For me it really depends if it fits in the fluff and culture of the faction represented. In a place like bakunin were people run around with body-modifications like elf-ears and tails? Sure go for it. All the boobplate they want. In a proper military outfit like Invincible Army? Hell nah. That's also why i think the cheerkillers don't fit tunguska at all (or the puppetica remotes). Tunguska was always the "serious side of nomads" for me. But that might just be my personal misconception because i don't own a single RPG book were all the fluff seems to be hidden.
@CabalTrainee yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Things like that fit Bakunin to a t, other Nomad ships? Not so much. Second thing is, let this be subtle, not over-the-top.
Tunguska is still more serious than literal animal human hybrid ship run by a Greek pagan radical feminist cult Cheerleader gangs fit the organised crime/blackhat hacker collective theme pretty well for me, especially seeing as Tunguska has a literal mafia university where mafia bosses send their kids to prepare them for a future in organised crime upper management the reason you saw tunguska as the normal part of nomads is because they hadn't released anything to give it personality yet imo also puppetactica and hollow men seem like a backalley variant of posthuman proxies which makes perfect sense for a militarised hacker collective. both creepy in a dark technological way, as opposed to teeny bopper body mod morlock gangs etc.
@SockLobster Just for clarification: For puppetactica remotes i mean only the model design. The cutsie thing with the robo ears just does not yell MAFIA to me.
In my mind I place heavy emphasis on the word Nomads. They are the serious side of Nomads. Perhaps a relatively low bar there, no?
I've gotten everything that has been provided at Bootleg category. I'd be happy to see some new additions there. Especially something that would be alternatives to main line models. In a sense Infinity equvivalent of Aristeia! skins. I would like to see a modern interpretation of the old cat girl Daktari as an example. Not necessarily in such humorous classical pin-up style as it previously was (I would be fine with that - just CAD version of it...) but with more modern approach. There are so many possible opportunities! Fat Yuan Yuan was/is an excellent example of what I mean. Alternative skin/take on a usable unit. This is what I use when fielding Yuan Yuans.
I think you're right, fat yuan yuan would have been excellent as a bootleg rather than a limited release.
that's because nomads also think extra profits, and those cute robots can make more profit in other ways: tv series, merchandising and so (it it explained in the zondbots' lore). There are too much people that has a very narrow view of nomad's lore.
Considering how small of a nation they are in size (not population) they need business to stay afloat. So having those tinbots be multifaceted & useable in different categories is a smart move on their part.
I always got the impression that the Nomad Nation was really tiny in terms of population but in terms of influence and economy was hugely powerful proportional to it's tiny size. Like, when you have as many resources as Tunguska, as much ingenuity as Bakunin, and as much hardened military capability as Corregidor, you punch well about your weight.
Ya I got the categories mixed up. They, the Nomads, do punch above their weight class but their small size is also a weakness. It just takes one large enough disaster and there goes 1/3 of the nation or worse.
So I was just told that my Starmada pre-order has been pushed back to October. Has anyone else encountered this? (Sorry if this is the wrong thread). Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
Mine was shipped Friday and its currently waiting to be inspected by customs. Where did you order from?
Miniature Market. The message: "regretfully the manufacturer has pushed back the release date to October 26, 2020." I know pre-orders can cause some chaos, so just figured I'd check and see if this is happening elsewhere. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
Of Starmada? Nuts, I have the box on my desk, I've started cutting into the minis. I would call the store on their bullshit, the box has premiered worldwide.
I preordered from MOE Games, I believe mini's are in but books are delayed. No date given yet. I did see MM had the books for sale. Just another effect of the End Times.
Are you guys talking about US market or Australia? Both books and minis were released on time in EU. No idea why the stores would claim CB "delayed" anything?