how do you build lists in ramah around maggy

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by jackfrost, Oct 2, 2020.

  1. jackfrost

    jackfrost Active Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I am finding it really hard to build lists around maggy in ramah simply because there are so few cheap filler peices. so many models live in that 25-35pt range that even taking a ghulam link team I often can't get past 12-13 orders and often times I'm using max fanous to do so.

    so I can do it no problem but its a really tight fit and each time I make the list it looks like the last one because it has the full list of our cheaper models (ghulam, fanous, monstrucker, naffatun)

    so i"m curious how you guys are fitting in a balanced list of models? am I just being a fool and should just aim for a 10 order list instead of trying to go over?

    how do you list build with maggy?
  2. Sojourne

    Sojourne Irregular

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Well 12-13 order lists are just fine with Maggie. Especially since you get Tactical awareness on her too.

    There’s no benefit to keeping it Limited Insertion too in N4 at the moment, since there’s no restriction on your opponent using a command token to remove 2 of your orders if you go first. See if ITS 11 confirms this.

    Also, max Fanous in RTF is greattttt.
    Xeurian and jackfrost like this.
  3. Koval

    Koval Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2019
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    I would say that the essential pieces to support Maggie are a Rafiq FTO (for both repeater coverage and button pushing), Leila (ideally in a core), and an engineer with a Nasmat. Even using the cheapest Maggie and a Monstrucker, that leaves you at 116 points. If you want to get up to a decent order count, you'll pretty much have to do it with a cheap Ghulam core. You could do it with Yara or a Khawarij as the gunfighter, but if you're really trying to get other stuff, it'll have to be as cheap as possible. I wouldn't mind taking the three Fanous. If you do, it brings us here, with 86 points and 4 slots left.
    It's only 14 models, but I'm thinking the best way to fill out the list is Carmen and some combination of Tuareg/Nahab. You could potentially even take a better Maggie, depending on what you choose.

    All that being said, it would probably be better to save the points and take a Shakush or go for a single group list. There's a reason most TAG lists in the game only have one combat group, after all. You asked about Maggie, so I'm going to look at the second one.

    Taking Maggie with those critical support pieces in a Ghulam core, even with Yara or a Khawarij, leaves a lot of points and two slots. Like the 14-order list, my go-to would be some combination of Tuareg or Nahab. Even if we do that, we can get a pretty beefy "Ghulam" core. Here's one example of what that might look like.
    Another option would be to throw the Ghulam core out the window. Having Leila run with a Mukhtar haris and throwing in a cheap lieutenant, oddly, leaves you again with 3 slots and 86 points. Though, this time around, it would probably worth it to spend the 3 points to trade the Monstrucker for a Najjarun, just for the regular order. Again, that leaves enough points for Carmen and 2 Nahab/Tuareg, though it does take the red fury off the table in that setup.
    Or you could just go for something completely ridiculous.
  4. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    This is my process:
    1. Build a Ramah list with a Maghariba
    2. Close and re-open Army in frustration because I am an spam monster who can't play small lists
    3. Build the same list but in Vanilla with Barids for hacking, Saladin lieutenant, Fiday, and like five 6-11 point irregular troops so I hit max trooper cap.
    4. Haha mine dispenser go brrrrrrt
    I'm sorry, I appreciate this is unhelpful.
  5. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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  6. jackfrost

    jackfrost Active Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    fantastic guys, this has been really helpful. I'm going to try to focus on an entire wing of bots to support the big girl :)

    right now I'm just trying to figure out which ones to focus on!
  7. jackfrost

    jackfrost Active Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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  8. sololobo

    sololobo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2018
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    You don’t. By and large, Maggy is unplayable as her main selling point was point efficiency. We expected her to drop 20 points like most other tags but instead she was bloated with equipment and went up in points! But, if you do plan on taking her I would focus on multiple HRLs and Naffatuns to burn everything to the ground.
  9. Rhys

    Rhys Active Member

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Maggy definitely isn't unplayable, the Mine Dispenser version is actually great value since it now has double shot and Maggy can reload it herself since she has baggage.
  10. Sojourne

    Sojourne Irregular

    Jan 5, 2018
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    I disagree. Maggie's old strength wasnt so much the point efficiency but the fact that Haqq can complement her well with a bunch of other really effective stuff at that price point. It's not difficult for most other factions to deal with Maggie on her own, but to deal with her and mutts and Fidays and camo tokens midfield, that was what made if difficult. Even if she died, which tended to be the case since Maggie is an absolute bullet magnet, as long as she bought enough time for the other stuff in your army to do things, she accomplished her mission. That still remains, and now we have even more options with a budget noctifer and camoed Daylamis for the opponent to contend with at the same time.

    The new basic Maggie is just a warcor 3 pts away from the "old" basic Maggie anyway. Her role hasn't changed at all. Her strength isn't like how factions use their TAGs where they become the main unit to sink orders into. Outside of using Maggie to clear out the obvious stuff such as a TR bot and things like that, you usually have better things to do in Haqq with your other units rather than trying to outshoot things in a "fair fight".

    I didn't expect her to drop 20 points "like other TAGs", we have the Shakush for that.
  11. HardDisk

    HardDisk Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    We can't make lists with 16+ units like before, it's a new edition, new meta, there's no "maggie + 8 irregular + 12 regulars" now.

    The Times They Are a-Changin' guys, we can't cry just because our lady isn't the cheapest MBT on the market! She got amazing updates and she's ready to be a pain in the ass for our adversaries!

    Come on, she got ECM: hacker(-3), baggage + mine disperser with BS14 (shooting mines at BS17 inside 8-16") and speculative if needed, on top of that we still have nice support units (even better than a lot of armies out there), like hunzakuts, fidays, daylamis, ghazis, hawwa, farzan, saladin, kums, nahabs, shujae and nadhir... IMO, she'll shook us all night long!

    Unplayable? Pff, she's better than before!
    Errhile likes this.
  12. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Getting a little off-topic since the thread asks about Maggie in Ramah, and literally none of those units are available in Ramah [Edit: except Nahab. I am blind.]. Perhaps you agree with @RobertShepherd , above, that you'd rather build a Maggie list in Vanilla than Ramah. Not being a Ramah player myself, I can't say with any confidence. But certainly my impression of Ramah is that its desirable units are pricey enough that it would be hard to fit them in with the new Maggie.

    In Vanilla... I like what they've done with Maggie, she needed to be more interesting and she definitely is. She's priced properly for her skills. That said, it's genuinely hard to fit in enough other stuff to make a workable list. That's not a bad thing, that's a unique challenge.

    In particular, from the units you listed: I just couldn't fit in Saladin. I wanted to, primarily for the extra order, but he's just too expensive after buying Maggie. Nadhir was also too expensive for a unit whose order stays off the table. Likewise the Hunzakut with her irregular order since the Maggie list is order-starved. Here's my theorycraft first attempt:


    Basically you have to hope that the Daylamis and mines are enough to stymie the opponent in their turn so that they can't push the buttons or attack your button-pushers. The button-pushers themselves start next to the objectives (Farzan and Hawwa) or are fast (Rafiq, Maggie pilot) for order efficiency so that you can spend most of your precious few orders throwing mines everywhere. It really has very little in it besides the Maggie.
    HardDisk and RobertShepherd like this.
  13. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    So the last time I used Maghariba was in November 2019, in 250pts YAMS tournament. I think my armylist was nice, consisting of Maggie, 2 Khawa HRLs in link with Ghulam/Naffatuns, Shihab, engineer, Carmen and something more to have 10 units. But it was also my worst Infinity tournament ever, yet very much because of rolls. I've lost two games and got bye in the third. I lost Maggie in active turns, for example against linked ML Mobile Brigada, and in favourable range.
    My roll:
    4 dices over 14.
    ML two hits.
    Bye Bye Maggie.
    And ofcourse my Engineer killed her in one of the battles.

    I don't think it will be easier in N4, but I'm going to try it ;)

    My quick option for an armylist - not saying it's great, but I think it could work. Has elastic fireteams for example and looks better the more I look at it ;) Has rather good ARO (many flash pulses, Shihab, linked ML, Sniper, HRL et cetera), but in offence mostly depends on Maggie and her sidekick.


    PozdRawiam / Greetings
  14. HardDisk

    HardDisk Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Totally my mistake, sorry! i forgot that we were in a Ramah thread!

    That being said, i'm not a Ramah player too, i don't even want to play Ramah, not my thing... But in this context yeah, a ramah list with maggie is a hard puzzle indeed, actually Ramah for me is weird, too many points for glass cannons.

    I made this as an exercise, what about it? i don't think it's bad, but as any other Ramah list lacks mid field presence

    RobertShepherd likes this.
  15. HardDisk

    HardDisk Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Just saw @KedzioR_vo list, very similar to mine, i guess that maggie lists in Ramah will all look alike hahahaha
  16. sololobo

    sololobo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2018
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    How about four HRLs?

  17. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    This was my first pass at it. not my favorite, but it can be playable.


    PS: I am so tired of the "Maggy is unplayable now!" crowd. She's perfectly playable right now! 88 points for the most expensive profile which now has an HRL and mine dispenser added to the 360 visor profile which is 3 points cheaper? 81 (4 points more than old profile) for cheapest AND keeping 360 visor? Grenade launcher on a fast +1 damage BS14 platform, spec firing on 11's is great! Heavy rocket launcher with damage 15 blast! Thank you! Maggy is still wonderful and very well supported. Sure shes not as broken as the Avatar, and shes about the same price as the Jotum, but the Jotum is only arm10 with a gun (also 2.5swc if LT!), no other utility, Maggy gained a lot of utility. I love her new incarnation!
    Errhile and HardDisk like this.
  18. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I can't share your enthusiasm for the 360 visor, which I consider a garbage piece of equipment relative to the 10+ points it costs to strap to a TAG, but I have been very much enjoying the mine dispenser profile despite the somewhat inflated cost. It's very cool to be have the mine dispenser go brrrrt thanks to her innate baggage.
    inane.imp likes this.
  19. exiti

    exiti Mad Scientist Gorilla

    Jan 30, 2019
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    I disagree, I have always loved the 360 Visor. When I played Qapu Khalqi (Pour One Out), the Sekban (Again Pour One Out) was a favorite unit because any surprise AD troops quickly realized how useful it is. Granted, It is a very situation piece of equipment but its invaluable when it comes up.
    RasPuto likes this.
  20. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Same here, Defensive Sekban HRL haris was not okay for a lot of people.
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