Yea, been staring at that one for the last week. It's dumb. Assisted Fire from an EVO, let it shoot at 18's vs anything without Mimetism. Want to hack it? Good luck. Got an MSV2? Jazz throws down White Noise.
I have to go do a shift of customer service after losing my Hellcat HMG... not sure if I'll make it. Gecko MK12 is finally the cheaper profile like I thought it should be. I didn't expect to get what's basically a a MULTI Spitfire thou. Gecko pilot got a combi but I suspect that's a mistake. I think Jaguar Faust losing SWC was a bad idea. Good thing we have a 15 model limit. Losing Intruder Lt. is really rough. Overall very good looking changes. Can't wait to try it.
So Hellcats drop on 18s now with support ware (Phys 12 + combat jump +3 and Controlled jump), and with Carlota and tomcats, I think CJC just became the AD faction.
Well they were always kinda supposed to be. Just didn't quite get there gameplay wise. Fixed now I think!
Been playing around with some lists and EVAders are absolutely glue. They go in everywhere, keeping the links together. EVAders + Wildcards + maybe a Wildcat to make a Fireteam. Having Wildcard/Haris/Core means they a soo flexible. The three profiles I keep reaching for are the BSG + Firewall (in links with Hackers), the BSG Engineer (in links with REMs) or the AP Spitfire Engineer with Firewall (when I want it all). I'm thoroughly enjoying list building... but keep missing what could have been with Wildcats as the glue. Oh well: they seem interesting as the structure rather than the glue. HRL, Hacker and Lt are the three I'm taking most often. I need to focus on what they are rather than what they could have been. I AM running into LT issues all the time though, and miss the Intruder Lt: a 0 SWC Lt that was safe outside of a Fireteam and doesn't take up 2 spaces that I could fit Jaguars instead. So that still feels like old CJC. In particular I'm loving the Haris options. A particular favourite is Wildcat Hacker + Lupe + AP Spit/Eng EVAder looks like a fun Haris. Smoke + MSV1 in the same link + lots of anti-armour options. Most of my lists so far have been Core + Haris + Billie + Bandit/McMurder / 2 x Moran FO, 2 x Algs/Jags + Carlotta/Hellcat/Tomcat. But I've been deliberately exploring what the "MI-esque" lists feel like. They seem interesting, and playable.
I've been trying out the Vostok in a "Jaguar" core of MB Lt Multi/GL, MB BSG Tinbot, Jaguar, Daktari. With Jazz and EVO supporting it is absolutely devastating. Hitting on 18's with B4 D16, able to use Climbing Plus to get into position to scalpel out units, Jazz can toss White Noise if you run into a Visor. That plus the Moran repeater net and an assortment of support (Intruder, more Jaguars, Flashbots, etc) makes it really easy to hit 15 orders, and still have plenty of guns to deal with things.
I'm having a lot of trouble making lists. Toxicity of options if you can believe it I know what I want as my attack pieces but links evade me, and the LT question feels almost unanswerable without the Intruder Only real options I see are the Wildcat in an ARO Haris or shotgun MB, but one is too obvious and the other is pretty expensive. Almost makes me want to play vanilla instead Almost
I found that since everything else is so cheap, I didn't mind taking the MB Lt option. We have access to amazing units with rock bottom prices. Vostok, EVADER, Tomcats, Morans, Jaguars, Jazz, etc. So many Wildcards to drop link prices or to make a link that just keeps reforming.
Exactly, so much good stuff it's hard to decide, too much even Used to be my go-to link was an ARO centered one with souped up feuerbach tsyklons but now I can't do that as easily so I'm between a cheap ARO algie link or a GO FACE mixed link
@inane.imp I can’t write a list without an Evader. They’re simply incredible. I think a flexible Wildcat core with loads of wildcards makes for a great main group: you can completely swap out core and Haris composition on the fly based on what you’re playing against. gfYAEUNKQyBXaWxkIExpbmsgVi4xgSwCAQgBhgcBCAACgc4BAQADga4BBQAEga4BAwAFga4BCAAGhg8AAgAHgX4BBQAIgZUBAQACBgGBpQEBAAKBnAEBAAOBlAEDAASBlAEDAAWBlAEBAAaBkAEEAA==
Evader/Brigada options give you a choice between slotting in a spitfire or HMG depending on what you want. Brigada does cost a lot more but with a linked daktari that extra ARM and unconcious wound will be coming up a lot, so I don't feel too bad.
It’s a real pity I’ve basically swapped the MB HMG for Evader AP Spitfire in my lists because the MB is a beast now, like you said. He can run all day, get shot in the face, and get up and run again. Oh, and he looks cool doing it.
I happened to have been already experimenting with linking a Brigada HMG in a core in response to Fireteam AROs being immune to everything but brute force. I like the Brigada to be able to survive a MSR or ML hit so the extra ARM is nice. Doesn't look like that's less true in N4, so I'm just riding with that still. Sombra is a good new option by getting under their ideal range, althou I still prefer a Bandit Combi or using combat jump on a Hellcat to get close because if they die it's not a big deal. Moran can actually work now too with their new token state.
Yea, I’m really wondering if I might need to put the HMG back in some lists. Alternately, I find myself always taking Massacre, so I can also just walk right past the scary AROs and deal with them with the Bandit, Hellcat, or even Moran like you said.
Moran + Jazz gives you White Noise and allows you to walk the Vostok or AP Spitfire into range. I'm really struggling not to take 2 x Morans and Jazz in every list.
I never bought a second Moran. Hopefully we get some new ones soon, I'd like a gal that really fills her spandex.
Also, who will write "N4, The Crooked Grin Tactica smiles again!" ? I am so excited I am almost volunteering myself...