I'm trying to figure out what I am missing. I have the o-12 action pack. the sirius, delta, and alpha units. I know i dont have the support pack, the copperbots or the starmada pack. the units in the app make it look like i am missing a lot more. any advice?
The app is listing all units for O-12 and not all of them are released yet (example: From your list, I think you can add Liang Kai (if playing Code One) and the Dire Foes Beta: Void Tango including Casanova. In November there will be the Zeta TAG and after that an expension with a Psi-Cops, a Razor and a Lynx.
O-12 is still a very new faction, and their releases were pushed back a little to coincide with Code One. There's the Deva + Dakini box from Aleph who are available to Vanilla O-12 in N4, Hector from Aleph is in both Vanilla and Starmada IIRC. In November we're getting the Zeta TAG followed in December by Booster A (Psi-Cop, Lynx, Razor) This month also saw the release of Dire Foes: Void Tango which includes Casanova.
oh boy, so i can cross into another faction with a few models? i can already feel my wallet starting to hurt.
Starmada also had access to Andromeda from Aleph, Santiago Knights from PanO, and Tiang Gao from Yu Jing, thankfully the last two don't have current models (yet!). One of the dangerous things about Infinity is how easy it is to start a new faction!
I played JSA back in the day but had to quit a few weeks into an escalation league due to a lot of personal stuff happening back to back to back. so physical release so far i'm missing deva+dakini, hector, and the other things i listed above. I dont think i'll be playing code one, probably just right into n4 when ever corona stops.
Beyond Wildfire: Cuervo Goldstein + Betatrooper + Omega unit (also 3 Shaasvasti units in the same pack) I think the O-12 action pack brings this 3 profiles too? Andromeda still avaliable in O-12 too.
You can easily use the 45th Highlanders (or volunteers with chain rifles) as Varangian Guards. Varangians are mercenaries from caledonian so the Highlanders should fit. Probably the real models will have O-12 weapons or something like this. But I assume they will be close and they aren't announced yet (as far as I know).
Correct. The Action pack is a repacki of Wildfire+Beyond. Sadly it lacks Hippolyta, she got lost somewhere in between. Other sources of minis: - Starmada Action pack; contains three Kappa, Bronze, Lawkeeper, Saladin, two Crushers and a Bluecoat; - Copperbot Remotes Pack contains two Copperbots; - Liang Kai; - Support Pack contains a Lambda Doctor, a Lambda Engineer and two Yudbots; - Delta Unit solo blister, contains a Delta Doctor and a Yudbot - Alpha Unit blister; - Team Sirius blister, - Dakini Tactbots, contains three Dakinis and a Deva; - Hector blister; - Andromeda blister. There is other fillers that have their own blister, as Miranda Ashcroft, Warcor, Monstrucker, I saw an arrival of Wild Bill... For Starmada you may want to consider Dire Foe: Void Tango for Casanova, a fine addition. Shona Carano and Hippolyta, despite their bundles are expired (IIRC) can be acquired via Aristeia! packs. Quite pricey, but great sculpt. Last, but not least, O-12 has its own HVT mini, for the mission in which is required. Hope this helps. P.S. In late november we await the arrival fo Zeta Unit. In december we'll get a booster pack (Lynx, Razor, Psi). I heartly hope for Nyokas or Raptor after that.
And don't also forget about Defiance Outcast - if you can find one second hand or in retail - next year, with two more Lynx, an additional Gamma, Cho, 2 more Deltas and an alt-sculpt for Saladin (with probably some more units included then into O-12).
Didn't show the image in the quote, left is Razor BSG, middle is Lynx Sniper, right is Psi-Cop hacker IIRC
Yeah, I meant to edit it and reformat it and all that stuff, but then had to get some packages ready to ship and just figured "screw it". :)
Rejoice, january doesn’t bring anything new for O-12. Time to catch up with past releases, I guess...
Since the forum is really quiet I thought "hey lets check back in". I have acquired the starmada pack, the zeta, the support pack, and the o-12 booster pack alpha (razor/lynx/psi). I cannot find copperbots anywhere at all. Outside of that and things from other factions, where do i go?