In the rulebook it states that the SF state is cancelled when a trooper "joins a fireteam." What about if a trooper is already in a fireteam? For instance, can a Shikami duo use an entire order to both go into the SF state, and once they do does the fireteam duo get cancelled?
Are the fireteams et al in the Annex because the team expects to work on them and alter these rules along the way?
That's essentially what they've said, yeah. The fireteam rules are subject to enough change that they didn't want to put them in "solid" form.
Guys, if I understood Catspaw question correctly, he wants to know if he can use a single order to put both troops in a duo in SF state, thus cancelling the FT and leaving BOTH miniatures in SF.
SF is neither a Movement skill or an Evasion skill, therefore only the leader would do it if it is even possible. It seems that if you tried, you would actually break the entire team.
Number 2 won’t even save you in this scenario. By the way, I think it’s really weird that fireteams are in the annex pdf but number 2 is in the core book.
What I'm curious about is why that phrase is in 'fire team integrity'. If only the team leader can perform suppressive fire, wouldn't there be a case where members leave the fire team? I think this can be declared by one member, just like the exception of the 'Berserk' skill.
What, exactly, do you mean by "exception in the berserk skill"? And what does that have to do with violating the rules on spending orders on fireteam members?
Fireteam members can't declare orders individually. The only exception is that the Lieutenant can spend the Lt order and leave the fireteam. So you could have a scenario where the Lt was in the fireteam but not the team leader, she could spend her Lt order to enter the Suppressive Fire state, which would cause her to leave the team but the rest of the team would be intact. Other than that, there are only two ways to get a team member into Suppressive Fire. (1) The fireteam declares Suppressive Fire, which is a support skill, so only the team leader performs it. This causes the team leader to leave the team, so the team breaks entirely for lack of a leader. Or (2) cancel the fireteam, which you can do for free, then spend orders individually to put whichever members you like into SF (or do several at once with a coordinated order). In either case, you can then, if you like, spend a command token to reform the team with whoever is left that's not in the SF state. Note: the above thread was from N3. The fireteam rules haven't changed, though. But I would suggest starting new threads for N4 questions rather than reviving N3 threads. (Edit: I guess I misremembered the N4 start date and this is in fact an N4 thread)
This is an N4 thread from the first week of N4. I, too, am curious about the supposed "Berserk exception" now that this thread has been resurrected.
Oops, thanks. Edited. Presumably the FAQ that when a fireteam declares Berserk, all members that have the Berserk skill perform the movement portion of the skill, even though Berserk is a support skill. But I don't see that it would have any relevance to how SF works - SF doesn't have a movement component.