Gui Jia still makes me sad.

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by HotFreshTofu, Sep 30, 2020.

  1. HotFreshTofu

    HotFreshTofu Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Man.. Very disappointed by this.

    My Gui Jia miniature is ready to super jump off the shelf and end it all.

    How much is super jump valued at? It seems to be driving his points up compared to the O-yoroi who has MA, or the Squalos who is 7 pts cheaper (base version).

    Am I undervaluing super jump? I've played a fair amount of ramah and my experience has been, super jump is largely a useless skill. Even when it comes up and is relevant..
  2. HotFreshTofu

    HotFreshTofu Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Sorry for meaningless negativity. I don't know what I had hoped for, but I think we still didn't get a Gui Jia profile worthy of the sculpt. and honestly I don't know how to fix it other than dropping the points by like 20 and breaking the game.
  3. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    The Guijia, as a big fat TAG, can be braver with Super Jump than most, and a 6-inch super jump still lets it see over most buildings thanks to its tall Silhouette. It's one of the biggest winners from the Super Jump change since its competition suffers more than it does. Its MA2 is a big deal as well; now it can reliably fight other TAGs that would otherwise have it beat using CC and outgun all the ones that can swordfight more effectively. The LT option isn't as heavily taxed as it used to be either; it's a pretty good choice if you don't want or can't have a Daoying.
    Edit; Elevation=Cover now as well! Parking this guy on a nice tall roof ensures he'll get Partial Cover from most attacks, helping him out on sparser boards that would otherwise make him easy to flank.
  4. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    It can hold itself fairly well in most range bands, and thanks to super jump now has better ability to dictate the ranges it engages in.

    The Guijia never needed to be completely rebuilt from the ground up, it just needed some identity and versatility, which it got. It's a standard, well rounded main-battle TAG for sure, but well-rounded in a fashion that enables and rewards leveraging its across the board strengths against any particular weak point.

    I'll be touching mine up for its N4 debut for sure.
  5. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Your vastly underselling Super Jump on a TAG. Especially in N4 where just having the high ground gives you cover. Guijia is a pretty good TAG now with lots of mobility. And vanilla YJ can use Kuang Shi to off set the cost of a Guijia.
    meikyoushisui likes this.
  6. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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    well, Yujing TAGs plainly suck. let's deal with it

    Guijia homologes in PANO and JSA bring valuable stuff.
    • the Seraph is 11 points cheaper for not bringing Multi HMG and bringing double nanopulsers instead of a HFT. In return he brings CC Explosive weapon, 2 unconscious states, superior gizmokit on 13s, and repeating engineer failed rolls
    • the O-yoroi is 7 points cheaper, brings Stealth and koalas to the mix, loosing superjump and the EXP reactive mode.
    So, yeah is kind of a boomer. But I think the changes are still an improvement.

    The Blue Wolf has similar problems in comparison with tags on a similar cut
    • Scarface feels like a better version of it. has a -3 to enemy hackers, a better pilot and costs 7 points less
    • The o-yoroi has stealth, a frigging HMG, exp CCW, higher ARM, a decent pilot and koalas for 4p more
    The blue wolf is smaller in exchange, but is still pretty hard to hide on most deployments. you need to be extremely cautious if you go second. It also has a pretty poor reactive in long ranges and his pilot is crappy as hell (basicaly a suicide mongrel wit LFT)... But it's design is super cool

    I don't completely give up on them yet. I'll give them a chance
    #6 Mc_Clane, Sep 30, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2020
  7. Paegis

    Paegis Vincible Officer

    Jul 11, 2018
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    I think it's a little early to be quite so disappointed in our TAGs lol, especially with all the changes and the new N4 ecosystem. Give it a bit of time to shake out and for people to get some field testing in.

    The Blue Wolf pilot has been updated with an LSG in Army.
    Stiopa, Willen and Mahtamori like this.
  8. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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    ok it was indeed updated on the White banner army, not yet on vanilla
  9. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I haven't had the opportunity to use Super Jump, but I have put it on the table and had it perform well.

    The CC upgrades and the lack of Stun ammo on multi weapons, particularly snipers, is a big change for him. It allows you to basically play out the Guijia from betrayal that yells LEEROY, doesn't give a fuck about incoming fire, and just uses its extra wounds to take hits charging the target.

    In my case so far its run through sniper fire to tear an Avatar to pieces in CC. I'm pretty happy with it so far.
    SKOZZOKONZ likes this.
  10. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Maybe i'm old, but i remember a lot of discussion about SuperJumping heavy weapon platforms to be overpowered...
    Now you have the third TAG with SuperJump in the game, the only one with a MULTI HMG...
    I really don't understand you guys...
  11. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think it's inarguable that the big winners of the TAG changes are Pan-O who with not only free Remote Presence, but also higher Gizmokit than everyone else and ECM against Hacking on several/all of their TAGs, now has something to show for their TAG-focus. Raicho is a very good runner up and is to me the embodiment of the feelsgood face. Szalamandra is notable for its cheapness and HRMC and nothing else, even the pilot is a lot more reasonable now.

    That said, the Guijia did get quite a bit. While the O-Yoroi (previously ours) dropped 9 points and the Guijia dropped 7, it's notable that the Guijia picked up two levels of MA and one point of CC more than the O-Yoroi - plus Super Jump. That one point of CC is not comparable to the points that the Zhanshi picked up, either, it's an important point for enabling more critical hits and with the mobility of a TAG that also has Super-Jump there is greater ability to use this than before.
    On a lesser note, the Guijia gained one point of Dodge compared to the O-Yoroi, the latter being the only TAG to not get better at dodging as far as I know. Plus, for the O-Yoroi the Koalas changed significantly such that it can't clear WildParrots and mines with them (but can use them offensively as long as there's no Camo in range).

    Squalos is a better comparison given the weaponry and armour, though, and compared to the 7 points cheaper Squalos the ECM is the only thing I'm jealous about, but I do not covet it so much that the loss of Super-Jump, melee ability and Heavy Flamethrower would be worth it. Squalos better complements the Pan-O range now and I think there's better separation between the TAGs than the previous "there's 4 identical TAGs, of which 1 is 10 points cheaper because of a drawback that basically never comes into play"
    Ditto Zeta which is 5 points cheaper, gains HRMC (which arguably is in a league of its own compared to the MHMG) has similar mobility, but lacks the CC ability. You're going to have to work the Guijia harder than the Zeta, for sure, but I think the skill ceiling is higher with the Guijia while the Zeta is more noob friendly with a comfy ladder up to a higher floor.

    Super Jump has been nerfed significantly. It's nice, but the height and mobility you gain from it has essentially been cut in half. I don't recall those discussions, btw, sounds like either N2 discussions or Fatality L2 making the loss of cover "meaningless".
    ambisinister likes this.
  12. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think that should be singular, not plural
  13. meikyoushisui

    meikyoushisui Competitor for Most Ignored User

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Yeah, this whole conversation is very strange to me, especially after all the hubbub about giving the Seraph an HMG. (I recall much of that conversation boiling down to "if only this were in another faction". Guess what? It is now!)

    TAGs get a huge benefit from the change to cover rules for units on rooftops -- they may be the single biggest beneficiary in the game, because previously, they wouldn't get cover at all on rooftops made by a ton of different terrain companies.

    Edit: In a vacuum, I think Super-Jump has close to the same level of utility on a TAG as Climbing Plus, with the trade-off between being able to Super-Jump distant targets vs. being able to do the Tik Manuever to avoid being seen by distant AROs.
    Commoner1, Sedral and Mahtamori like this.
  14. nazroth

    nazroth 'well known Nomad agitator'

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I for one am pretty happy with Guijia. I will be playing the bumblebee all day long. Super-Jump sis sweet addition and allows for some crazy ATK trajectories. MA2 is also great - Guijia can fend off any pesky warband that tries to catch it in CC. Overall good change, even though TAG is still one of the most expensive.

    Most importantly do not forget the SWC drop on Guijia - this is key.
  15. Sedral

    Sedral Jīnshān Task Force Officier

    Nov 28, 2017
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    You need to see a seraph in action to realize how crazy strong super jump can be on a TAG. The bigger and faster you are, the stronger it is, as it makes it easier to get some crazy line of sight. With hacking being the way it is now and a multi HMG in hand, you'll appreciate opportunities to get the job done without getting too close. If you DO have to get close though, It's also a good skill to have on melee specialists. A little less so since you can't fall in melee anymore, but still, pretty good.

    Personally I'm looking forward to play the guijia in IA for the duo options with Kokram, Tai sheng and Cheong-Hee. all bring differents valuable tool to support the beefcake, but with the changes to crit and the overall armor buff I'm pretty confident a guijia with an engineer in tow can just keep pulling the trigger and brute force anything while the engie follows and repairs damage on the fly.
    ijw likes this.
  16. darthchapswag

    darthchapswag Shandian Strike Team

    Oct 20, 2018
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    I'm running one tomorrow in my first N4 game with IA so will feed back my experiences and thoughts.

    With the duo options and general TAG quality of life changes, I'm optimistic.
  17. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Note that the only PanO TAG with ECM: Hacking is the Squalo.

    Seraph - also lower ARM, at a level where it really matters, no Continuous Damage on it's DTW, no AP on it's HMG for hunting other TAGs, no EXP ARO, it's enough worse in CC to probably counteract the difference in CCW, it's Pilot doesn't have a gun or WIP13. The Guijia also has Courage instead of Religious in case it ends up in a bad situation and needs to fail a Guts Roll.
    O-Yoroi - also lower ARM. The O-Yoroi looks like one of the best TAGs at the moment, with Stealth, but you're massively underestimating the usefulness of Super-Jump on a full TAG. Have you faced ever a Seraph used by a good player?

    The Blue Wolf has +1B on all it's guns, including the Panzerfaust and Heavy Flamerthower. Odd that you leave this out, if it's important enough to list as an advantage for the Seraph. Scarface doesn't have any DTW or Pistol for close defence. The Blue Wolf also has Terrain (Total).
  18. Sangarn

    Sangarn TRIUMcorp CEO

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Super jump was a very good skill in N3
    in N4 jumping 3 inch isn't gonna get you far
    PanO Seraph players might very well switch to the tikbalang for that reason

    the guijia is less bad in N4 that all
    HotFreshTofu likes this.
  19. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    to be fair, the Seraph also has +1BS compared to the Guijia. ;-)
    ijw likes this.
  20. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    It does, and I’m surprised this wasn’t mentioned. But hitting the target doesn’t help much if you then can’t get through the ARM. Even with +1 Damage, an ARM8 TAG in Cover is saving against HMG hits on 6+. Against the MULTI HMG it needs 10+. That’s going to have a far bigger effect than +1BS.
    AdmiralJCJF and LeGweg like this.
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