Starmada fireteams

Discussion in 'O-12' started by Leviathan, Sep 28, 2020.

  1. Phayton

    Phayton Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    I´m really curious on this topic...
    I´ve tested a list with Kappa/Bluecoat link and a Multi-MMR Psyicop in a 15 order list but it felt like I left 30 armypoints in the spaceship if I compare Starmada to N4-lists from the other sectorials.

    Maybe this sector is more made for LI, but even in this style most other current sectorials can came up with equally good list or even much better stuff (Millitary Order, Foreigner Company and of course IA).

    I feel like you end up with a link thats extreme expensive, so you have to sacrifice a lot of necessary stuff or you play a more cheap fragile link with really underwhelming long range AROs in terms of the modern N4 meta. If you want to go for Varangian/Epsilon combo and Crushers, Lawkeepers you are much better with Vanilla O12.

    I will give them a few more tries because I really WANT to play this sectorial because of style and swag. Maybe we can hope for small changes with the next wave for the Army Builder. Small changes in the fireteams could halp this sectorial like having wildcard on Saladin, let Hector join Kappas, let Cho count as Kappa for fireteams, Duo Varangians (looking at WC) or heck, let the Epsilon join a Haris.
    LucaGirolami and miguelbarbo84 like this.
  2. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    Gotta say, ive found Bluecoats to be amazing link-fillers. The 13 and 16pt ones in particular make great corner guards and close in defenders, great support for your kappa MSR or psicop with msv.
    LucaGirolami likes this.
  3. Phayton

    Phayton Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    OK, it seems that Varangian guards gained Duo and Haris on their profiles which will give us interesting options like two Varangians and shona or a MMR MSV1 Psi-Cop in Haris
  4. MrNailbrain

    MrNailbrain Relentless Optimist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The Varangian Haris has really opened some doors in list building for me. With 2 cheap fillers for the Psi Cop MMMR I feel comfortable with a Kappa/Bluecoat defensive core, cheap smoke-n-shoot Haris supporting an Epsilon, and some powerful solo pieces.

    I’m still down a bit on the faction compared to Vanilla, but I’m at least hopeful.
    miguelbarbo84 likes this.
  5. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Sadly Varangian don't have permission to form Haris or Duo teams in Starmada.
  6. MikeWy

    MikeWy Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2020
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    On the app they do, so it might be a recent change?
  7. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Fireteam rules require both the skill and permission from the Sectorial chart.

    Yes they have the skill, but without permission from the chart you still can't form the Fireteam.

    They may go through and cull the skills from profiles in Vanilla and sectorials where they aren't valid, but as it stands now just being on the profile isn't enough.
  8. Yinsania

    Yinsania айхаас хэт галзуурсан

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Yesterday I played a list with Nyokas aggresive core. Nyoka HMG + Nyoka HRL + Psi-Cop Multi marksman rifle (multiespectral visor L1) + Psi-Cop KHD + Parvati and...well everything become too hard to take down for the HMG, it's better the Psi-Cop with BS13 and mimetism (-3) as man in point
  9. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    When your opponent start to field high ARM/BTS value, your HMG may be not enough. If you bring a 5 men Fireteam, you need to put in there some AP weapons. And there is where that Bronze or Beta with MULTI Rifle really shines.
    It is "just" 2 point of damage under the HMG, but halving the ARM of a TAG can be your only real chance to put some wounds on it.

    Nyoka is even better with DAM 14 Multi Rifle, but his BS is the same as a Kappa with Multi Sniper or Missile Launcher...

    Starmada doesn't have both "strong" and "long range" linkable units.
    You should decide the role of your Fireteam.
    Static firebase? Kappa and Nyoka. Mobile platform with Specialists? Bronze and Beta.
  10. D_acolyte

    D_acolyte Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    I hate using the multi riffle in a core for anti armor. The range bands just make that a bad fight more often then not, I first have to hit you to damage you. Multi Marksmen is good and I feel should be salted into any offensive team, though I would still not take it vs a TAG.
    I got some good work out of the Nyoka HRL as a power 15 blast vs someone is cover is often as good as ap, both will cut the armor down by a max of 3 except vs TAGs.
    I disagree that Nyokas are for static firebases, they may not have armor but they do have climbing plus so they can get where you want them and fire fight along the way.
    The more I look at Nyokas rules the better they are, still do not like there art.
  11. miguelbarbo84

    miguelbarbo84 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    For me it's just the other way around... the more I look at them, the less I like them, sadly. They aren't really good at anything, nor add toolbox capabilities or anything new to the army, aside from a few cheap link options for your Bronze or Hector.

    Even standing as a cheap filler, they pay extra for a CC that can't be used, +1dmg with BS12 no mods, Climbplus with mov10-10...just to be "better than Kappas".

    Honestly, the most interesting profiles -by their own merit- are the parachutist ones, and that's because the crusher pays premium and just has BSG option.

    Maybe it's because I compare them to some of the new ILs or IMs in other sectorials or even to our other LIs, but I was really hoping for some other thing.
  12. Yinsania

    Yinsania айхаас хэт галзуурсан

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Next time I want to test an agressive core of Betas. With spitfire and multi marksman rifle.
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