I suspect this link will be traumatic to go against. Multiple avenues of attacks without LOS (madtrap, spec shot, hacking), synergy of spotlight and LGL, sensor, mult-wound multi-burst DTW from the shotgunner for smashing whatever sensor detects, protection from enemy hackers, a specialist... it goes on and on. The Zhanying hacker can be a crane if you are feeling Gucci.
What creates the requirement that the Celestial Guard in the link be the one with the Control Device? I ask, because outside of the army builder, there's no distinction placed on that model. The Fireteam description says "Up to one Celestial Guard" but doesn't specify beyond that. I'm asking because it doesn't SEEM correct that you can put a CG Sniper in with four KS, but I don't see where the rules preventing it are.
Now if they could only come out with Zhanying! The basic Breaker one was in the Beyond Red Veil which you can possibly find but now comes with somewhat unusable Daofei HMG (dont get started on that here lol)
I'm not really sure. I just think it it's supposed to be the control device operator that needs to be in it. Then one of the KS can be replaced by a Wildcard if you want. But just because you can, you may not want to.
Breaker Zhanying in Beyond, almost useless ML in ISS starter and Hacker in blister. Hacker and breaker allow you to WYSIWYG most of wu ming and hsien teams anyway.
I'm thinking of trying out White Banner again soon and want to take a Blue Wollf. What do you think it's a good Duo? Unfortunately none of the wildcards are Engineers :( My fist thought was a SJ or TG hacker. But now I'm thinking the AP HMG Shang Ji that comes with a Tinbot. Also the SJ can somewhat keep up with the BW. Blue Wolf Duo 1 to 2 Blue Wolf 0 to 1 Adil Mehmut 0 to 1 Captain Gao 0 to 1 Lei Gong 0 to 1 Shang Ji 0 to 1 Tian Gou
Yanhuo now have DUO above the line. This means linkable Neurocinetics for the game's first burst 5 ARO as far as I am aware.
Honestly it's not that terrible. The SWC and points reductions the Yan Huo received actually make it doable. At 93pts that's a little premium end but we're talking 2W ARM8 ARO models here. Coupled with the rest of the reductions you can get a core HI link in with them too.
It could be a nice place to command token certain wildcards at the end of a turn. You wouldn't build an army around making use of this but it would be annoying to spend a turn being wailed on by APHMG Shang Jesus only for him to team up with the Yanhuo and continue mowing things down in your own turn.
Wait, what? Duo doesn't give any extra burst from what I'm reading in the new Fireteam rules. So the Neuro will still be Burst 2 in ARO and 1 in Active.
I think they will only allow FTO in fireteams or just scrap the tinbot and slap neuro on the corresponding Yan Huo.