Vanilla CA in N4, the good, the bad and the line troops

Discussion in 'Combined Army' started by Erbent, Oct 8, 2020.

  1. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Unfortunately not, it's just the LT Special Skill that transfers, not any extras.

    Probably because of the removed Sniffers.
  2. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    Weird, been playing it wrong. Was sure someone on here said it was both. Mnem says it transfers LT, but LT says if LT is transferred it is simply LT with no additional abilities. Does tone the Avatar down a little lol.

    I reckon they should have bloated the REM price somehow, at least back to 8. IE, since REMs now lose dodge penalty and gain CC pretty much across the board, let them cost all of 1 point more.

    Does hurt my interest in that Charontid and the Skiavoros somewhat
  3. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    I don't mean to be rude, but are you sure? Why would "Lieutenant (+1 Order)" not get copied over in its entirety?

    ► The user may transfer his own WIP Attribute value, along with the Mnemonica Special Skill and the Lieutenant Special Skill (if applicable), to another Trooper in the same army. That Trooper must be on the battlefield in the form of a Model or Marker, and have either a Cube or the REM Troop Type.
    the huanglong likes this.
  4. paraelix

    paraelix Seed Embryo Scholar

    Jan 31, 2018
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    Especially with so many DTWs disappearing in favour of Shotgun templates - which can't to Intuitive Attacks.
  5. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    LT says: "When a new Lieutenant is appointed (due to LoL, CoC etc), they gain the Lieutenant Special Skill, with no additional abilities.


    "In the unit profile, this Special Skill may have additional abilities listed. Some examples are... (+1 order text)"

    The grey area I guess is the word "appointed". Mnemonica will "transfer his own WIP value, along with the mnemonica special skill and the LT special skill (if applicable), to another trooper..." whereas appointed shows up in the Loss of Lieutenant text but not the mnemonica text.

    I don't want to go to the rules forum if I don't have to, but that does seem unclear.
  6. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Because the default, as WiT? has quoted, is that new LTs get the LT Special Skill, not the modifiers. There’s no text in Mnemonica to override that.

    EDIT or, to phrase it differently, the modifiers are part of the Unit Profile.
  7. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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  8. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    Found this useful for checking my prior understanding of units. Seeing a 1 SWC Charontid HMG LT and a 1.5 SWC Sogarat LT that I didn't know existed already made it worth it! Will finish the roster in the next post.

    31) Sphinx
    Changes: -13 points, +2 CC, -1 PH, Dodge set to 11, Gizmo set to 13, downgrade to DA CCW, lost stealth

    Same beast as last edition but cheaper - the other changes are pretty irrelevant aside from the loss of stealth, which makes aggression into repeaters questionable. Careful about engaging near remotes as many of them have repeaters built in.

    A Hyper-aggressive TAG that can conceal itself from an alpha strike going second. Metagame changes might make it more or less effective but the creature itself is mostly unchanged but cheaper. Less cheap orders means less tarpitting, higher quality average unit price is a good thing because the Sphinx can likely eat them just as easily. But more TAGs is bad for the Sphinx, who needs to flank them to realistically take them down. And more anti-TAG countermeasures is bad for the Sphinx, who can bypass some with marker but who generally is going to be advancing and getting up in their shit and so up near the CC units and hackers. Overall, very strong, bigger payoff because of lower price and bigger risk because of counters - thats my type of change honestly.

    32) Zerat
    Changes: Mimetism upgraded to -6, +3 CC. lots of little profile changes (ie, FO lost grenades) that trend towards losing minor equipment, price increase

    Losing some little bits of equipment is sad, but man, upping to -6 changes this profile entirely. Still fills the roll of "a skirmisher" in MAF, but in Vanilla, that Red Fury profile seems very solid. Starts up the table, poor stats but -6, and 29 points is cheap to get that effect. It even kept its mines! I'm not a fan of the non-red fury options as I prefer marker state and lower cost of the shrouded for models that are not actively fighting, but even those are a serious contender now due to the raw power of big modifiers.

    33) Aida Swanson
    Changes: Lost Scavenger, gained Booty, 1 point cheaper

    Still has no place in the faciton IMO. If it was a specialist I would look again, and still probably not take it. If it was a specialist minelayer or something then it would start being pretty sick. Would appreciate a CA-specific better profile to help offset the lack of other mercs. Currently, not gonna use it.

    34) Slave Drone
    Changes: +3 CC, REM Changes (going prone etc), cannot heal on same order as controller (unsure if this was the old rule, but I remember people doing it)

    Same old slave drones, take them if you want them. I love sticking one to a Caliban engineer. I feel if you are investing in an engineer or doctor, one or two of these are a good deal.

    35) Imetron
    Changes: AD Change, Veteran, lost AI beacon restrictions (now a normal troop)

    I never liked these before, but now they are absolute 2x Autoinclude because the AD rule prevents them scattering to their death. And then, CB looked at that and said "its not good enough" and gave them Veteran. They can also alert vs AD troopers and such and even dodge on zeros if you like. Absolutely bonkers, take two every time.

    36) Libertos
    Changes: -2 points, lost DEP, +2 CC

    Same busted profile as before, but one profile lost DEP and the main profile that I see people take (minelayer) dropped two points. I always take this if I have 1 SWC, but generally I have not taken the other profile so far - its probably ok too. I've added this to goddamn Avatar lists and used it instead of the 118 point behemoth and been glad of the privilege.

    37) Caliban
    Changes: Lost LRL profile, non-MSV Spitfire profile, some profiles -2 points, swapped Protheion L3 for Protheion and MA3, D-Charges change

    100% love this thing. Midfield specialist with CC badassery and marker state. CoC for non-aspect profiles or to hedge against Isolation, or engineer for working alongside TAGs - love being able to drop the Doctor Worm. D-Charges lost their -3 penatly, and he can Protheion using them for some reason, and the result is a model that has a three use mega CCW that can reliably shred anything up to and including TAGs. My lists usually include one and I would consider two if they were not AVA 1 in vanilla. There is also a very scary MSV Spitfire which brings marker state, forward deployment, spitfire and CC all together in a great package. I typically don't run this, but that is much more because of AVA 1 than anything else.

    38) Raktorak, Morat Sergeant Major
    Changes: Number 2, +3 CC

    95% an MAF Wildcard unit without much application in vanilla CA. Notably you can get a fairly weak BS 12 Red Fury specialist if you want it. Doesn't see play in vanilla for me and I'm ok with that.

    39) Suryat Assault Heavy Infantry
    Changes: +1 CC, Immunity AP, profiles condensed, MSV1 TacAware HRL, LT+1 Order HMG, price drop of approx 4 points, MULTI Pistol

    Very reliable HI, with immunity to oblivion and now to AP as well, lots of firewalls and TacAware SWC platforms, and also a LT +1 Order HMG. I usually didn't play these in vanilla but the gun platforms have some game now. I'm definitely toying with the new LT+1 Order option given that there are plenty of NCO around to make use of it. The non-SWC profiles are strictly MAF link material IMO.

    40) Oznat, Morat Hunting Regiment
    Changes: -2 points, removal of Hungries Control Device, Impetuous change

    I don't love the two normal profiles of this, but I can see the argument of essentially "crappy Datz with longer ranged smoke". I am interested more in the synch:Preta profile with Sensor. I run into a lot of Ariadnaian scum that need cleansing and a sensor with a shotgun and a DTW wielding, dogged buddy can either reveal them or fully root them out. Wish they'd fix the interaction of coordinated order and synch units though, feels really bad.

    41) Ikadron Batroid
    Changes: REM changes, +6 CC

    Part of the essential "6 orders for 40 points" that all of my CA begin with, typically my lists autoinclude two of these and I may upgrade one if there are spare points. Cheap cheerleaders that guard the deployment zone. Remember their repeaters - they can help you with hackables that attack the deployment zone, but they can also render a nearby TAG vulnerable.

    42) Cadmus-Naish Agent Sheskiin
    Changes: Fatality change, MULTI Profiles -2 points, swap Protheion L3 for MA4,

    Essentially, same model sans crit on ones. Still good, not absolutely busted like before. Lots of people highly rate Sheskiin but I haven't used it much because of the stigma. Will be looking at it more in N4 as a budget replacement for one of the Aspects.

    43) Kornak Gazarot, Superior Warrior-Officer
    Changes: -3 points, NWI+Shock IMM, Berserk change, Heavy Pistol, lost LT profile in vanilla

    I didn't like this guy in vanilla before, I think I still don't really. If he was still a LT option I would consider him for that alongside the CoC Caliban. Mostly exists to lead every single MAF army I've ever seen, where he gets extra orders and strategos and wildcard and stuff.

    44) Teitak Anyat
    Changes: +1 point, +3 CC, Heavy Pistol

    Same Anyat as always. I always consider her as any smoke throwing specialist is good, but you can get a Shrouded for her price which I generally prefer. Would need mimetism or forward deployment or something to entire me to run her in vanilla. Seems great in MAF.

    45) Corax Hasht
    Changes: -1 point

    Same as before. I actually kind of like it, as I'm generally big on any SWC toting specialist and he makes for a pretty good spitfire.
    #28 WiT?, Oct 10, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
    DaRedOne, Rumdog, Fall1 and 2 others like this.
  9. Manfred_VR

    Manfred_VR Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I played my first N4 match with CA last week, I'll have a tournament on Oct 25 and one of the mission will be annihilation, so I played that using a 10 models list with Avatar, Speculo & Ko Dali, supported by other functional units ( 3 minelayer), our Big TAG now is really amazing, without crit and with 4 orders is really a pleasure to play it.
  10. BlackCadian

    BlackCadian Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    @WiT? Dude your post is incredibly helpful! Thanks so much!
    WiT? likes this.
  11. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    One important note regarding Sphinx: it lost Stealth.
  12. Sabin76

    Sabin76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @Stiopa I'd like your post... but I don't like it.
  13. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    You're not alone there :/
  14. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    TY. I remember starting out and just not getting wtf was going on in this game, hoping a basic run down can help people who need a little bit of guidance or entering the new edition.

    Speaking of which, I should probably finish that list.
    - - -

    46) E-Drone
    Changes: +5 cc, REM changes, 10 points cheaper, lost additional hacking prgrams and is just an EVO

    Its an EVO. Do you want to buff REMs or Combat Jump and what not? Take it. If thats not your thing or you don't know what it means, don't. Our EVO is smaller silhouette and has a gun, but costs a little more than the EVO of other armies. Our TR bot is also the best in the game, and so is more worthwhile than many others to get marksmanship. EVO and hacking isn't generally my thing so can't comment too much on it.

    47) Umbra Samaritan
    Changes; -3 points, Assault Hacker became Hacker w/ Trinity, gained DA CCW, Protheion L4 became MA4 + Protheion, gained IMM Shock for 1.9 Wounds

    The Sith became much better. Getting that pseudo-wound makes them much more resilient. Protheion now works with CCW and they got a DACCW to actually inflict reliable wounds in CC. Personally, as better as they are, I find it hard to take this over the Sith lord character though. Also notable as a budget LT option in vanilla, in that you pay 1 SWC but get a gun for your troubles. Would highly suggest the chain of command Caliban if you go this route, but the extra order and lack of additional SWC tax could make it worthwhile.

    48) Nexus Operatives
    Changes: +2 CC, exchange Nullifier for EM Mines,

    This unit is outside the realm of my experience with the army. He really feels like an Onyx link profile more than something for vanilla. You do get access to a 0.5 SWC hacker LT and a 1 SWC Spitfire LT, but the platform is not all that great for it.

    49) Xeodron Batroid
    Changes: +3 CC, -11 points, K1 Combi -> K1 Marksman Rifle, MULTI Rifle -> MULTI Marksman Rifle, gained shock CCW, 6-2 MOV, Super jump nerf, meta shift, bioimmunity change

    They got cheaper, faster, longer range and an effective +1 ARM. People don't seem to rate them and I haven't played them, but its good enough that I might proxy an Overdron as one. Could fill a decent assault role, being a big pile of ARM and wounds to toss at the enemy. The K1 and to a lesser extent, MULTI are anti-TAG options and the MULTI in particular can be a decent ARO option as well.

    50) Krakot Renegades
    Changes: Single SMG profile gone, +2 CC, Berserk change, Metachemistry reroll and change, gain heavy pistol

    The single SMG was the most popular Krakot I saw, so losing it is rough. The +B SMG loses the DA CCW so I'm not a fan. Berserk is generally weaker now than before, but it will still generally do the same job. In CA, I would say that a Datz will usually be a better pick, with smoke and mimetism outperforming the metachem table (no more reduced table of mostly good options) and +4" deployment.

    51) Overdron Batroid
    Changes: 10-15 point price decrease, 0.5 SWC decrease, +2 CC, gained shock CCW, HRL profile gained SMG, plasma sniper circular impact template
    *MOV is unchanged, other TAG recieved 6-2. This might be a bug.

    I like the HRMC profile as a face melting B5 sweeper and great anti-TAG option. I've heard people mention the HRL, it is cheaper and the template can cause rough choices for link teams. I have not heard anything about the Plasma Sniper nor have I fielded it. It seems kind of in between the two - much worse sweeper than the HRMC, hits harder than the HRL, has impact template, cost in between the two. Will be putting it to the test once I can find one!

    52) Bit & Kiss
    Changes: 1-2 point increase, +1 CC, Kiss has non-repeater option (that is equipped with a repeater), now has hacker and killer hacker options with different added programs
    *Note: This profile has recently changed and contains errors, perhaps it will change again

    I'm not knowledgable on hacking, but having a cheap, pitcher equipped Killer Hacker with an anti-TAG program, or a hacker with the killer hacker program seems pretty optimized for fulfilling two roles in one platform. I like Kiss! for providing a disposably ARO in low order lists or as another source of Anti-TAG weapons.

    53) Kerr-Nau
    Changes: +2 CC, lost bioimmunity

    The other pitcher option for vanilla Combined Army, he brings a Plasma Rifle and White Noise to the list. A bit of a toolbox, but also quite pricy for what he does and doesn't seem particularly good at anything. Not a first choice for my lists.

    54) Nox Troops
    Changes: Swap Bioimmunity for IMM Shock, lost Nimbus ammo in Grenade Launcher, price cut on Hacker, -1 point on MULTI Sniper

    One of our line troop options, it's not all that good for the cost but it brings an EM template weapon. I typically don't rate Combined Army line troops, but if you are wanting a cheap-ish order generator this will do the job. Importantly it cannot be the LT and so cannot perform the role of SWC tax LT + decoys that a Vanguard can.

    55) Tactical Monitoring Company Mentors
    Changes: +1 CC, +1pt on shotguns, -1pt on Shock Marksmen, -2pt and loss of "EI" hacking device on hacker

    The premier non-Aspect, non SWC gun LT. He has marker state and a fake marker for protection, and counterintelligence to gain a free order when going first. Sadly in CA, we typically have to take a SWC hit if we want a cheap LT, so if you are going to pay that SWC might as well invest it in this guy and be more resilient to Loss of LT. The Shock Marksman Rifle profiles can be useful as a long distance sniper too.

    56) Jayth Cutthroats
    Changes: Gained Martial Arts 3, Natural Born Warrior change, lost stealth, lost courage, lost shock immunity, price increase (+3) across the board

    I love the concept of these guys, but they are hard to justify in my opinion. Designed to be haris material in the Shasvastii secotrial, you could argue that the Red Fury has some game but not the others. VS the Red Fury Zerat, which is his closest competitions in my personal listbuilding process, he gets MSV1 +1 BS and CC stuff while losing infiltration and costing 9 points more. Currently have not opted to use one but would be interested if anyone has used these effectively!

    57) Taiga Creatures;
    Changes: Berserk change, meta shift (less spam, more CC on everyone)

    Worse than before due to losing +6 on berserk, but still an excellent warband. The hyperdynamics gives them a surprising amount of resilience, and is a sidegrade vs the Dogged that Pretas get. I rarely find that the smaller template is a huge game changer, but often find that berserk and DA CCW causes a more meaningful impact. I've taken to running one or two in the second combat group and sending them down a flank to try and get access to the enemy deployment zone or to a non-camo midfield model.

    58) Cube Jager
    Changes: +2 CC, SMG profile +1 point

    Same as before. Not really necessary in a faction with such strong AD options. I feel that the tactical window shift will leave little room for this guy in his primary role as a cheap AD attacker, and the general increase in troop quality will detract from his possible targets. I used to rate it in other factions, now I'm not sure, and certainly I don't like it for vanilla Combined Army

    59) Greif Operators
    Changes: +2 CC, B2 Pistols in melee, gained stealth, -1 point, MSV 1 change

    I don't love them, but I know some people rate them. The non-impersonation options are lacking specialist and marker state, which I value a lot. If I want a midfield combat unit, I prefer the Zerat, but I can see some logic to the Shock Marksman Rifle to take a sort of midfield sniper position and be annoying.

    The Impersonator is a very budget option, that is also quite low powered. If you want *something* to hit them with turn one, and don't want to fork out +8 points for smoke, better IMP and melee, he can do the job. Can also do a pretty niche combo with the Speculo to attack through smoke via MSV1 - he does it on a penalty, but the opponent can only dodge. I'm not a fan of this as it feels like an exploit, but that possibility exists!

    60) Victor Messer, Autonomous Agent of Chaos
    Changes: Price Adjustments

    Outside my area of expertise, as I don't know how much we should care about a Hacking Device Plus. Looks like a Shasvastii link member to me.

    61) Oktavia Grimsdottir
    Changes: N/A

    I don't know why this exists.

    62) Boarding Action Sheskin (IE, Heavy Sheskin)
    Changes: -3 points, -0.5 SWC, Protheion L4 -> MA4 + Protheion, EXP CCW downgrade to DA CCW, lost Breaker Pistol, lost Free Agent, Fatality downgrade

    Don't like it. Its essentially normal Sheskin with more ARM, no nanoscreen, and higher cost. I'll just take the normal version.

    63) Nourkias, Kai'l Rank (aka, Sith Lord)
    Changes: NA

    Essentially a Samaritan profile. Has a killer hacking device with Total Control and an additional burst in CC, while trading the DACCW for an EMCCW (two EM and one Normal hit). +3 Dodge and Flash pulse means his floor is defending himself on 15 PH or 15 WIP. For the most part, I would take him over a non-spitfire Samaritan, and I'm uncertain whether I like him or the Spitfire Samaritan as a go-to rambo profile.

    64) Agent Dukash, Vashar Special Corps
    Changes: NA

    Kind of a combat specialist. Good stats, CC, 1.9 wounds, multi-rifle, specialist operator, mimetism. Pretty expensive though. Probably a better fit as link material in the SEF.

    65) Sargosh, Tunnel-crumbler of the Jayth Cutthroats
    Changes: NA

    A Jayth, that isn't the Red Fury Jayth, but its a character to wildcard with some SEF teams. He's No Wound Incapacitation away from being a consideration in vanilla IMO, but would probably end up like Dukash and not get into any of my lists.

    66) Ko Dali
    Changes: Traded bioimmunity for shock immunity, gained MA2, Assault Pistols are B2 in CC, gained AP CCW on some profiles, has linkable option for Onyx, gained infiltrator profile

    No comment on the infiltration options, but the Combat Jump version dominated much of my early games of 2nd edition Infinity. She's mostly known for doing smoke and change facing shenanigans with a Speculo Killer, or being a hugely binary option of either 40pts wasted or 40pts kills 300 points of enemy stuff. Has a very high ceiling especially in combat missions where you can invest the orders for her rampage. Has a very low floor because of her cost and lack of a SWC weapon for good burst outside 8". I think all new players should avoid her, and then all semi-new players should run her a couple of times to see what she can do.

    67) Dropsuit Taryot
    Changes: NA (Technically, gained Explode)

    A cheap aerial deployment option. Explode is generally just a trap, but its there if you need it. I'm glad this guy exists - we needed a cheap AD to supplement our bullshit AD options, but the idea of a totally vanilla AD, especially a Morat one, was not something I liked. I would suggest this just as a budget parachutist attack option, ideally with the Red Fury, and go after cheerleaders with it.

    - - -

    Done and dusted. I'll see if anyone else comments about profiles and look at putting it all together. Maybe with some 'basic use' descriptions for newbies.
    DaRedOne, Fall1, BlackCadian and 2 others like this.
  15. Rumdog

    Rumdog Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2019
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    That's actually really useful, thanks a lot for your work! Maybe it's time to blow off the dust from my CA collection :thinking_face:
  16. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think something worth mentioning here is the pseudo immunity to AP by choosing to use the other attribute at full value, for example you can choose to use your ARM against a breaker rifle instead of BTS/2.

    Edit: I see now this was written before the FAQ clarified this interaction.
    Lesh' likes this.
  17. Sabin76

    Sabin76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    For sure. Adaptive Armor Bioimmunity isn't just about using the higher stat. It's just as effective at reducing the effects of many "special" ammos simply by choosing the stat the ammo doesn't target.
    colbrook likes this.
  18. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    For what its worth, my opinion on the Xeodron has heavily soured since that post after I ran a haris of them in Onyx and they... underperformed pretty consistently.

    I saw someone use a Gecko really well though, which is a very similar profile, so not gonna rule out just being shit at the game. But man, did they suuuck when I played them.
  19. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Xeodrons did good things for me in N3, but I haven’t really had the chance to play N4. I’m pretty excited about the increased range bands on their weapons (which I believe Geckos also received).
  20. Lesh'

    Lesh' Infinity LATVIA

    Mar 19, 2018
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    ugh, try solo xeodron in OCF, harris is really expensive.
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