So far I had my first few games with White Company. I was really hyped when they came out but now I´m feeling stucked with medicore results in games and I´m still struggling what are the strengths and weaknesses of White Company. What are your experiences with the "good guys" merc army? I am really thankfull for every constructive comment to help me play this interessting sectorial in N4. The Good Guilang is really good and they get stuff done. IMO this makes at least one almost autoinclude Endless combinations of flexible fireteams Haidaos are a steal for their points Haidao MSV2 Sniper or Orcs in cheap Fusilier links for PanO-like fire superiority Liang Kai can join links. He feels really home in WC. Good DZ deffence. He´s dirt cheap for 21 points Duo on Varangians to let them gain cover Lot of options on specialists and more doctors and engineers than most other sectorials They might have good Hacking and excellent repeater coverage (no chance to test it yet, see above) AVA2 on Bulleteers and Peacemakers and AVA3 on Fugazis have the potentioal for excellent Repeater coverage. But I couldn´t get it in a list because the 15 unit limit The Bad Maybe I have to get better at list builing and deploying with WC but so far they seem to be extremely fragile against dedicated alpha strikers (e.g. Spiral Corps double-impersonation with Eraser and E/M-Mines eating up your hole army while you only can dodge on 7s or 8s) Limited options on alphastrikers if you have first turn. Liang Kai starts too far on your DZ. You have to rely on mobile shooters like Karhu or Guijia. Outsite Orc HMG and Guija no offensive lieutneants that could use their extra order when playing Hawkwood as CoC No CoC option on the lovely Hawkwood K1 MMR profile Nisse HMG in combination with Varagians to shoot through smoke never happend in my games. Maybe a N4 thing, but Smoke + MSV2 combo not as powerfull as I remember from my N3 Vanilla armies My opponents played almost unhackable lists so Valerya only sits there doin nothing other than just prevent a few Spotlite ARO attempts No luck on my tiger soliders so far. They are more on the expensive site for a droptrooper and I felt the points are better invested in a Nokk Spirfire, etc. I have the feeling they would be more powerful in a N3 environment with 17-18 order lists. Maybe we have to wait for the new ITS. But feedback for WC in N4 highly appreciated! I was playing this kind of list: g40Nd2hpdGUtY29tcGFueQNMb2yBLAIBCgABAQEAAAEBCgAAegEEAACE3gEFAAABAQIAAIXMAQUAAIW1AQQAAIHQAQEAAAMBAgAAfgEGAAIGAIXNAQMAAICGAQYAAIW1AQQAAICJAQEAAIChAQEAADIBAgA=
I too have had a hard time definding against alpha strikes when i go second. May be a combination of less cheap models in list in N3, list or my deployment. The guilang has been great. Either deploying mines or repeater. Valerya behind a firewall -6 has been good on defence and attack. My tigers did amazing work in N3, but in white company they havent performed well. I usually dont invest in the EVO- hacker so dropping in is more risky. At least my combi rifle version has had problems with killing stuff now that there is less but better models out there. For defence my haido msv2 sniper has been doing ok as ARO. Together with 1-2 fugazi bots and a total reaction bot it has been okish in defence. Against armies with good alpha models in camo or non hackable i have had problems. Finding a good lieutenant is also difficult. The fusilier is usually obvious, and i have been more in Loss of lieutenant than im usually. I could invest in Hawkwood i guess, but im finding him very expensive. I have tried the guijia TAG to not much success. With all the minelayer repeaters and the peacemaker, Im eager to try out a missile defence with spotlight. Has anyone tried it out ? I have yet to do a good alphastrike with shooting from my links or with CC if i go first. My guilangs have however been sort of an alpastrike. They have moved forward and dropped repeaters. My hackers have then possessed Tags, isolated and immobilized models ! :-) An then in some games they have suiceded in with their BSG.
I have had mediocre results with WhiteCo as well, oftentimes winning not because the units performed well but because I used my brain and snatched the victory at the last moment. WhiteCo's main weakness so far seems to be that they are the elite army with not a lot of stuff to go zoom-zoom towards the enemy DZ. No bikers, no tradeable camo troops, no cheap Bashi Bazouks. If you want to do alpha-strike you go big by bringing the Guija, the Tiger, or maybe a cheap Kaplan Haris with Spitfire or HRL (still not a good option since you would have to sacrifice three models to the midfield). The most devastating results I've had with Guijia Lt. blazing through the midfield, and even then you would have to face the prospect of getting your TAG isolated through a repeater on the ARO. Here's a thing though: WhiteCo has the largest amount of MSVs and Mimetism in all NA2. What's Mimetism and MSV are designed for? Leveraging modifiers for BS Attacks. What are they useless against? Direct Template weapons. I got a feeling that WhiteCo wants you to specifically shooty-shoot your way through the enemy lines. Not trade, not suicide-run – shoot. And it expects your shooter to survive the gunfight. It gives you all the regular orders in the world to achieve that. Because of that, I consider Karhu FB to be a very solid choice for alpha-striking the enemy. He can just say "screw you" to the camo spam by climbing on top of the building, it can use the Lt. order for extra mobility, it's not hackable, and it can destroy almost anything in the active turn. I need to play more games with this boy. I feel like he is one of WhiteCo's centerpieces.
I kind of feel like the peacemaker is the zoom-zoom your opponent's DZ unit. It start an extra 8 inches up and has an auxbot you can trade to get your foot in the door then you can use the shotgun or Spitfire to start eat their DZ plus you have a repeater to create problems for their hackable units.
Nice List. Double Minlayer seems solid. Did you miss a specialist profil in the midfield? Yeay kinda same here. I feel like I can protect my Fusilier Lt. even better in Varuna than in WC. Maybe more experience in VRID... I didn´t take Hawkwood because the pointinvestment...
Yes! Karhu is great with his mobility. Maybe I have to keep their shoot-shoot strength in mind, good point. I feel keeping your Opponent on distance is more difficult in N4. I hab more success with him than with the Nisse.
Having Hawkwood as the Lt. won't save him if you play against Ariadna and a Duroc comes by to eat him in CC, so, honestly, as far as the Lt. options go, I might even consider using Guilang Lt. Like this here: Nisse feels very much like a stationary gunner that also has to have a Varangian in tow for smoke-chucking purposes. I compare them a lot to Djanbazans from Qapu Khalqi and those guys would usually occupy the sector of the table with the most generous fire lanes. So you pick a point with the wide array of firing positions and then you just stay there for the rest of the game. Not only is Karhu different, but he is also more self-sufficient thanks to AP mines that can cover his advance. So even if you do choose to play him as a stationary gunner, he would be better protected than the Nisse in reactive.
Yeah in some missions I have missed a specialist starting way up front close to an antenna so he can get the supply box or push button from turn 1 if I go first. Usually I have to walk up my specialists from my deployment zone, which are a little slower. (depended on mission pack I sometime takes the tiger paramedic.) I havent found it a big problem, since my first turn usually are spent killing of enemy ARO-pieces, and other midfield skirmisher, mines etc., and position my troops.
I found a great synergy in White Company between the great number of Mimetism troops we have and the Danavas Hacker with White Noise. It can really counter MSV troops that would be otherwise annoying for us. And the repeater trajectory can be easily obtained by the pitcher brought by the same Danavas or by the Peacemaker, with an outsanding forward deployment.
I did try him out in a couple of games against O12 and Morats but his usage was quite limited. Making him appear like a fusilier is usually nice when you have a couple more unlinked fusilier decoys. Cram him in a tight corner so that he can fry someone with his Nanopulser. Firing three templates in the active turn is HUGE, albeit I did not manage to kill anyone with that attack (the targets were Parvati and Zeta so it's not surprising really). In the reactive turn, you can counter-deploy him against the infiltrating Andromeda. She may want to bite the petty Fusilier in CC and then have a nasty surprise. Unfortunately, the Andromeda, in particular, is likely to use Guard from the distance. And, when it comes to models with template weapons crammed in tight spaces for reactive AROs – CSUs and Varangians are way cheaper and occasionally more efficient because of Dogged and MetaChemistry bonuses. Overall, I feel like the intention behind his design is to be the DZ protector. With the new update to Duroc, you will likely encounter him more often when playing against Ariadna (sorry to bring him up so often but he is no fucking joke). Tao Wu has all the tools to dislodge that particular breed of Alpha Strikers. Viral Pistol in CC and triple Nanopulser within 8" to really hit the nerve against the dog's BTS 0. Natural Born Warrior + CC Attack [-6] means that you will never have your CC dropped down unless faced against someone with CC Attack [-3/-6/-9] of their own. If your opponent has overcommitted his TAG to your half of the table and you don't have or don't want to use Hawkwood, Tao Wu will dispose of it quickly. The main issue with Tao Wu is that he's way too expensive for what he can do. Because situations where he becomes useful and just perfectly clicks are very unlikely to be created by your opponent. Because Tao Wu only works well in the Active Turn, after [or before if you keep first turn] the enemy Duroc had already killed half of your roster, or when the enemy TAG had already removed your ARO pieces and retreated back to his DZ. You need to rely on the other player to make dumb moves in order to utilize Tao Wu to his fullest.
I agree. Peacemaker is a demon in disguise, I've suffered alpha strikes by them a lot of times and it hurts like hell.
I'd say to try, in order: Deploy thinking about impersonators. If the opponent is going first, you usually have the advantage of seeing their deployment before putting your minis on the table. If the opponent uses an army that can field impersonators, asume they'll have them and keep your stuff spread. It also works wonders to keep a unit to block easy access to your Core linkteam as your reserve trooper. I mean literally to block movement (like, standing on the stairs that lead to the roof where you put your Fusilier core). Troops with access to DTW are great at defending the DZ as well and you can choose several (like CSUs, Varangians, etc.) Peacemakers are awesome for this, also BSG Guilangs. Karhus are a great way to spend those Lt Orders, although your point is valid. This is just kind of a workaround? Sadly no, lol. I think smoke is lees of a pain now, given the fact that it doesn't block sight for MSV1s. I'd say to try using that smoke with the Haidao MSR instead, it's devastating. Sometimes your opponents doesn't have good Hacking targets, but I'd say Valerya is a must have anyway. Marking targets is a real strategy now and she even brings a DTW to the link team. As a YJ player, I love Tigers. I preffer having my Spitfire on one of this bois and try to find gaps in my opponent's deplyment to take advantage of it. If I don't see one, I usually use them during my second turn to get people from behind. The new ITS missions and rules will surely mark where the sectorial stands in power level, but I believe WC has the tools to succeed in any type of mission. These are just my two cents, I've played just a couple of games with WC but I know the units from YJ and PanO really well. Sometimes you just need to get used to your new clothes before they fit right! Don't lose hope! :P
Hi people, I seek advise: what units would you say are important for Unmasking? Taking into account the Exclusion Zone, Hacker Bonus and need for a DataTracker that can shoot the Designated Target. What do you guys think is best? I came up with a list sporting a "fake" Kaplan Haris, with the Haidao KHD as a button pusher and John Hawkwood K1 as a DataTracker: Spoiler: Unmasking
I got an idea. Bring along two Guilang Hackers and get yourself a Fusilier Core with the Grenade Launcher guy. Push the buttons as quickly as possible, then go to the designated target and put a spotlight onto her. The rest will be done by the Grenade Launcher DataTracker grenading it to death on 12s.
By the way, I'll be playing one of the Betrayal missions (Hidden Facilities) tomorrow and I am kinda worried cuz I'll be facing against USARF. Any advice on what's the best way to not lose against them? I hadn't had a lot of games against them if any. I know there is Uxia, I know there is Van Zant, I know there are Grunts with flamers. The mission will be favoring TAGs somewhat since picking up panoplies can net you an Immunity, and USAriadna has next to zero hackers, but a lot of AP and camo units.
Uxia is not part of USARF but the improved Unknown Ranger is, Uxia is part of Ariadna and Kosmoflot though. I'm sorry I wouldn't be able to assist you, but I guess you might need to checkout the rules for the Unknown Ranger (MSV1 toolbox maybe with AP), Mavericks (MSV1, Smoke) and Devil Dog Teams, they seem to be looking reasonable from what I read :) Good luck, would be very interested in reading about your after thoughts if you get the chance please!
Could work but be aware that spec fire in links has been nerfed. You neither get burst or hit bonus to spec fire.GL also dont have a good range band. So the grenade launcher would be one shot at BS 9 (12 +3 -6).