There are a lot of players who play only one faction. And so if they just played Yu Jing, and had some JSA models... now they're being told that they *permanently* can't use some of those models together. Which is different than the things you suggested; for my part I don't put the "must run TAGs for full OPs" in my tournaments because it shuts out plenty of factions/sectorials. And remember, listening to MayaCast makes you dumber and get rules wrong more often :-D
No. I don't have a problem with what they've done so far. I'm pretty hyped. Also Being a paying customer means that they should do what I say right?
@Mahtamori, I think no one says YJ won't be affected, because it's pretty obvious it will be. We argue that it won't get nerfed. Just as you've said - the sky isn't falling. We don't know yet where all the pieces will fall. Yes, people playing vanilla YJ will end up with models for an unaligned faction. It's still a far better situation the people playing Exrah found themselves in. I wouldn't be upset in this situation, but yes, I understand some people find this change annoying and I'm not arguing their right to do so. I'm just saying the world isn't ending. And seriously, I hardly doubt it'll be the only bomb from CB this year, I expect they want to piss other faction' players too :P
Well, except for PanO. We’ll always get to use all of our minis exactly how we want, rather than have to accept new and equally valid ways to play them.
I agree. What's the point on issuing a statement. You're gonna find out from the news releases anyway and issuing a statement just removes all of the hype and advertising of this lore/release event
The risk of model collections being invalidated has already removed the "hype" from a lot of people. Plus I, as a human being and not a company serf, have no particular investment in the hype or marketing plan. If the plan is to restrict information from me... then I'm against the plan.
It’s not your information to make decisions about, neither how, when, nor what is said. Beyond that, nothing is being invalidated. You own the mini, you can use the mini. Can you use it in the accustomed way? In all likelihood, no. And?
And if CB had an answer to defuse that, I'm sure they'd give it. Which leads me to believe that the truth of the matter is as people are fearing.
I haven't signed an NDA myself. It's not illegal for *me* to leak anything on the topic (not that I have any insider information). And to be frank, if CB is shooting from the hip and invalidating people's model collections then I think the information should have been leaked a year ago when they decided on this to let people inform their purchases. The company dickriding just comes off as servile and pathetic.
Well, like I wrote, there is no way removing miniatures is not a nerf to the main faction, unless we are talking truly disused units (and we are not). Personally I probably won't play Yu Jing vanilla until adequate replacement miniatures are released and I'm hoping that this gap in time will be short. I'll probably go JSA in the meanwhile, since I like the basic gist of how they play, but there's some minor annoyances that I'm hoping Section9 or Delegate will fill. So yeah, sky isn't falling, it's gonna be annoying for a short time, but it's not actually improved by the condescending tone of non-YJ players explaining from high above why people's concerns are not valid. To be perfectly honest with you, I'm going to be most annoyed of all if Ninjas don't get replaced with an appropriate Yu Jing TO Infiltrator- that is above all what I'm hoping for. I'm beginning to find the idea of Ninjas staying to be more and more uninspiring, but at the same time the KHD profile is a tactically critical profile for both YJ and ISS to a degree that I can't express by comparing it to any other faction's profile - not even Joan compares. And it's not even a very efficient profile. As for more upsets in other factions; certainly hope so - to a point. I really wouldn't want NA2 to become a dumping ground and I'd really not wish it upon someone's collection to go the way of the Exrah.
That doesn't mean @Hecaton has to like every change, especially if he can't do something he had fun doing in the past. If most of my practice was with Vanilla Yu Jing I'd probably be pretty pissed. Me personally, I felt sick every time I racemixed, even though I have extra Keisotsu in State Army colours. I am looking forward to not feeling like I am intentionally gimping myself when I use Zhanshi engineers, hackers and doctors. But I can understand not everyone has the same hang up. Here's a bright side, seeing as I always played pure Chinese or JSA, I am looking forward to the possibility of getting both JSA and Yu Jing releases in the same month from here on in. If Yu Jing releases freeze while Japs trickle out, then I will be pissed off.
I can understand the sentiment, I cannot understand the language used. So wait for the answers, Monday starts the themed week.
If WarCors and other insiders got given information that what I said isn't the case, I have no reason to "play nice" and act like I trust the people involved. "Sit down, shut up, and be advertised to, and don't say anything out of line" is the height of disrespect.
While I do understand your fear regarding the new rules, it makes no difference either way. New things are coming and we'll know the details very soon. None of us are entitled to any sort of preliminary statements from CB's side.
You mean like a full week of coverage on Beasts of War? Look, I get that a lot of players are upset but to be honest that's mostly due to a leak which you can't really blame CB for. How about we all relax for a week and wait until we have more facts to go on before deciding to charge CB HQ with torches and pitchforks?
So, if we wait, and get the details, and it turns out the sky is really falling, will everyone apologize or will they keep acting like "nah, they are just overexagerating everything"? Hipothetically. Asking for a friend.
Apologize for what? Anyway, I don't think much is going to happen. People will just go about their hobby as usual.
Calling Yu Jing players moaners, paranoids, hyperbolics and all the other lovely "you shouldn't cry before knowing the truth" messages that we have had the delight to see on the forums. The ones that were much more numerous than the "how dare you CB" ones.