Technically in the pdf file with all markers for n4 I haven't seen any camo -0 so it's either missing skill or missing marker.
It's been noticed. IJW has also confirmed it is intentional (as we could deduce from its marked price drop)
it's weird as fuck. Id rather pay 5 points more for a mimetism version (mimetism -3 worths 2 or 3 proints on average) than having a half baked troop that costs shit. and the main selling point of this bot for me is the minelayer. It's weird It doesn't have minelayer on both profiles. But well I bet we can deal nerfs like this, even seen things like the nomad powercreep
Honestly, the LongYa was too good before imho. It's still good now. Btw, it also lost 2 of its Panzerfaust ammunition because there are no 2x Panzerfaust anymore. But it gained a fire template.
And as long as you also bring a Son-Bae, this provides a way to deal with Repeaters, deployable and worn, as IA. Move the Lu Duan up, drop a Repeater near the target. If you accidentally eat an ARO, the Lu Duan can be fixed instead of having a brick on top of the building. Then hack the target with Spotlight (whích doesn't need a Trooper as target, it can target a deployable repeater) and drop AP+EXP missiles on it. Order intensive, but a solution to the problem. Can do the same with Krit, but he's a bit of a premium, and Cheeong can do similarly at slightly fewer orders.
It also means an extra order to supportware the Lu Duan after first turn. Might be useful to place a repeater in your Husong farm so they can be buffed later. B2 flamer is pretty neat. Interesting (and encouraging!) that they are adding flavor to units this late after the release
Big fan of this Lu Duan change. It's a great niche that separates it from Rui Shi while also giving armies like IA and ISS some useful, if order intensive, repeater coverage. A strict buff, and a balanced one at that.
Interesting, this helps the lu duan become a safer fire and forget unit. You dont need to worry about parking it near killer hackers now. It also helps push network coverage in our deployment and most of our half of the table. which given the changes to hacking it will allow us to mark any unit that moves into range and counter some hackable enemies with threats of oblivion or death.
Hahahahaha they didn't want to answer the question on how repeaters in holomask work so badly they changed the fucking profile.
They did that to Moran's as well, they originally had camo and repeaters, now you have to choose! Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
It was less an issue on the Lu Duan because the Lu Duan is attackable and hackable when in Marker states, it's more that they wanted to avoid dealing with Holoecho and Repeater. It gets messy for both players and I'm sort of glad they removed it instead of forcing a solution. Simply Holomask on a Repeater is not much different from a Pitcher landing surprisingly near you or a unit with Repeater moving up unexpectedly. Holomask still has "fun" in the reverse way when a Kanren pretends to be Cheong-Hee, a Lu Duan pretends to be Rui Shi or a Hafza pretends to be Saladin. Still gets to play the repeater game, but the solution is simpler "turns out you're actually out of range"
First time I see it; Seems when Blue Wolf pilot picked up their Light Shotgun, the Guijia pilot also put down their Light Flamethrower and picked up a Sub-machine Gun. Now I just need to get it out of my head to stop thinking "Submarine Gun" every time I see a unit with an SMG.
I'm not so concerned about it. For me, the long-ya was just one cheap way to put some mines between the enemy and my troops. Mimetism was kind of a bonus. What I don't understand in that regard are the profiles without minelayer. the heavy shotgun one is specially useless... since I believe it's worse than a lu-duan for mooving, attack, defense (damage 15 suppresive, viewing through smoke), and support (repeater, mine sweeper holoechos)... and that was before this juicy changes
I don't have access to n4 rule book right now so if someone could clarify this I would be thankful. In mobile Army app Feuerbach has b1 on both exp and ap+da modes. Is it just a mistake or did they nerf Feuerbach and by some margin Krit?
Looks like they fixed it recently, before I was offline and after going online app went through quite long profile updating process and yes it is b2 now :) Side note flammenspeer is next to Feuerbach and I just notice that blast mode is the same as hit but with template. Is hit mode useful only if you have unit next to target and don't want to nullify attack or am I missing something?