Yeah... I think two or three Zhanshi hackers is what I'll run in all my lists where I have a FD dep rep minelayer because of Guided. U-turn is kind of missing on the EVO I think. Forward deployed HDs are absolutely not a requirement if you can stick down repeaters. I definitely rate a repeater on the table a lot higher than a hacker or a hackable trooper with a repeater as those can be disabled by focused-hacking. It's interesting, however, that Deployable Repeaters are Comms Equipment (and thus susceptible to Isolation disable if the carrying trooper is hackable) while Pitchers don't seem to be. As long as you can hide that bugger missile launcher somewhere, it'll dictate play.
Your friend is 100% correct. Linked pitchers are basically top level tech for this kind of play, far more important than forward deploying hackers.
Even better if you can do both! You can't get the pitchers off first turn unless you shoot it as an ARO. So if going second the forward hackers or repeaters are really good. That's what happened to me. I went first and he did spotlight as AROs. then come first turn all he had to do was throw missiles. BTW Vanilla YJ, PO, Aleph, and O-12 can take 2 of them. Cooridnated order with them could be useful.
I’ve seen players saying that the tac bow ninja is now not as good, but could she be used to assassinate repeaters or mid field hackers? On second thought, maybe guilang is better with MSV1.
Tacbow ninja is the KHD profile, which is kinda shitty in N4. The FO profile however is really good if you want to use something to remove hackers and repeaters.
TacBow Ninja has been decent at targeted assassinations for a while, it's the KHD Ninja that has been a bit dubious and is now worse. When using the TacBow Ninja you need to be careful what you target; it's the lone units you want so that you can re-camo afterwards. LTs that are deployed too carefully and isolated from the other troops, TR REMs deployed a bit too aggressively, EVO Repeaters, etc. I wouldn't rate hunting mid-field hackers too highly since they tend to be in Marker states, but key units like forward deploying Krit Kokram, repeater Morans (could be worth eating the Koala to kill), and so on. Just don't waste the Ninja too early. May be good letting the enemy move forward a turn or two.
I was quite pleased with the Kanren (KHD) in my recent games. I used the Holoechos to remove Koalas / Madtraps / Mines and tried to attack with the Holomasked KHD and clicked buttons. I even managed to get him into melee once. I feel I get quite some value for these 26 points and since I like to take the Guilang Minelayer for obvious reasons, I miss midfield specialists somewhat.
Isn't the hacking device ninja really good in N4? I was able to possess a Jotum with it a few games ago, felt pretty good. Plus it's a specialist.
Good compared to what, really? If you mean that is a Infiltrating, Camouflage, Hidden Deployment, Hacking Device good - then yes it is. Is the Ninja good at it, though? Eh... it's sitting there as the only option we have in that niche and it kind of doesn't want to be there. It wants to ambush stuff and punch holes through stuff, but someone stuck a hacking device on their helmet and didn't ask the Ninja if it wanted to be a hacker, and truth be told; they didn't and now they're sad. So are there alternatives? Well, yes. You want to ambush someone's (non-Szalamandra) TAG by presenting a hacking attack they didn't expect. If we look at those criteria, then we have an option in-faction which is a Kanren HD pretending to be a Hulang or a really complicated camouflage set up using several Minelayers or successfully using Taowu to hide the SWC of your Camouflaged Hacker. Or just deploying so many camo markers that your opponent has no choice but to take a chance. Now, all of that requires heavier investments, but those routes also tends to offer extra benefits like spreading the hacking zone larger. But yeah, as a hacker the Ninja will do a job once or twice. Make it count.
I have been finding that I like the profile when I'm playing with a Son Bae. Opponent considers their location relatively safe from being hacked, especially if they clear the Guilangs. Not an all the time profile, but I believe it's definitely good enough to mix in and out of lists at random just to keep your opponents really on their toes. It happens to hit the same price point as a Liu Xing as well so it's got pretty good obfuscation value in the list.
Yeah, but what I'm getting at is that it's not really the load out that is good, but the niche in particular. It's good to remember that all vanilla (except Ariadna) and a bit over one third of the sectorials can do it as well and that everyone except Pan-O/Varuna will do it better than Yu Jing. The Ninja is a bit harder to make optimal use of than e.g. a Malignos or a Dayus. But it's really not a big difference at all since the Ninja got their Combi altered to an SMG.
Sorry I'm a bit lost, are we debating whether it's good in a global game sense, or "good enough" in faction to warrant taking?