Now that I think about it. Parvati being a REM engineer, the all-robots ALEPH list suddenly seems a lot more viable. Still not optimal in any way but definitely less bad.
If you're planning to have Parvati part of your linkteam, she can't have a Yudbot. Peripherals can't be part of linkteams.
So, this has nothing to do with the list, but I just saw that the movement is in inches in the left column and in cm in the right one...
Also,danavas can't supportware the dakini's anymore. May be worth turning danavas into an evobot and use the yudbot +7 points from danavas to upgrade something, like turn the warcor into a base dakini for a reg order?
Danavas have the advantage of +1B oblivion which is a hell of an advantage to have in your list. Though an Evobot is a strong consideration for a Dakini link for sure.
agreed, but that list already have a hd+ with the asura so i don't think you need two. def with the 2nd combat group being the dakini core with no assisted fire.
Yes, I removed Danavas - to make room for more bodies. The point of the second group is primarily to use on defence and being a road-block. I added in two posthumans as well
Depends. If you've got the HD+ Asura and a Yadu you now have the option of using White Noise offensively.
I used the HD+ Asura white noise & a Rudras to take out an Epslion Sniper in a game yesterday. I'm just not sure the Yadu HMG is needed other than to convert the LT orders to regular orders.
Doesn't have to be the HMG. My point was more that diversifying your attack options gave you more flexibility in use. Didn't think of the Rudra though.
2 of them make a beefy attack team, though swapping the second for parvati may be better for longevity. Sadly, the game fell apart after I made some mistakes approaching the new Starmada pain train, then whiffed on 3 Trinity attacks in a row vs a KHD Tian Gou, and lost the Asura.
The asura's failure was mostly bad dice, but he had Hector, Betatrooper spitfire(?), Tian Gou KHD (disguised as beta trooper at start), Shona, and Parvati. Hector, the betatrooper, and Tian Gou started in a building with a firelane out the door, with shona and parvati hidden behind the building. That team has 7 regular orders to spend due to hector's Lt lvl 2 strategos, so even taking out 4 of the 5 other troopers left him with 8 orders to use. I didn't hack too much in N3, so mistakes made were 1) Not hacking through the Rudras's repeater, but instead moving the Asura up herself to get in ZoC. 2) Not taking advantage of the Mine Dispensers to force fireteam-breaking decisions on the team by hacking a target within range of a mine 3) While the repeated failure with Trinity vs the Tian Gou was definitely on my dice, I think I should have started off trying to oblivion Hector on a normal roll, just to eliminate him as Lt.