Shock Army: What would we like to see?

Discussion in 'PanOceania' started by barakiel, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    We're not that far from seeing N4's versions of Shock Army of Acontecimento and the NeoTerra Capitaline Army. I'm putting some thoughts together on what I hope to see for these armies, beginning with Shock Army. My own objective to offer practicable, useful thought on what'd I'd like to see as a long-time Shock Army player. I don't think Shock needs a terrific amount of help, but we also know that Shock did poorly last ITS season, so I won't object to them getting some buffs in this next release.

    The focus here is on the Shock-specific units... I'll mention ALEPH at the end, but it's tough to make suggestions on them since Shock isn't their home faction or even their home Sectorial.

    Acontecimento Regulars:
    • Remove .5 SWC cost for Forward Observer.
    • Apply Hacking Device cost reduction.
    Otherwise, this unit is in a great place. I'm tempted to suggest a Hacker profile that does not include the Panda and Grenade Launcher, but I think this ultimately reinforces the unique theme and performance of Acon Regulars over their Fusilier counterparts. The costly Hacker is offset by the value of the Minelayer Sensor. My hope is that Scylla and Nagas, as solid hackers, will offset the high cost of the Regular Hacker.

    Agnes Ferreira:
    • Add Wildcard.
    Ferreira's precedent has been set in WinterFor, so there isn't too much that can be messed with here. Wildcard gives her some utility in filling out costlier links, such as a Bagh Mari Haris, and her Nanopulser and Specialist Operative role have some utility there.

    Akalis, Sikh Commandos

    • Add Martial Arts L2
    • Add Stealth.
    Hard to know what we can get away with here, since Sikh have already received N4 attention (none of it good, but it's still been applied.) They've always flirted with the E/M theme. If they don't want to give an E/M ranged weapon to a parachutist or combat jump unit, they might consider a high risk/reward approach by doubling down on CC. Their PH remains incredibly low, so this offsets their general ability to apply close combat.

    Kirpal Singh, Akalis Sergeant

    • Remove Chain of Command, add NCO.
    • Add 4-4 MOV to bring in line with Akalis
    • Clarify Parachutist and Combat Jump to be consistent with N4.
    • Consider +3 to drop or Parachutist (Dep. Zone) to represent Singh's highly elite status.
    One tricky thing with both Singh and Rao is that their assault pistols are modeled on their sculpts. Since these models are Out Of Production, this is a time for CB to break away from the very tired Combi + Assault Pistol duo. If CB does want to retain the assault pistol as part of their kit, they could always give the pistol a specialty ammo type, but we haven't really seen this applied before so there's no precedent. That being said, it doesn't take much to make Singh a significant threat. NCO fits his character and is a useful boon for both Shock Army and Vanilla play. A specialty drop rule reflects that he literally wrote the book on PanO drop tactics, and is consistent with the power level given to AD units in other armies.

    Stephen Rao
    • Add 4-4 MOV, adjustments to make him consistent with N4 Medium Infantry.
    • Add Forward Deployment L1
    • Add Wild Parrot
    • Create two distinct types of profiles: one with Camouflage, and one with Strategic Deployment.
    Rao has the opportunity to do a couple of things, both of which are appropriate for his lore.
    The Camouflage profile can act as an effective high-quality lone wolf. Camouflage, Mimetism (-3) and MSV1 make him capable combatant versus light targets, and the Wild Parrot is a useful piece of PanO kit that fits with Shock Army's theme of ambush via unique tools. This gives him a role in both Shock Army and Vanilla.

    With Strategic Deployment, he can add some deployment flexibility to his link team. He can certainly jump into a big Core link and give them slightly greater freedom of deployment, but I see Strategic Deployment being very thematic and useful in a Haris of Bagh Mari. Strategic Deployment, in particular, fits Rao's lore of leading from the front. Dedicated leadership skills likes Strategos are okay for his theme, but I feel they miss the mark compared to a rule that enhances the ability of Rao's force.

    The Assault Pistol on the mini continues to constrain the design parameters of this unit... If you ever want proof of PanO's old constrained design space, look at Rao, Singh and Konstantinos all getting combi rifles + Assault Pistols...

    Bagh-Mari Unit
    • Add 4-4 MOV to make them consistent with N4 Medium Infantry.
    • Apply Hacking Device cost reduction.
    • Consider straight Multiterrain, just to simplify their long list terrain movement abilities.
    Bagh Mari need very little help. They're already exceptional, in the capacity of general combat. They're not specialized versus anti-armor, but they don't need to be as long as there are other adequate sources of anti-armor in the Sectorial. They should continue to perform well in a mixed Core team with Regulars, or as their own Haris team.

    Guarda de Assalto

    • Adjust their stats and cost for N4 (6-2 MOV.)
    • Add AP Spitfire profile, or consider a source of E/M. Deployables would also be useful, perhaps focusing on E/M.
    • Eclipse Launcher (+1 Burst) on the Auxbot.

    Raptor Boarding Squads in O-12 are almost a straight copy of the GdA, so we know the precedent exists. The major difference between the two is 360 visor on the Raptor, vs the specialty Eclipse Smoke + light shotgun auxbot of the GdA. But if the GdA can retain the general skills, stats and pricing structure of the Raptor, the unit will be in a good place. GdA have a number of stat improvements (+1 Burst, +1 PH, +2 CC) but lack some of the Raptor's special rules (NCO, Courage, 360 Visor) so hopefully the cost difference between the two won't be enormous.

    This is a good platform for adding an AP Spitfire. Both Bagh Mari and Regulars lack any serious armor-cracking options, and their Hackers are fairly expensive due to added equipment special rules, so an AP Spitfire GdA is a good tool for ensuring Shock Army has some effective anti-armor tools in N4. E/M mines or a similar deployable are also very useful, since the GdA will spend a lot of orders maneuvering and traversing the board.

    The role of Eclipse needs to be discussed too. Launchers have lost their +3 band, and this is particularly painful on a BS10 Auxbot. That being said, they can now shoot further on a 0 band. Adding +1 Burst to the Eclipse Launcher on the Auxbot will help to balance out the very low Ballistic Skill, and make the smoke launcher significantly more useful and applicable.

    • Add the Montessa Tikbalang to Shock Army of Acontecimento.
    Self explanatory here. The Tik is an excellent TAG, and doesn't need much. The Order of Montessa has a presence in Shock Army already. Bring in the Montessa loadout in case players want to focus on using the AP HMG rather than the version with Antipersonnel Mines.

    • Cost adjusted for N4.
    The Zeta TAG closely mirrors the Dragao, so we know what to expect for this update. The only notable differences are the Dragao having +1 BS, lacking Climbing Plus, and swapping Heavy Flamethrower for Heavy Riotstopper. We should know clearly what to anticipate here though.

    • Consider a Jungle Terrain loadout.
    ORCs really don't need anything significant. They were already at home in Shock Army, because 4-4, BS14 was a strong contrast to 4-2, Mimetism, MSV1 BS12 on the Bagh Mari. They were different enough to present the player with interesting list building choices, much moreso than Kamau vs ORCs. In particular, ORCs are bringing the very important Fuerbach profile, which single-handedly helps a PanO force be able to contest TAGs and opposing heavy armor.


    • Nagas are solid.
    • Dart is in a good place.
    • Scylla, Drakios, Teucer? Hard to say. We don't have their rules, and it's hard to give suggestions on their role without also taking a deep look at Steel Phalanx. Ultimately though, Scylla and Teucer both play really important roles because of their efficacy vs TAGs and Heavy Infantry in this meta. Scylla's an ideal candidate for carrying a tinbot around with her, particularly if her ability to function while in a marker state is heavily curtailed this edition.
    yoink101, Smiler, Urobros and 9 others like this.
  2. Jotunn

    Jotunn Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I agree with all of your points and would add NCO on the Gda. PanO has trouble with Lt choices and more NCO would be welcomed warmely
    meikyoushisui likes this.
  3. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Scylla is at least going to see a change on her bots to avoid the Repeater+Marker state interaction, or lose the KHD.
    meikyoushisui and Teslarod like this.
  4. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I also agree with most of the points. My wishlist was almost the same, including giving Akalis CC angle to differentiate them from Crusaders. Some additional ideas:

    Bagh Mari: I'd like to see some heavy weapon choice. There's no Missile Launcher (save the one on Clipper) in the entire sectorial, though maybe relying on MSRs and TAGs (and Feuerbach ORC) to combat armor can be a theme for the sectorial? I'm undecided

    Rao: choice between a Wildcard with Command&Control abilities, or infiltrating commando:

    MOV 4-4 | CC 16 | BS 13 | PH 11 | WIP 14 | ARM 2 | BTS 0 | W 1

    MSV1, Mimetism (-3), Terrain (Total), Stealth

    Multi Rifle, LFT (Infiltration, Camo, Surprise Attack (-3))
    Vulcan Shotgun (Infiltration, Camo, Surprise Attack (-3))
    Multi Rifle, LFT (CoC, FTO Wildcard)
    Multi Rifle, LFT (Lt, FTO Wildcard)

    Guarda: I half expect it to undergo an SHI transformation, turning S5/ARM5 and MOV 6-2.

    ORC Acon variants: Would be great to see some, with Terrain (Jungle) and either MSV1 or Mimetism (-3)?

    Pathfinder: I'd love seeing an FTO Wildcard option, underlining the "combat recon" theme.

    Aleph units: now that's a big question mark. Nagas and Dart will stay, but the Greeks might get some major rework, or get exchanged for a different unit altogether.
  5. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    Good thoughts so far. My hope is that Scylla is going to see a big boost to her personal stats and/or capabilities, to offset for the big N3 asset of marker-state repeaters.

    The question of anti-armor weapons is a big one. In N3, we could get away with "small arms" on Bagh Mari and Regulars, simply because there wasn't a tremendous need to have anything bigger than a MULTI Sniper Rifle. That's different now. As @Stiopa implies, Shock will be locked into very specific list builds if the big AP guns are only available on a handful of profiles. This isn't necessary a bad thing, but it does damage the internal balance of the Sectorial. Putting big guns on cheap options is a way to redress this, but the ORC Fuerbach's relatively low cost and easy linkability does really help address this problem.
    meikyoushisui likes this.
  6. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Not a Shock player, but if Singh loses his CoC he should probably get at least Specialist Operative. AD troops that can score without being Hackable are very valuable, especially in tournaments, because they can safely dive DZs on kill missions or opportunistically while still helping to push buttons otherwise. There's currently no units in PanO with that capability, so it's an important hole to fill. (Yes, I know, Echo Bravo, but Combat Jump is a capability which matters sometimes.)
  7. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Sooooo Crusader becames most useless and displaced unit in game ?;P
    Rot_Sechs likes this.
  8. meikyoushisui

    meikyoushisui Competitor for Most Ignored User

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Oh weird, I was just coming here to make this topic after some discussions about Scylla on Discord.

    Here's my thoughts:

    Regulars: I actually really hope they keep the Hacker/FastPanda/LGL profile, or at very least, keep two of three of those things for 0.5SWC. Hacking improving means more chances for this guy to shine, and I'm glad about that.

    Akalis: I love Akalis. I would love to see them with a 1 point PH bump or costing a couple points less, but not that much. They're still a perfectly fine tool.

    Kirpal: NCO is such a natural fit for him. I like the idea of giving him Parachutist (DZ), but that may not be good for the balance of the sectorial (I am honestly not sure).

    Rao: I love the idea of a Strategic Deployment profile or a solo camo infiltrator profile. Both of these things work very well for him thematically, and they're both great tools. I might even go so far as to say a WildParrot + Minelayer profile.

    Bagh Mari: I feel like the Karhu infringed a bit on the Bagh Mari's design space, though they don't core, which helps a little. I'd love to see just one more feature on them or a weird new profile or two to de-vanilla them a little bit. Bumping them to BS13 would be nice but also make them even less differentiated from their analogous units (Bolts and Kamau) so that's probably off the table. Maybe some glue guns would be fun?

    Guarda: Guarda I think just needs a straight rework at this point (and a new sculpt!). The Guarda's identity as "the BS15 HI" has been diluted heavily by the rise of crazy mixed links and other comparable cheaper units. If the Aquila is the MSV Guard, and the Swiss is the TO guard, maybe the Guitar should be the Albedo Guard? Or something else like that? In either case, he does need to drop in cost by several points based on comparison to the Raptor.

    Everything else can basically stay about how it is right now, minus some obvious N4 costing and cleaning up the bloaty stuff like combi + asspistol. The new AP HMG Tik would be cool, but I don't feel it. I think something for the Dragoes to differentiate it a bit from Sally and the Zeta would be fine, but not necessary. It's just hard for me to see the Dragoes being more competitive than the Tik.

    Nagas can stay, but if they're replaced, I would love for them to be replaced with an original unit, since PanO lacks any regular Mim(-3) camo skirmishers besides the Zulu Cobra. It would be nice to see one more of these. I like the crossover profiles though -- they add flavor to the sectorial and highlight unusual aspects of the units from other armies.

    I won't talk about the other Greeks as in-depth, but if hacking is even half as important as a lot of players who are much better than me are suggesting it is, Scylla really could benefit from keeping her repeater bots. I would really like to see her have the solution CB used for Bit and Kiss and give her at least one profile where she has a regular Hacking Device but gets Upgrade: Trinity so she can keep her repeater bots. They could even try some weird stuff and give her a KHD with an extra burst on Trinity or something if they wanted. (That would be terrifying, but cool.)

    Drakios and Teucer are kind of whatevs to me. A Teucer with Neurocinetics would be nice, I guess? Or a rework to the K1 Sniper to make it actually viable vs. the Feuerbach (it would need incredibly high DAM for that to be a thing, or maybe +1B, I would have to check the math).
    barakiel and Stiopa like this.
  9. Rot_Sechs

    Rot_Sechs Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2020
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    As much as i like the ideas in the openning post i dont feel very enthusiastic about wishlisting unit changes. After listening to the more recent cb interviews on the podcasts and their "things from n3"-blogs i think that:
    1) community wishes are rarly checked before development (proper teuton still hasnt happend)
    2) cb confirms their unit decisions via sales and tournament (faction) participation. Which is a bad metric considering plabots placed so high on that list. But its also the only objectiv metric besides subjectiv forum bias.
    3) even ppl at cb that come up with new units dont seem to have access to the point system. Like wtf.
    4) point value application is affected by fluff and the singular decision of the point system guardian. I hate this the most considering how competetive infinity is.

    So yeah we might get the nco singh we want and fluff portraits. But dont expect him to be costed fair as he aint nomad or haqq.

    Edit: i also hope that aleph drops out of asa at some point. To na2 for my liking at just as wierd as starmada.
  10. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Some great ideas in there guys, enjoying the read. Here are my two cents:

    First and foremost I want Sectorial only Profiles, especially for TAGs and would love to see that be more of a thing outside of the Squalo Zapper in Varuna and Montesa Tik in MO. Given how great those turned out, every TAG in the game could benefit from a tweak in its native Sectorial to bring a slight incentive to run one outside of Vanilla.

    The really Vanilla TAGs all got a tweak, so I'd expect something on the Dragao. Likely something minor, keeping expectations in Line with the Squalo gaining a Multipistol and built in Firewall. +1B for the HFT and a Tinbot (Discover +3) would feel good.

    Regulars pretty much only need to go down in SWC on the FO, done. With Linked Flashpulse nerfed I don't see why that wouldn't happen.

    Baghs are completely fine on all their Profiles after the Shotgun changes. All Baghs are pretty much Sectorial only to begin with now that Karhu exist.

    Rao is a big one. There's much potential here to add a NCO Profile or move Sing's CoC to him, make the Lt Profile Strategos/+1 Order (requiring NCO elsewhere), give him a gunner Profile with FD, Specialist Operative and Marksmanrifle (Camo would be great and work as well, but he'd need to do something Nagas don't).

    Singh/Akalis having baseline useable CC21 MA1 + Stealth or something along those lines would go a long way to make them their own troop. Singh NCO or Parachutist (DZ) and another pip of CC capability would be amazing.

    Funny enough I had the same ideas as @barakiel some time this week about the Guarda. AP Spitfire and +1B for the LGL to compensate for the loss of the +3 Rangeband. Honestly just getting cheaper and 6-2 would make him already quite good. B2 DTW on the bot is a significant boost. Main reason I can see to change him is how close the Raptor got to his old Profile. The only real difference is the type of Auxbot vs 360 Visor.
    AP Spitfire would be boring but effective. Ideally I'd like to see something more radical like C+ on bot and Controller and yet again at least a Specialist Profile.

    Teucer needs a Link (likely a Haris) without access to Smoke in the context of N4. Alternatively he'll stay a solo and end up at +1B. I think the chances for either of that to happen are rather good with Karhu's blowing the roof off any cap on Feuerbach restrictions. With Marksmanship LX and Free Agent gone I'd take a new feature to make him a tiny bit more than a MSV2 with a big gun, NCO or Number 2 being the easy solutions, Sensor for ridiculous anti Camo as wishful thinking.
    K1 Marksmanrifle rather than Sniper would be great, a +1B K1 Sniper seems more likely given his role on the battlefield and Atalanta existing.

    Scylla is losing her KHD or the Repeaters. Maybe we're looking at another consolidation of HD with Upgrade Trinity while letting her Bots keep the Repeaters for a value package. Maybe the bots just lose their Repeaters and get deployable ones. Either way Scylla is worth keeping an eye on.

    General things:
    SAA used to be plagued by redundant guns like Combi+LSGs and Assault Pistols ruining Profiles. In N4 those are significantly cheaper and generally very nice to have instead. Wouldn't complain about doubling down on this as a Sectorial feature. Akals, the Sectorial flavor of Orcs, GDA, even the TAGs (a man can dream) would all love the option. Another way to benefit is changing some Combis for Marksmanrifles, pairs even better.
    SAA is pretty low on Doctors and Engineer options in N4 terms. Might be a conscious limitation (at least the docs), but it have doubts with SAA's history of being the best Engineer Sectorial with AVA2 Machinists (a long long time ago). With Bipandra/Lazarus/Karhu expanding options elsewhere SAA could use an update here, maybe another option for their take on Orcs to display how much pioneering work they're doing in the trenches.
    Some more PanO Tech wouldn't hurt either, at this point I don't even know what "PanO Tech" entitles, but can't go wrong with Drop Bears and Parrots.
    #10 Teslarod, Oct 22, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2020
    Urobros, Commoner1, Savnock and 3 others like this.
  11. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    If they were to get changed it'd be a perfect place to add some fire weapons. The problem is that between Karhu having an edge in mobility and Bolts getting Marksmanship it's harder to think of a niche for tiger hunters.

    They were present in some PanO and YJ sectorials from the beginning, to represent strong connection with those factions who were invested in Aleph's creation and operations from the beginning. And it'd be great to keep it.
    AdmiralJCJF and RolandTHTG like this.
  12. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Hm actually do Baghs need help?
    Looking at a Karhu for reference:
    6-2 and 4-4 look like the cost the same, just stating observations not preferences
    Multirifle appears to cost the same as Combi LSG
    which leaves the Bagh with ARM2 and WIP13 as only pricepoint over Karhu

    Now the Karhu still has:
    BS13, BTS3, Terrain (Total), Courage, C+, NCO, Blitzen, AP Mines
    Tricky in N4 since we can't properly triangulate points as well anymore. Imho CB broke stuff down and some things are definitely half and quarter points now. Which is also why we see some odd or flavourful upgrades such as Chaksa +1DAM (CC).
    Blitzen is 2, AP Mines are 2. NCO should be at least 1, C+ is 2 on the Orc (might scale tho)
    BS13 BTS3 Terrain (Total) and Courage should be more than enough to offset 1ARM 1WIP.
    Leaves us with the Bagh base Combi+LSG at 18 points, which would be incredibly cheap.
    MI didn't get all that much cheaper so lets just put that on hold and take a N4 MI instead.

    Wildcat BSG Deployable Repeater is 24
    2CC, 1BS, 6BTS, Courage, Number2, Terrain (Total) over the Bagh BSG.
    6BTS should be 2, 1BS should be at least 1(I'll assume 2), Deployable Repeater is 1, Terrain (Total)+Number2+2CC should add up to another point. Upgrading to Combi+LSG should add 2. Which leads us to 20 points Baghs using MI as a template.

    My take on that is they'll just be 2 points cheaper on Combi+LSG Profiles and change at most a point otherwise. MI still seems to have been unaddressed in the formula compared to N3 while elite LI somehow is magically more costefficient.
    There's no Kamau, Karhu or Nisse to make that a problem in SAA, the Sniper is still a Minelayer and they're still very efficent. If they get a Skill added or a funky loadout they're gonna be fine on top of being very playable to boot and 2 points cheaper forthe LSGs.

    Sure Bolts getting Marksmanship is pretty great, but it doesn't help you run more of them. More than ever you're bringing a SWC Bolt and E/M Mines or Drop Bears to slot into something else.
    With more points to spend and DTWs, MSV and Mimetism on all Profiles Baghs are one of the very few MI I can see worth it as fillers for a full Core given you have the option to just take 10 point LIs. Can't stress enough how good MSV1 + DTW & FTF Option are now on defense and how vital defense is.
    A linked Bagh Combi+LSG combined with SAA's DZ Mines is gonna make life hard for anything relying on MODs, Smoke or close Range. Shinobu, Impersonators, AD troops... you're easily outtrading them and that works just fine in just a Haris.

    I wouldn't want to miss the Aleph troops in NCA and SAA. Oddly enough the PanO Sectorials feel more like home for Devas, Scylla, Naga, Teucer and Drakios than Aleph or OSS. Without Danavas, Atalanta or Proxies to compete with the Aleph loaners have room to breath in a PanO Sectorial where the competition isn't designed like an Aleph troop. WIP14/15 doesn't exist, competent Hackers stop at WIP13 with no Upgrade Programs and NWI/Dogged is a myth allowing Aleph's troops to to contribute as Specialists, Hackers, sturdy unhackable troops and toolkits in areas PanO doesn't even attempt to inhabit.
    AdmiralJCJF and eciu like this.
  13. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Yeah, with the MSV 1 improvements, Shotgun changes and mobility upgrades I think Bagh-Mari are in a solid place.

    I'm not too worried about Vanilla, they were never really a premier choice there anyway.
  14. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    @Teslarod I don't think BMs need changes, I was theoritizing in response to meikyoushisui's notion of changing them in response to changes to PanO MI and Karhu introduction.

    I just hope that CB won't decide that after changes to shotguns Combi with LSG isn't a good weapon mix for a PanO unit... :P
    meikyoushisui likes this.
  15. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    'eh, we've already got similar units who have retained the Combi+LSG (Bolts and Nisse) so I wouldn't expect it to vanish.

    I just hope they keep the Minelayer+Sniper, as that's an awesome option I've always loved.
  16. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2018
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    +1 damage on the Bagh Mari would be neat to set them a bit apart from others we have in a similar role. I have no idea what I would want from the GdA, but I think Barakiel is pretty spot on for what would be a nice tuneup. Maybe give him a bit more durability in armor? Akalis... kinda meh. They could just change them to parachutist at this point and I wouldn't notice. Maybe do that and spruce up their kit with the spare points. Or drop their points down some more. They don't stack up well with their watery cousins right now. Aleph units gonna Aleph. I suspect Scylla will just have trinity, though a repeaterless profile wouldn't be too bad with a normal khd. Hopefully she gets some little QoL bonus now that she lost maestro. Drakios should get a little bump to help make him more attractive, I found myself skipping him just about every time I looked at him. Teucer should be pretty nice with regular marksman if they go that route. The buff to K1 ammo makes his sniper pretty attractive too. The weird way that varuna and winterfor orcs are getting passed around should add more to the already solid orc links acon did but new orcs would be nice. Sneaky jungle mimetic orcs would be very appreciated. Characters becoming not hot garbage would be nice too.
    Zsimbi and AdmiralJCJF like this.
  17. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You know what.
    It's SAA.
    We already lost Toni and survived that.
    I'm 100% on board to kill off Rao and Kirpal, and adding the interesting choices into their basetroops as a Profile.
    We could do with less character bloat and worst case it would make room for new ones.

    New SAA only, character close range TAG prototype.
    We have a Sectorial with only 1 TAG, it's time for one with 3.
  18. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I'm totally on board with killing off both Rao and Kirpal.

    But I don't think now is the time to do it.

    When the Shock Army of Acontecimento gets their righteous moment of glorious return, THEN it should be with a new generation of characters, the old being remembered amongst the honoured fallen who bought with their lives the line against the Third Offensive.

    For the moment, whatever, don't even change them. They suck, it's done (and not much different to the overwhelming majority of our characters).

    The Guarda de Assaulto will be good, even if largely unaltered, if it gets 6-2. I like the idea of B2 for the Eclipse Smoke, but I doubt we'll get anything that good.
    Judge Dredd likes this.
  19. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I'd prefer Acon not getting any heavy units, and instead to keep to its roots; slightly faster and lighter force, with good maneuverability and flankers, and great board control. So, in terms less about specific units, and more about general themes:
    • Keeping our minelayers, maybe getting more. Preferably with some specialized mines, like AP or E/M, to help fight against heavy armor
    • Increased speed over increased armor
    • More Forward Deployment/Infiltration options. Regulars are actually well positioned to get Metro or Rokot treatment - light base infantry with few heavy options, but some unusual choices. 2-3 Regular variants with Infiltration and single-use Camo, Rao and one B-M loadout with FD (+8"), AVA 2 Peacemakers and we're set. Hell, Acon ORC variant could get Terrain Jungle and FD (+4")
    • Good flankers. Montesa, Akalis and Singh would have this mostly covered.
    • Less conventional antiarmor tools. E/M, AP mines, Panzerfausts (maybe for Bagh-Mari, instead of standard heavy weapon?), Multi Rifles/Marksman Rifles. Maybe another Feuerbach somewhere (I must admit that I'm biased, I really like that weapon)
    • Aleph troops to fill the gaps. It'd be great to see Rudra as an additional anti-heavy unit, but I doubt it'll happen.
  20. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Imagine the salt if PanO was the only thing with a Minelayer that can deploy one of the good ones.
    Ariadna lost their Scout E/Mauler Minelayer Profile, there's no Mono Minelayer or Viral one either.
    So if we got that and I don't even know which troop to put it on other than the Guarda or his bot, that would be out of the left field.
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