but it doesent make sense. as there is no other unit in the game having HMG/Spitfire profiles. what if they dont want Daofei to be a long range gun fighter? because CBs idea for him is a close range Camo trooper. you talk about the IA identity as a whole. this is a talk about one unit inside it. all the long range guns are still there on the frontline HI troops
as in this unit is a camo trooper ment to get up close and personal with the enemies? with his sword and spitfire as on the picture. how is that trolling? thats how I see the Daofeis design in the faction.
So literally CB can do no wrong if they do it on purpose because it's their vision. @A Mão Esquerda , this guy is trying to steal your bit.
Still maintain that this sculpt is excellent and modern enough that he'd make for one hell of a good special character candidate. Hehe, now THAT is one unit that would've been up for deletion if they had gone with use data, but instead they took it and made extensive use of it. Still, that's a lot of dud profiles. @Arkiemon look, mate, your arguments are all over the place. This miniature is not old, it's brand spanking new by Infinity standards. There's about 60 releases each year, meaning there's been about 180 releases (or SKUs) since the release of this miniature. Each faction is I think limited to 50 SKUs and I think Yu Jing was below that mark a year ago while Pan-O and Ariadna were well above it. Add in NA2 to the mix and you have about 500 SKUs to be assigned to Infinity which is around 9 years of releases before anything has their "best before date" expire. This is also a sculpt using the current look for Daofei with bleeding-edge quality as far as the Infinity range is concerned - the miniature is in no way shape or form old. Additionally, there is no need to remove this for balance. It's an under-used profile, retaining it does literally nothing for balance other than allow customers to have the opportunity to use a product they purchased. Will this matter in the long run? Depends on how they treat the Red Veil boxes. All things point to them supplying the Red Veil miniatures as a reinforcement pack and unless they replace the Daofei HMG with a different model it's going to look real silly. But we're not in the long run yet. Long run will be literal years from now. The only real way they could've done this correctly would've been to actually improve the specific load-out so that it becomes a bit more popular/useful. F.ex. if the HMG loadout were to have gained NCO or TacAware (as per playtesting showing which is more sane) to balance out that it's typically deployed where a HMG isn't all that great. In either case, that's a rant over from someone who actually do not care that this miniature can't be WYSIWYGed (I care because someone is wrong on the internet)
It doesn't really functionally change the daofei's identity whether it has a HMG or a Spitfire. The rangeband difference between the two weapons is relatively inconsequential to a trooper that has both Infiltration and a camo state, the unit just gets used as a burst 4 beatstick that is basically guaranteed to start the game in its prime range bands. Just as a sidenote both the Spitfire and the HMG profiles are actually relatively shitty on close quarter missions like the quadrant control ones. You actually take the Rifle profiles for close quarter stuff.
Yes, got me, by what objective standard could depreciating people's purchases with the effect of alienating multiple people, for no discernible benefit other than providing you with a new high horse to kiss ass from, be considered a wrong move. If only we still had prayer in school to make such grey morality clear to us. His derided CC aptitude was actually pretty handy for that, I'll miss -6 with CC from camo
if am not mistaken, I only said this miniature is 3 years old (not saying its old). and when does a miniature get considered to being old? with this new sculpts...if by standards...they will never be considered old? as all the new ones looks amazing. now if they combine the red veil into a 10 unit pack. then it will be very weird with removing it indeed. my argument is when is it okei for people for CB to change stuff? remove SKU and what not. if they can never change anything. the game will get pretty bloated in the end. PS: I find it strange how I can be wrong in asking a question on the internet? if that was pointed at me
Deprecating the purchases how? You have your miniature, you can use it in games. If anything, it rose in value due to being OOP. No discernible benefit? Sure, your whining doesn't let you see any, so there must be no benefit at all. How stupid of me to assume whiners to be capable of rational thought. Kissing ass? Not really, I just don't suffer whiners easily. I mean, sure, if you can't find any other way to insult me - you can go with that.
you don't get it at all? who is being dense now? a infiltrating camo trooper. wants to be up close on the board with its sword/boarding shotgun/Spitfire/combi+flamer dude, if thats their design idea for him? can you point out a infiltrating camo trooper that do have a HMG? if you do, I will agree with you that it dosent change its Identity. but as far as I know thous weapons mention first are what they want as a design on such a trooper. its also the reason why I think Hac Tao got a HMG and no forward deployment option, as its a hidden long range gunner, would it make sense to add a Spitfire to a Hac Tao?
To answer the question in the title, Kitbash them to have other weapons. So you can have 1 Multi Rifle DaoFei and 1 BSG DaoFei.
You're talking shit. I've seen plenty of physical and online stores that can't get rid of their museum pieces and the old sculpts stay on the Buy swap sell Facebook pages forever. There's none. You've had the chance to demonstrate it, you've not done so other than the pathetic CB can do no wrong post I've ever seen. Is the irony of whining about whining lost on you?
Dàofěi are Heavy Infantry specializing in Infiltration and Hostile Environment Survival. The Tactical Section of the White Banner combines training in infiltration techniques with the standard Heavy Infantry program. Dàofěi units receive their name, meaning ‘Bandits’, from the final test they must pass to graduate the State School for Scouts. For the test, they are abandoned in the inhospitable region of Dailing without food or weapons, and expected to survive two months surrounded by poachers, highwaymen, outlaws and the police forces of the area, who consider prospective Dàofěi the worst of all criminals. In order to survive in these lands, they must resort to banditry and pillaging, attracting the attention of the Law as well as the local criminal element, who are unwilling to share their territory with these outsiders. From that point on, the graduation test gets messy and people start to die. The survivors, callous but excellent infiltrators, are welcomed into the Dàofěi Section, where they are entrusted with missions that reproduce the conditions of their graduation, only with better weapons and support. and just think how this tiny fix would of prevented so much anger..
lets say your right and hes wrong, Isn't pointing this out kind of petty? This is a needless distraction from both of you. I tried to answer the question in the forum title but its going to be ignored with this. To try to get back on topic: "To answer the question in the title, Kitbash them to have other weapons. So you can have 1 Multi Rifle DaoFei and 1 BSG DaoFei." This will give Benkei all 3 weapons that the DaoFei has.
Your not helping. LOL (I mean that in a friendly way) Be nice. Ugh, how am I the one trying to be nice. The world has gone mad I tell you.
This would mean chopping up a donor, like a Red Veil Zuyong MULTI, and if I could Frankenstein the (undersized) HMG to it, I'd end up with one more Zuyong HMG than I would ever use. Also "Spend more" is not an attractive solution to a complaint with a product. Who's to say the Daofei MULTI RIfle profile is safe. "The Data" might come for it too.
Mate, you might be retarded I'd get that checked out. Spitfires aren't close range weapons and neither are Daofei particularly good at that job in general. They're also pretty shite in close combat the last thing anybody wants to do with them is use their sword, they don't have a combi flamer? And yeah you could add a Spitfire profile to a Hac Tao and nobody would bat an eyelid. It's a burst 4 gun on a beatstick camo model. It's not exactly what you'd call revolutionary. You seem to have this fascination with HMGs and Spitfires (and Red Furies for that matter) being treated as wildly different equipment which in terms of gameplay really just isn't a thing. They each have their own spin but mechanically they get used the same way as high burst weapons on gunfighting platforms.