Really, the Yan Huo in general struggles to not be that at this point. But compared to the self sufficiency of the Shang Beast, he's got some stiff competition in his role that a point cut might not be enough for. The multi functionality doesn't even really have any value because shock immunity is now a nested skill for NWI. The HRMC just barely squeaks by thanks to the +1BS and extra burst, but I still don't think that'll be enough for me to take him.
Poor Yan Huo, I had hopes for him, but it was not to be. His sacrifice so we could play Shang Jis and Liu Xings will be remembered. If only you weren't so absolutely gorgeous this would be so much easier...
Yan Huo MHMG + tinbot TacAware Zuyong + Haidao KHD is 103 pts, 1.5 SWC. If you’re bringing a tinbot KHD Haris, the Haidao and Yan Huo both move 4-4 now, so any fireteam including a Haidao alongside 6-2 HI is going to have to deal with a slow buddy anyway. Is it a better fast attack team than a Shang-ji or even Zuyong haris or core with the right wildcards? Not really. Is it gonna define a new meta? Noooooope. Is it the most optimal combination? Not really, but that’s not quite what it’s for. Does it look like fun to try out? Maybe. I’m certainly gonna give ‘em a spin. Then again, I’ve got a LI vanilla N4 list that’s basically “swarm of rambo” because you can pack Daoying LT, Mowang NCO, Hac Tao NCO, Su-Jian, Shanger of Doom, and a few support cheerleaders (evo, doc, engineer, cheap REMs) into 298 points and 6 SWC, giving effectively 11 regular, one irregular, and one TacAware order. My ideas aren’t always winners, but getting that lineup of models into one list is funsies.
Right. KHD. I added a ShangJi HD. Point still stand, however, you can bring more utility to the link (including more generous micro-movements for the main attacker) with a ShangJi APHMG. It's a very small side-grade for the utility options it brings unfortunately. I think a Yan Huo ML makes more sense and I find the prospect of good ShangJi to be quite exciting.
I don't think it's been bug-reported, but then again there's a lot of people fact-checking stats in the bug reports and it's getting a bit old.