I figured his look was inspired by Ted Nugent. But I've met people who bow hunt and look close enough to that that it's not a big deal for me.
I really hope the story is written well. That'll make me feel a lot better about the whole thing. But since the last bit of story we got was ALIVE/Wotan... eh.
Most of the infinity players I know have no idea who "The Nuge" is. I'm the only fart old enough to remember (damn 90s kids!).
JSA was my second army. I never had any interest in YJ vanilla OR ISS. That said, as one of 6 armies I have, it's on rotation and not scheduled to be played with again until 2019. I've got my CJC currently and will be rotating the QK around (or maybe just pulling the Druze out and adding some PanO to them to play them as druze first) and that will see out 2018. So I'll wait for the bandwagon bus to go past and catch the next one.
I'll wait for Infinity week to end before I might a decision to buy into the new JSA. Hopefully we get some new resculpts or units shown to give us an idea of what path CB is taking them.
Wait a tick... Aragato Are-a-gato Gato is of course Spanish for Cat The Are A Gato has Cat Ears It's not an anime reference at all, it's a pun! One relying on us all spelling "Aragoto" wrong, true, but a pun nonetheless!
It sounds a little quirkier, I guess, and avoids the repetition in the acronym. Also means it sounds clearer spoken and looks clearer written: En Ay Ay versus En Ay Too, En-Ay-Two versus "Nah".
It's something you will often see in military shorthand. Command, Control, Communications is often abbreviated to C3 (with a sub- or super-script 3) for example.
Well, Major Kusanagi's body is completely artificial, only her brain is wetware. So seeing that's the inspiration I take it this character has a reincorced LHOST body. In fact, everyone in Section-9 except Togusa is heavily augmented, so there's a decent chance the Unit-9 minis will have stats to reflect this.
See also the governing body of American collegiate sports, the NCAA, which is said out loud as En-see-double-ay. This actually adds a syllable but still sounds better and clearer than repeating the A sound.
The NAA is the counterpart to AA. "Not Alcoholics Anon." They are actually the same, but they don't go to the meetings.
The cat pun is in the Domaru. Neko Oyama. Neko is Japanese for "cat". He's not, however, a "cool cat" since he's based off some naff samurai cartoon character.
Cat is a nickname based on his tendency to cheat death. His name is Takeshi. Is there any confirmation his design is based off Mugen?