be careful with their positioning and generous with Markers in order to protect vulnerable, poorly-armoured troops in reactive while rewarding fast, aggressive active play with good Face-to-Face opportunities and odds at close range and on the flanks. Links would be mostly focused on hit-and-run Objective raids, moving quickly and efficiently with enough punch to clear light opposition but lacking defensive power to hold in midfield against Warbands and enemy hammer units. Lots of weird gear instead of heavy weapons. I'd even like to keep the current weakness to heavy Armour as long as we get more active tools like the Chasseur's ADHL so it's not overwhelming.

    What I expect will happen is that CB will add Varangian Guard, fill Bruant with steroids, make everything mixable without addressing the problems units have standing alone and otherwise inspire me to never dig my MRRF out of the shame box again.
    Savnock and Jumara like this.
  6. saint

    saint Charming, but irrational

    Nov 23, 2017
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    If I'm remembering the discussion from around De Helles correctly current (2020) military doctrine is something like 30% losses for a unit to be rendered combat ineffective so its not like the FRRM has been wiped out to a man here, they're even still able to keep a detachment on Paradisio. So while they are in a retraining/reconstruction phase its not from square one. Now what any of this actually means for the future I don't know, I'm just hoping that come November the only reason I'm sad to play my FRRM is because I've painted them really poorly and not because they aren't at least interesting to play.
    Errhile, Jumara, McKaptain and 2 others like this.
  7. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    5 years of fluff advancement is a decent amount of time to rebuild a force as small as the RRF
    prophet of doom likes this.
  8. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Depends on the Merovingian population, unless they start accepting galactics or other Ariadnan nationalities. Rebuilding the Metro militias would be a cakewalk as long as a good number of instructors survived, but specialised regiments with expensive equipment and higher entry requirements could be more difficult to replace- especially the Zouaves with their APCs or Moblots who probably have a little Teseum in their armour to make up ARM3. I'm pretty sure 5 years is enough to train spec-ops grade troops judging by real-life units, there just needs to be enough motivated, fit and well-educated Merovingians to make up the shortfall.

    Also, this timeskip means the vast majority of Ariadnan Characters are middle-aged now. Can't wait for N6, we'll be able to field a whole retirement home's worth of senior citizens in Vanilla.
    prophet of doom and Cabaray like this.
  9. saint

    saint Charming, but irrational

    Nov 23, 2017
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    except for Uxia for she will find the fountain of youth and not tell anyone (honestly kinda excited for a new Uxia model with Kosmoflot). But I'm down for swole grandpa Van Zant and Mirage-6 Margot, Duroc and their Wulver offspring.
    Barrogh and RolandTHTG like this.
  10. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It would be very in character for Uxia to get a black market personality transfer into a younger clone body/lhost, especially with her new connections from being part of Kosmoflot!
    prophet of doom likes this.
  11. Jukebox3113

    Jukebox3113 Highlander

    May 27, 2020
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    Really excited for these guys to drop this month!!
    This is mostly wish listing with a few needs in here cause... they do need it. The reasoning for some of this is because they are the trade hub of Dawn so have access to these thing. I expect no new units except for Wolfgang cause he is Merovingian. Some of the changes to stats is mostly PH cause its Dawn and they are by far the weakest PH game in all of Dawn. ( Try to curb your French jokes)

    Jacques Bruant- AP Spitfire, PH-13, Mimetism (-3), CC- 18, NCO (standard except for LT option), E/M CCW, Wildcard

    Loup-Garou- Replace Stun Weapons with zappers, PH-12, Viral sniper option, a specialist of some kind

    Metros- The Limited Camo/ Infiltration option with a DEP changed to panzerfaust, Nix the Algucile Hacker for their own and it be a HD+ (I know thats pie in the sky)

    Zouaves- Forward Deployment (8"), panzerfaust replace DEP, PH-11, Shock Marksman Rifles as Standard loadout, AP Sniper profile, CC-17

    Briscards- Climbing Plus, Number 2, Veteran, AP Marksman Rifle as Standard loadout, T2 Sniper profile

    Moblots- Wildcard with Metros and Anaconda, ARM-4, Haris, AP HMG profile, All BSG changed to Heavy Shotguns, AP Rifle standard loadout, NCO option

    Anaconda- (Can really have any or all of these and I'd be happy)MRRF only profile with Mimetism (-3), Forward Deployment (4"), Repeater profile, no negative to dodge (He could be a size smaller for this one. It would fit with the base that comes in the box), Portable Autocannon (+1B)

    Chassuer- MRRF only profile with E/M Minelayer and SMG

    112- Wildcard

    Traktor Mul- MRRF only profile with a repeater and flash pulse

    Let me know what you guys think!!
    tom_w and barakiel like this.
  12. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    One of the big, big issues for MRRF is a general lack of access to both Smoke and Sensor. It was bad enough not having easy/any access to these rules in N3, but they're pretty unacceptable in the current climate of Ariadna. Ariadna already has to lean hard into Camo, smoke, amazing Sensor platforms to help keep pace with Hacking and proper HI/TAG buffs. MRRF definitely needs these rules in order to keep pace.

    I'm not sure that Antipodes need to be the sensor-bearers. Ariadna's technologically advanced enough to actually just carry Sensor around on a standard unit. I think it could be easily justified on Metros or even a Chasseur or Moblot loadout (Moblots would need Wildcard, so that the Sensor loadout could be embedded easily for teams to use.)
  13. Jukebox3113

    Jukebox3113 Highlander

    May 27, 2020
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    I'd prefer more smoke rather than sensor. Moblots could get smoke grenade options like all the Grey Rifles do in CHA
  14. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I'm really hoping MRRF doesn't get Wolff, because his stupid name murders my immersion every time I open a Nomad faction on Army now, and I'd like to play at least my Space French with some semblance of seriousness.

    Definitely would like some Sensor. MRRF has always ran fairly light on firepower and relied on extra orders to keep up, with TacWindow that's not possible so the faction really needs an answer to enemies that impede their mobility. Smoke would be great, especially on something weird like a Zouave for a bit of a change from the usual Smoke gameplay. I'm sick to death of cookie-cutter Warbands in every game, so I'm hoping to not get saddled with Varangian Guard, but expect it to happen anyway.
    Savnock likes this.
  15. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    A Moblot or Loup-Garous profile with Sensor - and NOT triangulated fire - does seem at least fairly possible.
  16. Kreslack

    Kreslack Unknown Ranger lead the way!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    112 bike and Briscards can do some fun smoke shenanigans
    Savnock likes this.
  17. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    A forward-deploying Sensor platform would indeed for a long way towards making a playable MRRF for the long wait until they get an update.
  18. Jukebox3113

    Jukebox3113 Highlander

    May 27, 2020
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    I don't think they will get Varangian Guard Cause they almost exclusivly Caledonian and Rodinian. The French are more refined. Duroc will prob remain their only WB.
    SpectralOwl likes this.
  19. McKaptain

    McKaptain Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2018
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    I’d be very excited to see Zouave lose the .5 SWC tax and gain 8” FD
  20. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Coming a bit late to the party, starting to consider redesigned FRRM as one of my N4 factions if redesigned PanO won't fit my tastes.

    I fully agree that it actually makes sense for the French to make extensive use of the mercenaries. It fits them thematically, ties into Foreign Legion vibe, and would be justified by their fluff, given their losses. Three key aspects to build around:
    • Mobility in various forms - as deployment skills, movement skills, and plain speed
    • Mid-to-long range firepower (they're already halfway there, given their lack of warbands)
    • Mercs to fill in the gaps. maybe stopping just short of making FRRM the QK of Ariadna.
    Mobility: Metro options (most likely getting full Infiltration/Camo(1) package in line with Daylami and Rokots), Zouaves, and Chasseurs are already there. There are some Moblot variants with Infiltration, too, and those might stay (maybe joined by some more, alternatively the whole unit receiving FD). Redesigned Para-Commandos and Mirage-5 fill the AD role. Briscards getting Climbing Plus fits the unit perfectly. One thing that feels missing are bikes (though I'm biased, because I like bikes); one possibility would be a Bounty Hunter variant fully equipped with bikes; another would be a native cavalry unit. In the latter case I'd expect them to be non-Impetous, with Mimetism (-3) and some longer range weaponry - like Marksman Rifles - to make them thematically different from existing Ariadna bikers.

    Firepower: focus on 16-32" engagement range, aside from few units equipped for getting close and personal. This would also fit the fluff, long range firefight are safer than the CQB/melee affairs, which would be a boon for a faction that might want to preserve their troops and avoid losses as much as possible. Zouaves with their forward deployment focused on lower end of that range spectrum, as well as anti-armor role - AP Spitfire instead of HMG, Sniper Rifle exchanged for AP Marksman Rifle, AP Rifles and Panzerfausts as standard, AP or E/M Mines (complete with a Minelayer option). I've already mentioned bikers acting as mobile firebase, maybe with some unusual heavy weapon thrown in (E/M Grenade Launcher?). Briscards would already make for a decent long range antipersonnel unit, though they might use a HMG. Loup Garous - I actually don't have an idea about them. Moblots - redesigned to be the go-to CQB unit, makes sense to use the most armored one for that role. ARM 4, some actual BTS, NWI/Dogged - making them into actual HI lite. Hell, I'd even throw in Regeneration, tech transfers. T2 Rifle, LSG as basic kit, access to T2 BSGs, HFTs, SMGs.

    Mercenaries: Tomcats, Geckos, Kaplans, Brawlers, Bounty Hunters. Some characters, obviously. Most of those would tie into both mobility and/or firepower themes, without making the French overly durable.
    #40 Stiopa, Nov 10, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2020
    saint, Jukebox3113 and McKaptain like this.
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