Hello, I played a game recently where I realized a new trick the Lu Duan can perform with the changes to MSV1 seeing through smoke. With smoke cover I was able to move up close to some PanO -6 mimetism troops all grouped together and burn them with the heavy flamethrower, forcing my opponent to either dodge at a -3 or shoot back at a -6. Not to mention this is on top of the Lu Duan having a Mk12 and deployable repeater, What does everyone else think? I think this makes the Lu Duan fantastic in N4, maybe even better than the Rui Shi. Have anyone else tried out this strategy?
It definitely got a few buffs in N4 along with the points increase. The change from Repeater to Deployable Repeater is something I haven't wrapped my mind around yet, as it seems to be a band aid solution more than anything else. MSV1 being able to attack through smoke opens up a whole new role for it though, which I'm keen to try. Also, when going second, Lu Duan can Holoprojector as a EVO Pangguling to protect that rather flimsy bot who also has increased utility in N4. Now all we need are new sculpts for the YJ combat REMs.
Worth noting anything with MSV1 and DTW deserves a reevaluation, for example, Guilang with Boarding Shotgun.
The deployable repeater was changed for the in build one, because they wan´t to remove any repeater in marker state. This change was made post N4 launch due to the error list in the forum. The abiltiy to look through smoke and use the heavy flamer is a nice one, but I think this will not replace the Rui Shi. The Luan still has to move to the target. Its more order-efficent to shot through smoke without any mods on mid range, especialy if the Rui Shi is buffed. The Luan is still a nice option. If you manged to get into burn range, you can place repeater nearby to give a further thread to the enemy.
Lu-duan brings some useful tools in N4 without a doubt better mobility due to the general movement rules improving movement trough narrow spaces. One hell of a Mine sweeper with the holoechoes (since madtraps and koalas work no more, Lu-duan and kanren are the pest picks) double flamer smoke combo (The problem is the access to a good smoke source) Deployable repeaters can be used to extend the hacking area on deployment providing hacking area to upgrade TR bots. And can be used offensively to get enemy hackers in our hacking zone without fearing oblivion ruining the day. I definitely see more use for this big boy in N4. especially in lists that struggle with mines and have access to smoke
Yeah definitely. I actually didn't realize the extra functionality of being able to remove mines with your holoechoes. It also occurs to me that one could use the holoechoes when running up on, say a grouped-up fireteam to try to bait one's opponent into ARO'ing one of the echoes instead of the actual model. That way you could get some damage off essentially for free (unless I'm mistaken about this interaction- maybe they can delay ARO against holoechoes and so hold the ARO until you reveal which one is the real Lu Duan shooting them).
They can delay, but if they do you can move again with your second Short Skill, causing their ARO to be forfeit and getting closer to HFT range.
The lu duan has always been a very good REM, it was just overshadowed by the rui-shi as pure attack REM. It's still the case, mind you, but now it got a bit more utility with its deployable repeater. I really, really like that you can just send it forward doing its attack REM job without leaving a hole in the repeater net protecting your DZ, it's really good value now that basic baggage/flashpulse REM have a higher opportunity cost.
MSV1 in general is really nice now. Smoke doesn't work as a F2F roll against them (ie., a troop throwing smoke to avoid your attacks if you have MSV1) and being able to put DTW ("-6 to shoot? What's that?") is amazing. Lu Duan has always been a nice defensive option, but now I like it even more than the Rui Shi in offense as well. High dmg weapons seem better now (with the changes to crits and buffs to HI and TAGs).
Nice buff it recieved yes, guess I'll consider it as a solid option, maybe even in place of the rui shi at times...but mostly in dashat I think for the moment. Yu Jing has the guilang as the MSV1 hero.
Not to say you are wrong, just more asking for the relevant rules. I wasn't aware Markers triggered mines, that is brilliant. Also the rule regarding moving through Narrow spaces, does that apply to bikes? I think I am aware of the rule you are referring to, in being able to move over a distance that is atleast half as wide as the base, aslong as you end the movement with the whole base being on contact with a surface.
Revisiting the rules it seems it can also benefit from surprise attack with templates, and with templates through smoke. stacking up to a -6 mod to PH or a -9 to BS. Or at least I couldn't find a point saying otherwise
@Triumph This is one of the reasons I've avoided this and other remotes for so long ! Can't even proxy my Haqq rems as they are on a larger base, I do hope they update the models like they did with the Yaokong recently :)
Never thought I'd see someone dis the Lu Duan model. Rui Shi is a nightmare to keep together of course but Lu Duan looks great!