Notable big changes

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by QueensGambit, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. Xagul82

    Xagul82 Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2019
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    Someone - a wise person - once said, if Ghazis are too strong the table is too narrow and crowded...

    I think what Ghazis hurted the most in my eyes was making limited insertion the standard and the change of Daylami. Now they compete for a similar role in my eyes, cheap models to slow down the enemy.

    Splitting up the Profiles and making them more expensive the more equipment they have is fine I guess, making Jammers disposable was a bit too much, and it hurted other units with Jammer which were arguably reasonable priced.

    But we will see what time brings :-)
    Urobros likes this.
  2. Fenrir

    Fenrir Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2018
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    @KedzioR_vo don't worry no offense, sometimes it's difficult to me talking in english, is not my main language.

    looking the new muttawia, I only see 1 use for them, attach them to the tag the new one or maggy, I'm talking about the 10 points mutta with boarding jammer and smoke. Feels like playing more than 1 is wasting a slot that could take the daylami, that got a "good" ARO.

    What do you guys use to ARO ( I know the daylami or nadhir but far away from that I don't know how other profiles could ARO better than them) ( they got 2 panzerfaust and I don't like that in nadhir don't feel safe)

    I loved to play ayyar but I expected a buff on him, or at least a point reduction, sniper rifle maybe viral? would be nice, because I'm tried to only use lasiq (that I loved too). I expected more viral snipers linkable, we only got shock sniper rifle (ghulam, govads, zayedan... haqqislam don't got multi snipers but we have few viral weapons (lasiqs, mukatar, ayyar and horlak). Same happen with the viral mines just the muyibs have them, its like the akbar doc that only jenizar got them, well now is doc (2h), dont know why it's just for 1 unit they aren't characters (that got special skills).
  3. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    She's a 9-10 point unit with an extra order she can use to throw more smoke, reposition, or smack an enemy with e/m if they set up too far forward. And that's just the active turn. In the reactive, the e/marat will be a very scary corner guard.

    I agree with you that they have a lot of competition. I haven't taken them yet, because I've been filling my slots with Daylamis. But claiming their only possible use is to protect a TAG seems more than a little hyperbolic.

    Sure, I'd like unlimited ammo too, but I haven't found it's that big a deal. The Nadhir spends his first rocket taking out something that innocently walked into his secret firelane. Now that he's revealed, the second rocket is enough to guard the firelane since it isn't safe to walk anyone else across it. Opponent now has to spend orders to bring up someone who can outshoot the Nadhir - and once they do, that Nadhir is gonna die no matter how much ammo he has left.

    Alternatively, the opponent sacrifices a cheap troop to use up your second rocket. That's also fine - with a cap of 15, all troops are valuable. Forcing your opponent to sacrifice one in their active turn is great. And now your Nadhir is still alive to generate orders and cap objectives (remember, they're also specialists).
  4. sololobo

    sololobo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2018
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    Same opinions on the Ayr too. I was surprised no changes were made or even a point cost drop. This has put the Ayr in contention with the Asawira to the point it favors Asawira in most cases. I’m going to side with the Panzerfaust Ayr for now until I can get a few games under my belt to determine if the Ayr is a dead profile.
    Urobros likes this.
  5. HardDisk

    HardDisk Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Parvati got it as well :rage:

    I've been using Ghazis for DZ defence with E/Marat, it's effective to stop rambos, and as a way to toss smoke for my links, can't say its bad.

    I'm very confused about the Nadhir and Shujae... i know that Nadhir is supposed to be the ARO guy, but in my mind the Shujae is way better for this... both are 24pts with SMG and Flammenspeer, but Nadhir gets BS atk (shock) and surprise atk, while Shujae gets a better forward deployment, EM mines, better BS and better dodge.

    Nadhir doesn't have flash pulse, so no way to use it after the Flammenspeer is empty, usually you will not use the surprise atk and with all this shock imm troopers the bonus on BS atk is not that big with a "fire" ammo. yesterday i used the Shujae for ARO duty and it was awesome, the BS13 helped a lot (2 crits on 13) and i could use the mines for defense.
    Urobros and QueensGambit like this.
  6. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    The Nadhir is supposed to be the ARO guy because of Hidden Deployment.
    HardDisk likes this.
  7. TriggerPuller9000

    TriggerPuller9000 Poverty Orde Wingate

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Probably ought to be part of the broader discussion on Fireteams but...

    It would be nice if Surprise Attack -6 was specifically designed to bypass SSL2 in some way. Most of the interesting targets for the Ayyar are hiding in Fireteams, so they never feel the -6. Most lone pieces you're shooting up probably would be killed without the -6 anyway. It would be nice if SSL2 was worded that it "prevents the -3 from Surprise Attack" but the Surprise Attack -6 bypassed it. That would give these models something to do, and curb the insanity of fireteams in late N3 / N4.
    Urobros likes this.
  8. exiti

    exiti Mad Scientist Gorilla

    Jan 30, 2019
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    Looking at it, The Ayyar and the Naffatun suffer from a similar problem. Both units have stayed the same but new units and changes to other units have taken the roles meant for them.
    Cadwallon likes this.
  9. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    In theory the Nadhir's hidden deployment should mean forcing the opponent to fight multiple AROs simultaneously. Like, they do to shoot your linked Muyib HRL with their HMG, now they unexpectedly have to split their burst to also fight a Mim-6 panzerfaust. If you had a Shujae in the same spot, they'd have just sliced the pie to fight them one by one.

    In practice, I have yet to master the art of forcing stacked AROs. At my current skill level I think the Shujae would probably be more effective :-) For now I've been taking the Nadhir so as to learn how to use him effectively.
    Xeurian likes this.
  10. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    As someone else pointed out earlier, Naffatun still have a place as they have weapons that have the Intuitive Attack trait. One of the stealth N4 changes was that having a Direct Template is no longer the only thing you need to make an Intuitive Attack. So shotguns will not be able to do that.

    Plus, a Heavy Flamer is always useful.
    Xeurian, Urobros and Cadwallon like this.
  11. HardDisk

    HardDisk Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    DAMMNNN, i forgot that Shujae doesn't have HD! i must tell my opponent and never do this again :joy:
    Xeurian and QueensGambit like this.
  12. exiti

    exiti Mad Scientist Gorilla

    Jan 30, 2019
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    Good point, I forgot about the Intuitive Attack option.
  13. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    And the flamethrower can still force several salvations rolls, so, not the same, but almost. We can choose now in vainilla (or Ramah) who will have to protect our Deployment Zone.
  14. ik3rian

    ik3rian Anti-Ariadnian Specialist

    Jan 19, 2018
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    Can you still coordinate AD? I was making a list with Ragiks, and i swear i saw that option in rules, but now i cannot find this anywhere.
  15. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I believe you still can, and it might not even be the terrible idea it was for all of N3. There's some nuance to how the wording around whether their orders would be lost or if they're retained that might be worth investigating.

    Edit: asked over on the rules forum
  16. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Hunzakut lost their flash pulse. *sob*
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