QK predictions/wishlist

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by HaqqHack, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. exiti

    exiti Mad Scientist Gorilla

    Jan 30, 2019
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    1. I would like to see Hortlak's cross over from Ramah since they are already Janissaries.
    2. The suggestions about Hafza getting CoC / NCO / Etc are good. However, if Hortaks come over they should not get CoC.
    3. As for improvements to the Sekban would like additional specialist profiles or X-Visor to compliment their weapon loadouts.
    4. Djanbazans really don't need much improving as the N4 changes aided them the most.
    5. The inclusion of the more varied mercenaries would be interesting. As just getting Nomad troops always seemed boring.
    6. Having Azrail's get Duo would be great, as they lost Core when the model got bigger.
    On a different note, I do love the improvements the Al Hawwa got in N4. They have always been my go to infiltrating Hacker for both QK and Vanilla.
  2. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    As Djanbazans and Sekbans are usually in my Vanilla lists, I hope that there are not a lot of changes (mostly 4-4 move). They both have good armor and have their places. For wish listing, I would love Djanbazans to have a bonus to discover (based on fluff) and for Sekbans to have veteran and Tac Aware profile on the HRL.
  3. Mechanokrat

    Mechanokrat Active Member

    Nov 11, 2019
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    That's a valid point. (Al'Fasid got Fireteam:Duo, +2CC and -0.5 SWC, but these all seem minor changes point wise.) My guess would be that the points formula for some of its many special features (minelayer, grenade launcher, sixth sense) increased for such a sturdy model and offsets what seems to be a general point drop for high armor and stats.

    For example, O12's HMG Gamma went from 57 points to 53 points and got courage.
  4. AssaultUnicorn

    AssaultUnicorn KTS is the best unit

    Mar 8, 2019
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    – Wildcards with mercenary troops (Hafza+Kaplans, Hafza+Druze, Odalisques+Kaplans, Odalisques+Druze).
    – Kum Riders and Hunzakuts (the latter may end up being redundant because then there is no point in Hawwa).
    – Overhaul the Azra'ils. Like, entirely. No idea how they should be overhauled but either give them superior armor, some new gear, or drop-down their price. The Mobile Brigada is now comparable to Azra'il in terms of armor and has superior MOV, plus Courage. The Azra'ils have to have something unique when compared to such competition.
    – Alguaciles and the lone Brigada did not have a lot of stuff to do back in N3. Have them form a special Fireteam Core with each other.
    – I am excited about Scarface being in QK. Let's hope he stays with us.
    – QK never had any aggressive Lt. profiles aside from Spitfire Hafza. Maybe we could get one, I don't know. QK was never about aggressive Lts since we don't even have CoC.
    – The N3 Hafza profile is fine as it is, but I wouldn't mind CB spicing things up with that profile. Ghulam has a nice +1 CT Lieutenant option, maybe the Hafza Lt. could have something similar, like Strategos or Counterintelligence.
  5. Agorapocalypse

    Agorapocalypse Namurr and Nahab are girlfriends

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Qk definitely comes across as our defensive castle sectoral, so id like to see that played into more. Hafzas are easy, give them command skills, but i think azzy should stay somewhat simple but get arm 6 and maybe a soft skill here or there unless they want to give him nwi but i doubt it. Djans will be good ported straight across but i would like a ph bump to 12 just to help with regen a little. Sekban are the hard ones though, especially in a sectoral with djans, kaplan, and druze all already filling similar roles of being tankier castle MI fireteams. Maybe make sekban Arm 4. They certainly look the part even compared to other MI. But beyond that, idk what else could fit besides tac awareness.
  6. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I doubt QK gain this troops. They are supossed to be in khanate of Gaqbar.
  7. AssaultUnicorn

    AssaultUnicorn KTS is the best unit

    Mar 8, 2019
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    CB had a broadcast where they asked whether people wanted that sectorial or QK. I thought it was the "either/or" situation: either the Khanate, or QK, not both. And CB did tell us that, should we choose QK, it would get some new units. Which may imply Kums and Hunzies, or maybe it'll be something completely different.
    Cadwallon likes this.
  8. AssaultUnicorn

    AssaultUnicorn KTS is the best unit

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Also, yeah, the odalisques are better than ever right now, I don't care that their CC is 18, their -9 to the enemy CC works even against TAGs, and their PARA CCWs are not doing PH-based damage. So if the new ITS season sees the return of Hunting Party, I would definitely field these girls to cuff enemy specialists in CC.
  9. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Here's my take.

    The point formula is new/revised. We know that CC and Armor are less points and that generally indicates a drop in points. Which is why we've seen an increase in CC scores to prop up point values on various units. Other things now also cost differently which is why some things don't move the dial very much if at all. So. If anything is added to a profile it's cost will go up. So with that in mind...

    Hafza. As always I champion a leadership/commanding changes so that they live up to their fluff. Number 2 is pretty obvious. Extra lieutenant orders and/or command tokens are also a possibility. Courage is a possibility. I think they should be allowed to join any fireteam. Because sorry mercs, sometimes your employer wants some oversight. I do not view them as surprise heavy weapon troopers to "lower the cost" of fire teams. Make them worthy leaders even if it costs a bit. Not everything needs to be on every profile.

    Odalisque made out like bandits in my book.

    Azra'il need... I'm not sure. They can readily just lower the cost due to the point reductions in armor, watch it float back up a bit due to movement improvements... then...? They used to be high ranking soldiers, and should probably have something to represent this. Courage? Veteran? A side arm besides general issue? :) Just give me my feurerbach... and probably some kind of crutch team.

    Sekban... probably my favorites. I'd love to see Veteran on them for the guys who hold that line, regardless. Chain colts upgraded to real shotguns would be nice. Engineers would probably be nice, or at least d-charges for stubborn doors. I'd like to see a couple more assault pistols scattered around the unit. A touch higher AVA would be icing. Grenades?

    Janissary. I'd like to see Haris. Oh, and sculpts And a Doctor+3 separate from Doctor (2w).

    al Hawwa' could benefit from a middle range weapon. Maybe a marksman rifle.

    Djanbazan. I know they're supposed to be mean, but Para CC weapons to er, debriefings? Otherwise they have a reasonable looking spread of weapons for a variety of tasks. Maybe a bump to regeneration isn't just a coin toss?

    Bashi Bazouk, Yuan Yuan, and Druze seem solid just the way they are. The Nomad additions just lack value. Janissaries are arguably better than Mobile Brigada outside of the hacker. The various Alguaciles don't have any apparent unique equipment load outs that aren't matched by the ghulam. If we're going by the metric that they should be something more than slightly cheaper guys to stand around maybe they should be swapped with the Bandits or Jaguars? But keep that often complained "pirate" feel... of an organization that's over stretched, under funded, and cutting corners to keep up.
    #29 Papa Bey, Oct 25, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2020
  10. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I'd really like Djanbazan to see something like 'Regeneration (PH=12)' or thereabouts.
  11. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Just change its PH to 12...What's the point of the HMG's gun show if he is not packing :sunglasses:
    HaqqHack and Papa Bey like this.
  12. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Well I suspect PH10 or 11 and Regeneration (PH=12) are probably separated by a few points in the formula, which is meaningful.
    HaqqHack likes this.
  13. Ariwch

    Ariwch Tournament benthotic lurker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    "But mum, I just really want to have them!" :smile:

    Oh, come on, does anyone really believed that question was a real poll for CB gamedesign decision, not anything but an entertainment for a broadcast audience and the way to say "no new sectorial for Haqqislam in the closest future"?
    Barrogh, Papa Bey and RobertShepherd like this.
  14. Fenrir

    Fenrir Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2018
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    @Papa Bey CC 18 on odaliscas were low in n3, in n4 lots of profiles got improvments on their CC so the CC18 stays in a bad position, but I take the idea of the MULTI pistol.

    I still prefer the chain-colt on the sekban over shoutgun for the intuitive attack.

    @Brokenwolf we got veterans on zeyedans why do you want more of them? in haqqislam veteran its a little bit wasting points. I never used veteran rule, its just a litte waste. Maybe now its better vs E/M but it's still 1 munition over the rest

    I think almost 90% of HI are buffed and reduced points, insite haqqislam just the asawira get that, the rest got the same points or more like jenizar (I know why), or ayyar (incomprehensible). But other facction are getting a lots of buff and a point reduction too, or just a impresive buff.

    I don't know why Azrail or Alfasid are a duo or is going to be one, I can see the dayokai with haris duo and core at the same time, or kirza if I remmeber, or even the sogarat on morats. I want to play my S5 as well in a core or haris.
  15. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Fluff reason: Sekban are the unit that was harden by the Silk revolts and are mentioned as veterans (which is why, I assume, they had BS 13). The veteran skill makes sense for them. They are heavily armored boarding party that comes in hard.

    Mechanical Reason: Looking at their weapon and equipment choices, Sekban have been designed for Close Quarter Battle. They have 360 visors so they can't be flanked, chain colts, and other short ranged weaponry. Veteran would help as it would allow a Haris or link team to totally ignore E/M weaponry, which will be more prevalent in N4. I see them as meant to move and hold an objective room.

    The are the CQB Doorkickers and Veteran will help them in the role. And it will also add some more symmetry between them and Druze: different sides of a coin.
    AdmiralJCJF and AssaultUnicorn like this.
  16. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Good point about the Intuitive attack. It's almost never used by me because I'm not the one tossing smoke. ;)

    As far as the Odalisque you seem to ignore the -9 to CC penalty. Miyamoto goes from CC25 to CC16. Sure, martial arts will bring it back up, but it takes them from an easy kill to a closer coin toss. My spitfire appreciates them not making the effort at all. It opens up an option.
    AssaultUnicorn, HaqqHack and Errhile like this.
  17. HaqqHack

    HaqqHack New Member

    Sep 17, 2019
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    The Jannisary upgrade is sweet, but I love the feel of a wildcard Mobile Brigada in QK. Armor 5, 6-2 movement with Multi rifle or Missile launcher sounds like something fun to add to a Ghulam link once in a while. The alguaciles are much less relevant under the 15 order limit. I've never tried the iguana, but we have definitely transitioned into a more TAG friendly environment
  18. AssaultUnicorn

    AssaultUnicorn KTS is the best unit

    Mar 8, 2019
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    In my view, Iggy did not get enough cool upgrades compared to someone like Scarface. It did receive more synergy with your hackers by getting the ECM: Hacker (-3) and, as a nice bonus, the Iggy Operator retains the Tactical Awareness Order. Still, no buff to the armor or any stat for that matter, although the price tag is exceptionally sweet: only 65 points!

    If the QK playstyle does not change much compared to N3, Iguana will be a bit more reliable in its role of an overpriced warband since it now can shrug off hacking attacks with resets more easily. The absence of a PH roll in the Escape System is an improvement in my eyes as well, although, should Iggy go down in reactive, it would take one MSV guy to finish off the operator. I wonder if it will get any link team options.
  19. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    While scarface got 'better' I don't feel it got more usable. One reason I liked scarface was because he was cheap. Now he is on par with the Iguana. The issue with Scarface now is you are forced to take 1 specific engineer instead of having the choice of others or none. My old tactic with scarface was to use him as a decoy to pull attention away from my fireteam. Suppressing fire tags tend to slow people down and takes a bit to remove. In the Druze sectoral you get the duo options which has benefits, but unless QK gets a link option for its tags I'll stick with QKs heavies.
  20. exiti

    exiti Mad Scientist Gorilla

    Jan 30, 2019
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    I wouldn't mind the Anaconda Squadron joining QK. 1.) I have just always been a fan of the model. 2.) They can currently Duo in Starco. 3.) It would expand the Mercs. available to QK. 4.) I would make a good replacement for the Iguana.
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