Szalamandra list help

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by Board, Oct 16, 2020.

  1. Board

    Board New Member

    Nov 28, 2019
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    I'm pretty new to Infinity and have only played Haqq to this point. Its about time I put my Nomads on the table. I want to have a TAG focused list around my Szalamandra (what an awesome mini).


    This is what I've come up with. Szal MBT. Moran and Crazy K's as defence. Zeros ARO/speed bumps. Jag for smoke to shut off fire lanes.

    I then have 2 engineers as needed to look after the MBT. Intruder to take out long range threats and Mobile Brig as a second attack vector as and when needed. Dak and Engineers as button pushers.

    Issues I see are that I've got 2 groups so will lose 2 orders first turn. Grp 2 has few orders to move if I need them to. I also know that this is without a specific mission - I've put it together as a bit of a toolbox beat stick, but it seems likely it will be Supplies.

    Thanks in advance for your advice.
  2. Sicaris

    Sicaris Active Member

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Zoe and pi well are good (well pi well is good and Zoe isn't bad) but they are pricey. You can probably free up some points there to fill out group 2. I'm not sure you need 2 engineers but you probably want at least one zondbot to pair with your engineer. Personally I'd try to make one zero a specialist, I just really like camo specialists.
  3. Aladino

    Aladino New Member

    Apr 24, 2019
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    your list has a problem of pretty big obvious lt and could be very dangerous vs impersonator or granade launchers.
    Try this list if you want, pretty strong hacker presence and table control, also less obvious lt and strong cc
  4. helsbecter

    helsbecter Ultrademocratic subSenator, #dominion Module

    Dec 28, 2017
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    You have to do something about that Moderator, if you leave it as-is you are going to be in loss of lieutenant every game.

    I'd consider dropping him and the Brigada and investing in a Taskmaster LT. He can make full use of his LT order, won't die to impersonator/AD, and makes an excellent backup to the Szalamandra.
  5. Board

    Board New Member

    Nov 28, 2019
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    Ok so taking bits from all of you - thank you for the advice (my LT may as well have had a sign pointing at him saying "dead meat"!). I've gone for FO Zero, TaskMaster and dropped Zoe and Pi. How's this look?

    Aladino likes this.
  6. dexterv

    dexterv Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    If you are concerned about losing 2 orders in 1st turn, you can add a puppetmaster (even without puppets) as a counterintelligence-carrier regular order. You can change the two moderators for a puppetmaster, warcor and a second zondbot for instance.

    Also I think the sniper intruder belongs to the 2nd group.
    #6 dexterv, Oct 18, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2020
  7. Spellbreaker90

    Spellbreaker90 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2018
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    This Is the list I made with Szally. I tried to have more than one Attack vector and some good field defense. I haven't played the list, but I think It can have good chance. The only thing I have to change it's the battlegroup distribuition of units. I am still working around which are the best to keep in the main group and which to put in G2.

  8. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    I have a Sally too, based purely on how sweet it looks. Don't actually like the Hypercannon TAG niche all that much, but Nomads don't have fantastic TAG options to compete with it so keen to jump on this thread to comment on Sally lists too.


    Szalamandra: Key piece, long range firebase, makes sure I control the table in the active turn and is a solid ARO piece too
    Jazz & Billie: When taken together, you end up getting a hacker+ for really cheap after you consider the second order. Brings Pitcher for better hacking. The purpose of the hacker is honestly because I am attempting to use hacking and not for any particular reason.
    Reaktion Zond: If fielding an Engineer, I always take one of these. Just so useful for defense and solid on offense too. Even better with an EVO but I would want a Hellcat to justify that. Could slot one in but its not the aim of the list!
    Zero HD: Could be any specialist skirmisher, I am attempting to use hacking more and so taking at least two hacker/+ devices per list
    Heckler KHD: Main hacker defense. Chosen over Zero because of the assault pistol giving better offense
    Moderator x2 + Moderator LT: LT and decoys. Not happy to take them, but grateful for the non-SWC LT option
    Jaguar: Cheerleader with smoke and defensive utility

    EVADER Engineer AP Spitfire + Zondbot:
    I like this profile a lot. Part combat specialist, part anti-TAG, and covers the engineer requirement for a TAG or REM list. There is an argument to drop the AP spitfire and put a SWC weapon on someone else given that Sally can handle any TAGs
    Flash Bot x2: Cheap orders with defense capability, in group two because more likely to be exposed
    Moran Shotgun: Mostly defense and repeater capability

    1 Slot and 28 points free.
    This list is half using the Sally and half trying to use hacking, could be improved perhaps by removing the hacking to focus on killer hackers and supporting the Sally. Would be keen to hear suggestions for changes and for the last slot and points.

    This list would have some game on most missions. For a mission like supplies it has camo specialists and decent board presence. For a mission like firefight, the Sally is an effective combat unit, I have solid defense and can hide the rest. For zone missions have access to an expensive TAG and multiple skirmishers. For "sit on the button at the end" missions, the TAG is tough as nails and things like the Jaguar can help with it.

    The immediate thing I see is the Warcor rule. Any list with less than 15 models and not limited insertion should probably find 3 points for one, and given you have a 298 point list it is probably an easy change to make.

    Another possible problem is the lack of a killer hacker, especially since you are projecting repeater zones onto the battlefield with the Moran.

    The next thing that draws my eye is that this list seems kind of confused, in that you are investing heavily in a TAG but then also into aerial deployment and the loss of orders that those entail. Is the idea to kind of sit back with the TAG and mostly use the Tomcat/Carlotta?

    Whats the purpose of the models in this list, the types of mission it is for, the general gameplan? If you elaborate on that then the list can be considered in a more meaningful way.
  9. Spellbreaker90

    Spellbreaker90 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2018
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    To answer both question Warcor is good for 3 point, but the list is pretty tight cause I made a mistake pasting a first draft of the list, the FO Zero is a Killer Hacker (so the list reach 300 point) and Billie has Trinity has Trinity on her arsenal of Software so she can be used as a killer too.
    The main reason of the reapeater network is more as a scary piece, for 14 point a get 2 Zond with flash pulse and repeater that I can use to use spotlight on on enemy troops moving close or I can try to play the ARO game placing zonds near key units to have a Flash Pulse ARO.

    The Hacking network in the list is more for supporting the other unit and trying to slow enemy advance.

    Tomcat/Carlotta duo could soud a bit strange, but there are reasons. Tomcat is in the list mainly to help Szally when you will need an Engineer. Szally will problably go on flanking so having an Tomcat arriving from the border for helping Szally is a good option at least in the games I have played. Carlotta could be a nice suppresive factor thanks to her Para (Deep Zone), if your opponent see the Tomcat he will probably exclude another Para. in the list or fearing Szally could try to hide his unit in his deploy in T1 and Carlotta can help killing some key target. In this way I can apply pressure from both side of the battlefield.
  10. Ghost87

    Ghost87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    Getting your idea here but I am not sure whether I would double down on airborne engineers in something tight as a Szali list with otherwise limited ARO capability.

    Keeping two orders in the sky in a TAG list sounds like waste to me. Being an engineer herself, Carlotta could do either task you mentioned on her own. Not both of course, but how likely is it that you need to fix your TAG and wreak havoc in the enemy DZ at the same time. For me a good list is all about flexibility while focusing on what is your main goal (I assume here it is to make the most out of the TAG).

    My suggestion would be to remove the Tomcat Eng and find a way to bring a Clockmaker with Zondbot along with a Reaction Zond.
  11. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    This is my current Szalamandra list, although I'm still working through iterations:


    In previous iterations she was much more central at the head of the first group, but the more I play her the more I find I really just need her to clear off enemy overwatch pieces early in the game and if I want to step on the gas and hit the enemy DZ I'm better of doing it with something with a shotgun. This version is an experiment in that vein. I think I might end up wanting a 9/6 split just in case I do need to push Sally into group one, but I figure the Libertos will always leave a hole in the group eventually so its probably fine.

    One thing to note is that at this stage I'm pretty happy not taking an engineer with her. I'm not taking any other REMs to justify it (puppetbots are ok but not great engineering targets); she's not a remote presence TAG and for what you get she's incredibly cheap. Those elements in concert mean it hasn't been worth it to bolt 21+ pts on to a list (and take up a valuable group slot) just on the chance I might get her back from unconsciousness or have to patch her up if she gets blitzened.
  12. Paperclip

    Paperclip Active Member

    Jul 29, 2018
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    This is my iteration of a sally list


    I realised no one is really bringing zoe and pi-well. I think there is value in sensor where mid field hackers might be a threat. The hacker on top of the engineering profile in zoe seems is an icing on the cake but I do acknowledge that it can come back and bite her when enemy khd can go after her.
  13. MattB89

    MattB89 Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2018
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    Honestly Zoe is pretty decent reactively against Enemy Hackers due to Zero Pain.
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