Hi All, I've been really struggling for inspo with the Yu Jing, and partciularly white banner. Not getting much games in right now doesn't help. So please share what you've tried and what you've found works so I can live vicariously through your experiences :D
Have you tried the minefield aproach? Full minelayer options 4x Guilang 2x Longya Add your own Active turn piece Other support options Its a fun aproach, watch your enemy break himself advancing or spend orders moving around carefully. Then hunt down those pueces with your shotguns or active attackers.
Could be interesting in missions where you need to move across the table.. What's your favorite active turn pieces to go with that set up?
I am going to go on a whim and guess Shang-Jisus. In WB and IA he is just too good to not to use fully linked.
I played them just before N4 and didn't like it much. I still find the fireteams too restrictive. I found the Tian Gou KHD disguised as a Zhanshi hacker isn't bad. They might think they are attacking a simple Zhanshi and you ARO with him. He's an ok hacker at WIP 14 BTS 3. The Ye Mao hacker with BTS 6 could be very good but I don't he can only be in a Haris. But you can still pair him up with a Tinbot Shang Ji if you think you need to. For me, he was easily killed before doing anything. I'll second the Shang Ji. I just hope he doesn't become boring.
I can't build lists for WB. It's just something about the fireteams that makes them just obtuse to me. I'm not sure if they're too restrictive but on paper I don't enjoy list building. I'd rather just play vanilla and than fiddle with WB fireteams. *Shrug*
Have you guys considered foregoing Fireteams? I know they are supposed to be the reason for sectorials but i agree with you that in white banner they are not particularly interesting. (With a personal exception for the Ye Maos). So i recommend you play around with the other benefits of sectorials, availabilities.
If you dont use the WB fireteams I have a hard time seeing why you should choose it (outside fluff or for fun). I heardly find room for more than 2 guilangs for example in WB. Yu Jing vanilla will then instead give a huge flexibility in list building.
I think the sectoral is almost already vanilla. Even in WB I don't think i'd take more than 2 Guilang or Tigers. I haven't tried 2 Daofei but i've tried making lists with them. I'm sad to say that i'm thinking of using YJ/WB figures and use White Company rules.
I have used my Yu jing in WC for a TTS league and really liked it. Very flexible sectorial. I wish it had Blue wolf though, as I`m looking forward to that model !
Ah yeah, I do love the Daofei. How do you use him effectively? I keep envisaging a sort of raider or hit and run but haven't really successfully applied that concept on the table. This I'll admit isn't something I've explored very deeply but there doesn't seem to much in the way of extra AVA either. 1 more hundun; 1 more chaiyi; 1 more husong; 1 more daofei; 2 more guilang. Other than guilang and maaaaybe daofei, most of the AVA are not massive boons over vanilla. This is my challenge as well. If white banner had some AVA on some unique profiles or troops not available to vanilla at all this might be more compelling.
Would love for WB to have access to a special version of blue wolf, with some sneaky stuff. Like mimitism or climbing pluss. Like the tikbalang in MO.
That ship\gimmick seems to have sailed. They should have given white banner more EM and mines types. Like specific white banner long ya or a mimetic husong would have been rad.
Hey chief. Here's my optimal build. gM0Md2hpdGUtYmFubmVyB1doaXRlIEKBLAIBCwCAlgELAAB8AQoAAHwBCAAAfAEBAACGAAEDAACAjgEBAACAjgEBAACAhgEEAACAhgEEAACAigEBAACAoQEBAAIFAIXcAQEAAIXUAQMAAIYBAQMAAIYBAQIAAICNAQIA White Banner is in a much healthier place than Vanilla YJ or the other sectorials in my honest but biased opinion. And a batrep of it, bearing in mind my opponent was doing some rather experimental (to put it kindly) stuff.
Not sure if it's a problem to some, but to me, it feels like WB is always going to be 3 Zhanshi + 1 TG + 1 Shang Ji APHMG. No variety at all. Unfortunately that's pretty much the only way you can do it. Who will "downgrade" the Shang Ji to Adil, Gao, or Gong, the only other wildcards, or to any other Shang Ji? And if you take one of them in addition to the link, you are almost guaranteed of not being able to go above 13 guys. Not without sacrifices in other areas. If I know I'm going up against WB, I know that's going to be the link and act accordingly. Then the one other core team, even with Jujak and taking the cheapest ones, you are pretty much guaranteed to be playing a 10-man list. Again you can go higher but sacrificing a lot to do it.
I don't see much reason to take Qiang Gao simply because there's no NCO in White Banner - if there were the downgrade to Qiang Gao would serve a multiple purpose of putting a static-position HMG in the Core for brute-forcing TR REMs or even BGK (Bolt, Grenzer, Kamau) Snipers in Cores while when not necessary for that funnel orders to a unit that can use them better. As it is, though, I think you need to consider what you are actually going to use the Shang-Ji for; how likely is it that you actually need that Tinbot if he's going to be static at home with unhackable Zhanshi? How likely are any Zhanshi hackers to actually need that Tinbot and will you experience cross-purpose AROs because of the mixed roles they have? I can see value in a two other Shang-Ji for this fireteam; non-AP Shang-Ji because the likelihood of your opponent leaving something out to be hosed down by an AP HMG is not always going to be all that high or the HRL Shang-Ji because this is a hard-ARO piece unlike the AP HMG as it has a template weapon and a damage model that poses a huge threat to all hit by it. A Zhanshi Paramedic may prove enough to revive Shang-Ji considering the high PH and the burst bonus the Paramedic will have. There's also the issue of how adding 50 point model to a 50 point Core may end up making the list static.
Have we reached the point where we consider anything with two Guilang Hackers and a Son-Bae competitive? Because I think we probably should. In all seriousness, WB seems good, but why would you say it seems to be healthier than Vanilla right now? They do overlap at some points (you probably take the Guilangs, Long Ya and Hundun in both) but how about the rest of the options? Libertos, Hac Tao NCO, Su Jian HSG, Kuang Shi, etc. I'm interested in hearing your take on them.
I think a double Shanger Link works really well, especially with a Paramedic in tow. Here is the list I have used with double SJ: gM0ACGJhZCBsaXN0gSwCAQoBfAEBAAJ8AQoAA3wBCQAEhgABBAAFgJYBCwAGgJYBDQAHhgEBAwAIgIYBBQAJgIYBBgAKgIYBBgACBQGGAQEDAAKF1AEDAAOAiAEBAASAiAEBAAWAiAEBAA==
The thing I don't like about a paramedic is that there's not re-roll with a command token. And I need it with my luck :(