I figured with September coming to an and end with us having October's releases locked down. Let's get this discussion going. So anyone holding out hope the mothballed sectorals will get some mini love? Will we see kosmoflot miniatures by this month? Does Boistra like white or brown gravy with his turkey? (Before you guys say anything. Yes even as a yank I know he doesn't celebrate thanks giving.)
You mean TAGvember right? We're getting the Mighty Blue Wolf, the Perfidious Sphinx, the Glorious Cutter, and the Righteous Zeta as confirmed Code One/N4 releases. Might see another blister or two, but that's already a pretty heavy release schedule (pun absolutely intended)
I don't actually think it's going to happen but I'm hoping we get the molotok Ratnik. Closest thing to a tag Ariadna has left to release for a TAGvember and it would cleanly finish off TAK so that CB can get on with Kosmoflot.
Yes please, ratnik molotok or the veteran kazak with shotgun to make veteran heavy link teams. Because they have core but only 2 models. Resculpts for scout and tankhunter autocannon/missile launcher could be great too. Not asking for too much. Just finish the sectorial with a couple of needed releases before jumping to the next one. After all, in which crazy timeline we live in if TAK has been released with only 2 new vets and no new scout ohotnik / tank hunter AC since N1... The 3 most iconic troops of TAK.
Getting Spetznaz with AP Rifle would be cool, too. I still can't understand why CB released a 3-man Spetznaz box, unless it was supposed to be some kind of a joke at Ariadna players' expense...
That model will not be released if bostria was correct some years ago. He warned about that model not getting a release at all.
Speaking of wanting parts... This is pretty wishful thinking. But a druze action pack/starter would be a dream come true. They got a lot of love with the translation to n4. They have some great options now. But modeling them is still a nightmare as their swc box doesn't help you much if your still a list's bread and butter with no basic rifle sculpts. Opps all butter?
I have repeatedly said that this would have been a better Coldfront box idea than the ALEPH one. I stand by that statement. I don't know what I would put in there necessarily, but these days? -Resculpted Scarface and Cordelia including a dismounted Scarface model. -2x Druze Rifles with Panzerfausts. -1x Druze with CR+LGL. -1x Druze with Mimetism and MSR. It's basically an Action Pack right there. BONUS COMMENTARY! The purported box for next year, with CJC resculpts? It should be Steel Phalanx v CJC. Both ranges of models are the same age, roughly, and thematically it would be a great concept. But oh well...guess we gotta have another year of Russocentric nonsense.
Boofuckinghoo. Don't like my complaining? Put me on ignore and move the fuck on. As for the "we"? You understand that "we" does not necessary have to mean more than one person, but can be applied to a community at large right? Anyways: It's "people who want to see something that isn't just more fanbois for Russians in Sphess". Kosmoflot is and always will be wildly unnecessary trash. They're advancing the storyline and leaving a key plothook from Campaign Paradiso(which, mind you, was a prequel of sorts) to be retconned in favor of whatever new thing they decide to make up to justify leaving Merovingia out some more because they have no clue how to make them unique or interesting because they gave their schtick away to TAK. We literally could delete all the Ariadnan Sectorials at this point and just keep TAK, and the playstyles effectively would still all be there. Because TAK is a bloated monstrosity that should have been given the YJ/JSA treatment right at the outset, being sheared off from Ariadna at large and instead being put as a NA2.
I’ve heard you make this argument about MO before, but I really don’t see a coherent fluff argument for how or why TAK as an NA2 makes sense. Matr is literally the governing core of Ariadna, and has been for as far back as I remember.
Since the Separatist Wars, in fact. JSA breaking away is, based on what’s already established, probably the only time we’ll see something break away from a primary faction. All hobbyhorses aside, of course.
TAK could see some pruning but there's nothing intrinsicly wrong with an elite-flavoured Ariadnan Sectorial. I'm agreed with Kanluwen that Kosmoflot was a pretty bad idea though- it might have some merit in the book's fluff, but I haven't got that in my hand to verify, and it's a crappy NA2-style hodgepodge of other factions despite having serious potential (it's the first and only Ariadnan force branch designed for a purpose other than terrestrial defense of Dawn, how do you screw up with that premise!? So much to imagine!). As for models I want in November? Hexa Combi, same as the whole rest of the time I've been playing Neoterra. Those Hacker profiles are some of the Sectorial's best assets, and Hexas have a cool design.
Varangian guard are from O-12 (but I think they are noted as being drawn heavily from Ariadnan sources), but all the other units appear to me to be native to Ariadna. Or did you just mean the way it’s blurring different regional sectorial themes together, the same way Onyx does?