Reverend Observants in N4

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by Snowball, Oct 2, 2020.

  1. Snowball

    Snowball Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2018
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    Hello lovelies. It’s been a week with N4 and TONS and tons of theorycrafting and list building has been going on.

    but I wanted to ask the hive mind something. How do you feel about the reverends in nomads and how do they stack up to others?

    In bakunin I love the NCO, zapper and N2 on everyone. And hey kusenagi got shock immunity! But I also feel they drew the short end of the stick. Everyone got more expensive. My favorite link to take is a kusenagi spitfire, healer BSG, Moira MSR and 2 combi+e-mitters. This link wrecks for me and even got me close to the top ten at rumble and 3rd at LVO a couple years ago. In N3 it cost 165 points and now it’s 173. In all honesty I can live with that. But the thing that has me tasting a little salt is the riot grrl link now. Taskmaster HMG, Avicenna, riot grrl ML, BSG tin bot, and a combi blitzen costs 164 and I feel can get a lot more accomplished. Even the moderator link can do a lot in N4.

    How would you run the Observants in N4? Why would you run them? For me I love their theme over the others in bakunin. They are like honored matres from dune to me and I want to find a way to put them on par with other fireteams in the game!
    Lampyridae likes this.
  2. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I like the new options, but their points remain unchecked (something that was needed all n3 but never came), so I am a bit dissapointed. New rules were added, but also points increased directly, so the unit overall remains the same, with a little extra bloat.

    the plain NCO is nice in a wildcard option for a base core option, is extra points because reasons. If we want a core of them, all of them will be paying those extra points, but only, up to 3 of them will benefit of it. The idea is cool, but the execution is not good. In vainilla it will be interesting, because it will not bring bloat, but in a ft, unless is filled with wildcards, its an extra and unneeded cost to an allready too expensive unit. The Lt option beign cheaper than its same no-Lt is a bit of strange, specially when the combi went up so much. The only thing that makes it seem they look into their point costs is the zapper

    Kusanagi getting SI was a surprise to me (after seeing how observancy were unchecked), and is wellcome. Seems that her incoming miniature needs some help to make her more interesting to field

    I will try them anyway, maybe because all of the changes in the game, I get surprised, but I don't expect much of them at the moment. The same way I don't expect a good change when bakunin gets its full revision in 2+years
  3. Kiwi Steve

    Kiwi Steve Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    The trouble with units like Moiras, who have lots of special skills and equipment is diminishing returns applies; where each extra ability costs its usually points but is less likely to come up in game.

    This is even more apparent in fire teams where a single model with Number 2 is valuable, but paying for it 5 times wasted points.

    NCO is amazing on one or two key pieces across as army, but all the models in the fire team having it is wasted.

    NCO also seems to offer no synergy with Bakunin, where aside from the moderator, all the Lieutenant options is generally likely to use their own order, and there are no 2 order Lieutenants to increase the rule's value.

    It might be a (barely) okay rule on the Moira HMG or MSR to allow the faction to use the order while hiding the lieutenant, but that's about it.

    Observance models needed to drop a couple of points to make them more competitive.

    My Reverend Moira box was the first box I bought after icestorm, and the only reason I'll play them remains the same: I like the theme and the models and want to put them on the table.
  4. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    thanks for the indirect enlightment. Moira Lt is cheaper...because it doesn't need the NCO! I was getting confusing after Helllois answer.
    AdmiralJCJF likes this.
  5. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    The only good thing for Observance that I see in N4 - everyone got free Haris and you can finally mix moiras with custoders. Kusanagi is not moira though, and healers and custoders can only make their own teams or join moiras. Which is a bummer since you cannot make Kusanagi + healer + custoder link without moiras. I mean, why not make any of reverend join other reverend haris, not just moiras? Or make Kusanagi count as moira?

    Moiras are pretty meh right now, waaay too bloated with stuff. NCO is useless on all profiles, since we only have access to LT1. Could make them a bit cheaper, while giving some extra NCO profiles to HMG, Sniper, or Multi rifle. Other than that they are still 1W ODD for 30+ points while every new unit nowadays tend to get NWI + SMG for point reduction. And moira LT still 1 SWC, no thanks.
    Healers are still pricey. And they are also 33+ point 1W model. With mimetism instead of odd which might be confusing sometimes. Yeah cc22 exp and BS13 is nice (well, bs not so nice since they don't have shooty guns). I think they should have dropped BS or CC and just focus on one thing.
    Custoders are still okay-ish. 30 points for a hacker with nice wip and upgrades and can sometimes even go shoot people.
    Kusanagi is still Kusanagi. Nothing changed other that she finally got immunity. And spitfire is now 1.5 swc, yay.

    For the price of moira link you can now get moderator (hacker/paramedic/pitcher/lgl/cheap spitfire just in case) + riot grrl + avicenna + clockmaker + 2W ODD bot. And probably still have points left. Like seriously, other than urge to play some warrior space nuns why even bother?
    #5 Lucian, Oct 2, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  6. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    They really do feel pretty phoned in and hard to make work as a consequence. Which is pretty disappointing given how long they have already been ignored, and how long they will probably have to wait to get looked at again.

    Similar issues (too many expensive skills and equipment on every profile of a fragile Trooper) to Wildcats, but worse - especially since Wildcats can get around it by just taking the 1 or 2 profiles you actually want and filling the rest of the link with CJCs excellent Wildcards.

    You can probably get away with a Haris for a similar reason - having three different types with three different skills (including maybe just 1 with NCO + No2 which is all you want)- but they took away the coolest version of that (Kusanagi, Healer, Custodier) for who knows what reason. Seems like a real careless oversight to take that option away.

    The core is a hard sell compared to what else you can get though. Which is a pity because it wouldn't take that much to make them at least just OK. NCO just on a couple good profiles (HMG or em lgl maybe), free interlinking of all Reverends, drop a few pts, drop swc on Moira Lt, give Kusanagi Lt level 2 instead of +1 SWC,
  7. nazroth

    nazroth 'well known Nomad agitator'

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Problem with Reverends I have is that they're all priced like if they were NWI+Shock Imm, but are all 1W instead. ODD is an expensive MOD on top of a fragile body. This design extends across all Reverends. Why would you pay 33pts. for a Reverend Healer? 22CC no MA of any level? ARM/BTS 3? EXPCCW is cool - but this is a single W model with Mimetism -3. At the very least they all should dodge like crazy (16-17s) to make it worth while.
    Nomad golden standard is 20-25pts. Below is skirmishers, order monkeys. Above is hitters and combo pieces. We're supposed to be excited with Moiras in their early 30s :P

    As a single second wave ATK piece/ ATK piece of opportunity etc - sure,
    NCO is sweet, allows to actually field one of these and not feel cheated.

    As a link - be it Kusanagi and 2 Moiras/Healers whatever) we're looking at over 100 points. OOF
    Lucian, Icchan and Savnock like this.
  8. eduiguima

    eduiguima Member

    Feb 18, 2019
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    I have a conspiracy theory that CB don't want to make them really usable in tournments so they can say "look, nobody is using them" and they don't need to make new miniatures of Custodiers or Moiras....Probably not true but makes sense in my mind :D
    nazroth likes this.
  9. Pander22

    Pander22 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Its really hard to make even a half decent link team, i wish avicenna and kusanagi where maybe just a wildcard option same as maybe taskmasters, just so there is a few options like correg have,

    I did attempt to make a list but ended up taking two vostoks, amadeus a custodier and moira hmg just for the nco

    The vostoks are just so much better with roughly the same price, better guns, arm, bts, ap immunity, 2w and odd, real expensive but we have mods so its not too bad.

    I wouldnt be suprised if they dont get a rework until they get updated models but im not sure what cb are like when it comes to something like that, they just seem so overlooked I guess,

    They also have access to the really costly custodier platform which is just crazy expensive compared to jazz or uhahu and for a faction that should be good with hacking the custodier is soo expensive, ODD may give them a boost to a shootout but killer hacks dont care about that and bumping the price so high just for that needs to be looked at compared to the hackers above or even laxamee, Bakunin is probably my fav faction and im constantly trying to workshop a list but i always end up going starco or forco for heavy hacking or riot grrl itch, witch is a shame because how much I love Task masters.
    Savnock likes this.
  10. LunarSol

    LunarSol Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Bakunin is just the bottom of the dev cycle. It was:


    Right now it's:


    Which means its likely Bakkunin's turn to get looked at after things have settled down a bit.
  11. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Yeah - I personally like all the improvements Observance got when they were getting looked at last cycle... oh wait...
  12. Davetron

    Davetron Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    I played a Riot Grrl link (with TM and Avicenna in it) at the recent NZ Satellite tournament, and after doing so I can see a use for the Reverends now, and primarily it comes down to facing down a plethora of infiltrating camo hackers, who can hide in corners and throw out oblivion or carbonite at RG link (yes, I did take the RG Tin Bot option, and it was useful).

    So I’m interested in trying out an observance fireteam given they’re less susceptible to hacking.
    #12 Davetron, Oct 7, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2020
    ijw likes this.
  13. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    *double post*
  14. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Please report on how you get on! I’ve been wondering about Reverends, with a bodyguard of 1-2 Überfallkommando Teams to tie up anyone who tries going after them with Chain Rifles etc.
    AdmiralJCJF and Davetron like this.
  15. McDevil

    McDevil Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    I get inspired by some cool nuns conversions on fb. Questions:
    1. Do I need/ ever use more then one custodier with combi rifle/pitcher?
    2. What is usual composition of 5 girl Moiras/what profiles should I have?
    3 Maybe somebody have fun list with use maximum numbers of reverends?

    More for fun don't need to be competitive. But still playable.
  16. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    I only look at vanilla Nomads, where Kusanagi seems absolutely sweet. A 1.9W -6 specialist spitfire with BS14 is bonkers, even for that point cost. I plan to put her on the table next time I get to run Nomads and see if she is as good in reality

    Its a shame to see an artefact of 2nd edition unit design persisting into 4th. CB know how to create optimized and less 'bloated' fireteams, but didn't do it with the Moira. God knows that 1W 30pt links have needed help for a while lol. Gonna hope its part of the "fix Bakunin later" plan.
  17. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    You are realistically not going to have five Reverends Moiras

    You probably are going to have a couple

    So NCO is not getting paid for that often at all
    inane.imp likes this.
  18. Sangarn

    Sangarn TRIUMcorp CEO

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Moiras will almost never see a gaming table in N4 mostly because anything with a shotgun can wreck the link AND Riot are better cheaper stronger
    that just sad ... how they could failed this much at designing this unit is ... I'm lost for words ...
    LaughinGod and Spitfire_TheCat like this.
  19. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Well they already have in my house

    And they kicked arse. Kusinagi Spitfire, Custodier, Healer, Moira Sniper, Moira E/Mitter. Solid link, with Minelayer Zero, Minelayer KHD, some other funky options, Morlocks in G2 etc.

    McDevil and inane.imp like this.
  20. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    A built-in Tinbot option would go a long way towards making the Custodiers worthy in the hacking world.
    Spitfire_TheCat likes this.
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