Your feelings about Cosmoscot?

Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by Commoner1, Sep 28, 2020.

  1. Commoner1

    Commoner1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I needed a bit to realize that Cosmoflot is basically a reskin of the CHA (fully ignoring what Bostria said about its development process).

    And to be honest, I still despise the idea of Kosmoflot. But in the end I decided for myself that they're just reskinned scots with CoC who are not having Wallace as your Lt. 99.9% of the time.

    I still intend to completely ignore the moronic meme bear and use a proper Dogwarrior Model as a proxy and I will just run my scots as Cosmoflot for the foreseeable future (Spoiler: if they had just rereleased the scots I'd probably bought the entire new model range twice, just to be safe).

    So basically: I made my peace with Cosmoscot.

    Am I alone with this sentiment?
    Vandal likes this.
  2. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Possibly, especially when you start throwing terms like "moronic" around.

    I think the sectorial was unnecessary, and would rather see reworked FRRM, but what we got is what we got. I'll probably expand into Kosmoflot later in N4. Even if it does use similar building blocks to CHA.
  3. Commoner1

    Commoner1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That term was fully intended. :-)
  4. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Can we be fed up of moronic knee jerk reactions to new things instead? :P
    Solar, AdmiralJCJF, Savnock and 11 others like this.
  5. KujakuDM

    KujakuDM Vigilo Confido

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Mr. No Fun Allowed up in here. lol

    Let people enjoy their Bears! :D
    Dogface, Solar, AdmiralJCJF and 7 others like this.
  6. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    AdmiralJCJF and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  7. Hansolo

    Hansolo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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  8. Duringhzar

    Duringhzar Active Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    I must say that the concept of Kosmoflot seems interesting to me, after all it is the Ariadna Expeditionary Force only with a Russian name so that it sells more

    If it is true that USARF and TAK have been left too far apart and that they have hardly received pampering, but in Kosmoflot you have practically what in Caledonia, the fireteam of cheap troops with a hard spearhead (Volkolak + Rokot vs Volunteer+ Gray) a super heavy IP that walks alone (Kosmosoldat vs Mormaer) Wallace, Gawgellians (aka Varengian Guard) the Scot Guard (much improved though), the solitary Sniper camo (Cateran and Zenit) SAS and Uxia, with now other Duroc and Margot behind your back (poor Van zant)

    And I repeat that I really like Kosmoflot, the Volkolak seems like a troop of 10 and the Zenit seems like an interesting troop concept, the Kosmosoldat although it creates mixed feelings I find it strong (such a Mormaer please) and the mixture of fireteams gives interesting stuff

    We will see what happens in a few months with the two remaining sectors, although in Caledonia almost everything is already there, because between the Kosmoflot, the Gawgellian and the Cameronian in generic and McMurder in Corregidor and Dashat ... Will they put Wolfgang on them Amadeus Wolff?

    FRRM is the biggest mystery, there is only chasseur, Mirage and Para commandos ... I hope they give it a good rework it deserves
    A Mão Esquerda and RasPuto like this.
  9. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    [sarcasm alert]

    Wait, you think the bear is a meme, so instead you want to use... a werewolf?!? :laughing:
  10. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Ariadna even has Camo Wolfs, "where?" wolfs....

    Kosmoflot in general was born from the Campaigns, which were pretty much a yearly meme-fest...
  11. MATRAKA14

    MATRAKA14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    No he is not alone, and all opinions are valuable if expressed correctly.
    The concept was cool, really cool but I don't like kosmoflot for a list of reasons:

    It has stolen the chance of a proper caledonia or MRRF rework.
    Having a big majority of caledonia troops it feels like a way for caledonia players to keep playing with their miniatures until caledonia gets a proper rework (not just an N4 update) many, many, many, many years in to the future (MRRF is still waiting)
    The new troops feel redundant unimaginative and unnecessary. (kosmosoldat - mormaer, bear - dog warrior, zenit - scout/spetsnaz, volkolak - wulvers)
    The new troops are heavily recycled visually. Ariadna troops are already suffering a lot of this but this time is too much. When unique sculpts like the irmandinho chain rifle, dozer rifle or chasseur go out they feel like a huge blow of fresh air with awesome quality and no recycled parts.
    The spacemen sectorial has 2 spacemen (we have to see if other troops get space designs but overall kilts and space don't match that well)
    The bear is the rule of cool for some, but totally out of place for others. This thing is the answer to that random comment asking for a dog warrior with tag pieces slapped over it. Dog warriors are on the edge of silliness but are accepted because it's the exotic thing of ariadna, adding a space bearman on top is too much for some of us.
    The justice league syndrome, infinity is going into a spiral of adding must play characters everywhere and ariadna feels like this more than ever.
    Also, it has the feeling of other similar sectorials made of a mix of troops, sometimes it seems like some of those troops are there not because they fit better than others but by convenience of product line and promotion.
    They are not releasing the couple of remaining TAK sculpts before going straight to kosmoflot releases, after a year full of O12 and shas. leaving a sectorial unfinished just by a couple of blisters is a common practice and feels terrible, specially with N1 ancient sculpts.
    The logo, the damn logo is stolen from the card game star realms, it even shares the same colors...

    Don't get me wrong, If you love kosmoflot that's great, me personally I look at the past with nostalgia, maybe the game was not perfect but when the first sectorials where released they tried hard to make them as unique and special as possible. Now I see this yearly release of 3+ sectorials and think how they even plan to balance them each time they try to make an update. Or when if ever are caledonia, mrrf and usarf going to receive the amount of care they need, not to make them uber powerful and advance the power creep but to make them fit, so they feel like one special way to play equally balanced between many others.
    Obviously that's not going to happen if things keep going in this direction, and if it happens they will need to remove and release many new miniatures just to justify the investment in a free redesign.

    If you ask me that's somewhat sad. The art book one definitely feels part of another era now days.
    #11 MATRAKA14, Sep 28, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2020
  12. FreezeZ

    FreezeZ Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    The thing I dislike about kosmoflot are Bears. CB should have made TAG and give it to every Ariadnan secotrial instead. Low tech TAG would be way cooler than low tech bear. Rest are ok but they should have made new troops from CHA, MRRF and USARF for this sectorial.

    I can't compare them to CHA because I have never played the latter. But you can compare Kosmosoldat to vet kazak and Volkolak link to linke kazak+vet link. It works exactly the same.

    In the end it only shows that they have problem with creating new units for low tech faction.
  13. Alri

    Alri Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Well I will judge when Caledonia arrives in November. They could definately differ enought to justify Kosmoflot for me.

    Wallace is far more effective in CHA lists due Galws and Cateran AVA. Hoping that the Mormanears will get NWI. Immunity(AP) would be also nice fluff idea, but thats just idea. Some wildcards would be also nice.
    #13 Alri, Sep 28, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2020
    Vandal, Duringhzar, cazboab and 2 others like this.
  14. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I'm just sad TAK doesn't get the bear
    I want that bear
  15. Panzerschwein

    Panzerschwein Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    I can take nostalgie behind me. I like our real Spacescience in the present and feels cool that ariadna goes Space like present. I love that but I also hope of mrrf in the future. Only Sec I don't played in the past. Ugly minis in the past. optik is one part I like on Infinity.

    Too early for me to draw a conclusion. Some things sound cool; other disappointed. Nevertheless, I take it positively and hope for changes if it turns out that it is not enough against high-tech.
    A Mão Esquerda and Duringhzar like this.
  16. MATRAKA14

    MATRAKA14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I don't intend to offend you but I'm honestly happy with this decision.
    Tak is quite well designed on it's own. Cadin was added later because it needed to be somewhere after defiance and caledonia was heading to be partially retired of production but it doesn't fit in TAK at all.
    And if you like the bear then you can play kosmoflot. For better or worse, the bear is part of the unique things that kosmoflot has, and probably should stay like this to not make it even less unique.
    #16 MATRAKA14, Sep 29, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2020
  17. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I have no feelings about anything Ariadna.
    Apart from it's where they keep a whole bunch of armies I have no intention to ever play. Let the Rooskies, Yanks, Froggies and skirt-wearing nancies play in their sandpit and the larger universe can be ours. :p
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  18. Yvain

    Yvain Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2017
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    It would have been cool to see it as a Ariadna but sectorial faction. Basically an NA-2 specifically for ariadna. 2 unit entries and a character from each faction, the Kosmonaut and the bear, and then faction neutrals would have been enough. Would have been a good opportunity to redo some MRRF and CHA units prior to their launch. Existing units could get space themed version of the standard kind of like the winter fusiliers.

    Instead to me it has 8 literal cha units or knock off cha units. So I am in the this feels like a reskined team.
    iyaerP, Duringhzar and MATRAKA14 like this.
  19. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Agreed. I'm perfectly fine with Kazak units unique to KF. I like the bear, it's one of the reason I'll probably pick up the sectorial later on. I also agree with Cadin being a poor fit for TAK.

    I'm not sure if I agree or disagree with the CHA reskin theory. Not gonna decide it for now.

    However, I do think that some of the units shouldn't end up in KF. Especially Wallace, Caterans, and Varangians. Maybe Captain Ariadna as well. Man, I really dislike overcharged characters -_-
    Duringhzar likes this.
  20. Duringhzar

    Duringhzar Active Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    If it is true that a good unit by sector would have been good and fun and although it may be more "difficult" to do low tech in a high-tech world or that I am no one to say anything but, to give a few examples

    FRRM: Légion étrangère, an elite unit of light infantry, created from troops outside of Ariadna (mainly Nomads and Haqquislam) that after the fall of the great majority of troops in the CA attack and the Kurage crisis recruited to reform the Merovingian army

    USARF: Air Force Space Command. Yes, something that could fit perfectly in Kosmoflot. or even the Hatchet force, a human wb for our yankees

    TAK: ... really the Kosmosoldat could be, after all it belongs to the same project as the Ratnik but put new ... Tartary Intelligence Service, a troop with counterintelligence and who knows, even hidden deployment but only mimetism -3

    CHA: Gallowglass, Something in the middle between the Galweglians and the Wulver, maybe a profile with a T2 sniper rifle, Nature Born Warrior, T2 CC weapon, maybe dogged and immune to shock, ARM 2

    They are just simply things that I have been thinking, not only throughout ... this writing but for a long time

    Regarding the bear ... if it is true that it is shocking but in the role-playing book the bear bitten by antipoda is canon, I like the concept of a "Dog Warrior in armor" and I really think it will be on one of my Kosmoflot lists

    I could consider myself neutral on this matter ... in part at least, I know that Ariadna's already existing sectors deserve a bit of pampering, and I hope the remaining two receive something (I look at you Mormaer) but I think Kosmoflot is a good concept already existing in Ariadna (the expeditionary force) and that there is logic in that they are French and Caledonian troops in the background and that they have their own troops only ... that I would like them to dominate the roster (more, some character from the sectorial (The captain of the Kosmoflot, a spec ops)

    I see good and bad things about Kosmo, everything will be seeing time as it redirects things

    I think it would be nice if the Ariadne TAG was a Dog Warrior with Mormaer armor (ARM8 BTS3), with wounds instead of structure, his total immunity 2 wounds and NWI, it would be fun, although a more ... standard TAG would be the same, I also think that Kosmoflot would have been the time to implement it because it is the "technological advance"
    Rizzy and RasPuto like this.
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